22 Aug 2014

The Birthday Wishes

When the doctor said you wouldn't pass 3 days of life, I was so sad and cried. But you made it, sweetheart  Then the doctor punished you for 2 weeks of life, 3 months, 2 years, and so on ... but look at you now ... hhhmmm, you are 31, what a miracle!!! ... see how God works in you. You always make me proud. Everybody says that I'm a super mom, but I'm not. It is because we have Almighty God who blessed you richly and I thank and praise Him all the time for you.

Happy marvelous birthday my lovely daughter. May God keeps protecting you, blesses you and makes you a channel of blessing. May He gives you happy long life. Let your light keep shinning, your spirit to serve the Lord keeps burning, and show the world that you are God's daughter. I love you soooooo much. GBU

This is what my mom write in Facebook on my birthday.
I cry when I read it, but I'm happy to have God and my Mom in my life....

I thank God for the miracle he has given me since I was born until now....
I thank God for all that has happened in my life
I thank God because I was given a good mother and a very loving and caring for me, and led me to be the daughter of God as it is now.
My mom she is the best mother in the world ....
And God is the father of all the best father that I have.

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