24 Apr 2015

17014 pageviews - 227 posts

Wow! It's 17014 pageviews - 227 posts,
Praise the Lord! Lets praise Him for this.
Thank you Lord Jesus for giving me the inspiration so I can write a beautiful poem and stories
I thank God for giving me this talent and giving me a wonderful family and friends that always support me.
And specialy for the readers around the world thank you for read my poem and stories. Thank you verymuch.
May God bless us with His grace every moment in the life. ^_^

22 Apr 2015

Lord Jesus You are the best in my life

You are so amazing
Unceasingly I admire
I was amazed at all of your grace
Every day full of gratitude in Thee
Your miracles not make me perfect
Your miracle is making me the cerebral palsy
Can serve you in my limitations.
Lord Jesus You are the best in my life

Engkau sangat mengagumkan
Tak henti-hentinya aku mengagumiMu
Aku kagum pada semua anugerah-Mu
Setiap hari penuh rasa syukurku pada-Mu
Mujizat-Mu bukan membuat aku sempurna
Mujizat-Mu adalah membuat aku yang cerebral palsy
Bisa melayaniMu dalam keterbatasan ku.
Tuhan Yesus Kaulah yang terbaik dalam hidupku

17 Apr 2015

He is so amazing!

His love makes me amazed
I was amazed when I learned to trust
I was amazed when I give my life to Him
I was amazed at the sight of his works in me.
In my limitation He showed me that His love is infinite.
In my limitations He showed His wonderful promise to me and it definitely!
again and again He impressed me and I am proud to have an infinite Lord within my limitations
Many miracles have happened since I was born into the world I should be dead but I'm alive
Born with cerebral palsy should make me can not serve him but I can serve Him.  He is so amazing!
So how could I not celebrate, how could I not bless His name singing out a song of love and thanks and praise for what He have done in my life

14 Apr 2015

Kasih Tuhan Itu...

Tak terbatas
Kadang manusia
Meragukan kasih itu 
Mengapa mereka ragu?
Mengapa tak percaya?
Mereka pikir berkat-Nya
Adalah kekayaan dunia ini
Mereka mau berkat itu adalah
Kesenangan dunia yang tak ada gunanya
Padahal setiap nafas hidup yang mereka rasakan
Adalah berkat terbesar yang Tuhan berikan pada semua manusia
Kasih Tuhan dalam hidup adalah berkat terindah yang tak bisa terganti
Kasih Tuhan itu lebih dari berkat yang kita terima setiap saat dari-Nya

13 Apr 2015

Saat terindah

Saat terindah
Adalah saat berdoa
Saat dimana kita hanya dengan Tuhan
Menceritakan segala yang terjadi setiap hari
Saat tak ada seseorang yang mau mendengar
Curahan hati dan keluh kesah kita tak ada yang
Lebih besedia mendengar itu selain Tuhan Yesus
Saat terindah adalah saat merasa Yesus ada dekat
Saat mengucap syukur atas semua yang telah diberikanNya
Saat itulah saat Dia menyentuh hati dan jiwapun tenang karena Dia.
Saat terindah adalah saat bersama dengan-Nya, memuji dan melayani-Nya.

About thee, O Lord, I could write everything

If I contemplate
Everything what you have done in my life
An endless sense of gratitude to you,
O Lord Thy infinite power in everything.
I wrote a love poem to someone,
But it will be more beautiful if I wrote a poem about Your grace
About You, O Lord, I could write for forgiveness
About You, O Lord, I could write Your sacrifice on the cross
About You, O Lord, I can write all the miracles that You have given me
About thee, O Lord, I could write down everything that was never seen by the world's

10 Apr 2015

Why I'm different?

One day I asked the Lord:
Why I'm different?
Why I was born with cerebral palsy?
He replied:
Because I love you
I made you to show the world my love
So that my name be glorified through you
I who created you
I knew what would happen if you were born perfectly
You will follow those who love the pleasures of the world
You will not want to hear my call to follow me, and preach the gospel.
Would you still want to regret being born with cerebral palsy?
And I answered the Lord: No Lord,
I will never regret being born with cerebral palsy
Because I know Your plan is more beautiful than a dream

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