18 Oct 2014

Life As A Cerebral Palsy.

Living with cerebral palsy
What is the meaning of my life if I am disabled with cerebral palsy?
The world looked at me with one eye.
what can be done with a cerebral palsy? nothing. right?
Well, I want to show you something!
I have a heart just like you,
I think the same way like you, normal people.
Then, can I serve the Lord with cerebral palsy?
What do you think about that?
How can I serve with my limitations?
Look at the pictures below.

What can you see?
Am I great?
I tell you, no! I am nothing!
He is a great God, Jesus works in me.
Without the Lord Jesus I am nothing!
He greatly influenced my life greatly!
He can do everything, that I never imagined before.
In the past I was longing to serve the Lord as I'm doing now.
And all my dreams come true.
He who greatest of all that great.
There is no reason to boast my myself
Because he has worked in me.
My life would not be like this if I was born normal like you
Maybe if I was born normal I could disobey my mother
Could be, I'm a bad girl, drug users, bitch girl and so forth.
Because I know what I am. I knew what would happen if my body was perfect.
So, regardless of my current situation I'm grateful for God to make me His child.

The grace of the Lord gave me the most beautiful is my mother, my brother, my sister who took care of me and my friends in Bethesda Penca Ministry.
Thank you for guiding me that it's nothing to be someone who be useful to others and especially to the Lord.

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