Help me
Too many things that will
Obstructing me to serve Thee
I want all of the Loved One,
and all the Loving me, support me
To continue to serve you, my Lord
But they are all too stranger to me
Your promise as seems impossible to me
And it seems they do not want to see me in your service
Lord help me, please.... Help me Lord Jesus, Please help me!
Tolong aku
Terlalu banyak
Hal yang ingin Menghalangiku
Untuk melayani-Mu
Aku ingin semua yang Kucintai,
dan semua yang Mengasihi aku, mendukungku
Untuk tetap melayani-Mu ya Tuhanku
Tapi mereka terlalu asing bagiku
Janji-Mu seolah terlihat mustahil bagiku
Dan sepertinya mereka tidak mau melihat aku melayaniMu
Tolong aku Tuhan, tolong aku.... Tolong aku Tuhan Yesus, Tolong bantu aku!
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