6 May 2015

O Lord be your will in my life

Thou do something
That I never imagined
Everyday thou show thy love to me
I adore thee with all things that happen in my life
Even bitter and reality make distress in my heart
You have always given me the reassure comfort of my heart
Love and thy faithful there for me every moment in my life
Thou knowest what is best in my life. so,
O Lord be your will in my life
Whatever Thou do O Lord in my life it is best for me and the people that Thou love
Lord Jesus, Thy love never discharged for everyone who love Thee
Thou have lured my heart with all that Thou have done,
And that's make me want to give my life and my heart to Thee
O Lord I fill my soul in Thy hands forever so Thou alone are entitled to my life

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