12 Mar 2014

My Dad

Aku merindukan dia
Dia pergi tanpa pesan,
Tanpa salam perpisahan.
Aku rindu kasih sayangnya.
Dia ada saat pertama aku melihat,
Mendengar, berbicara dan memanggilnya
Aku mencintainya walau kesalahan-kesalahan itu
Sempat membuatku sangat membenci dia....
Dia pria pertama yang mencintaiku....
Dia bukan Ayah yang sempurna tapi semangat
Dan kasih sayang yang dia berikan membuat dia
Sempurna di mataku....
Dia adalah ayah terbaik bagiku...

My Dad.

I missed him
He went without a words,
No goodbyes.
I miss the affection.
He is the first time I saw,
Hearing, speech and called him
Daddy ...
I love him despite the errors that
He made me hate him ....
He was the first guy who loves me ....
He's not perfect but it's the spirit of Father
And the affection which he gave
make him perfect in my eyes ....
He was the best father to me ...

My Dad.

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