11 Jul 2015

BeTheSDA Penca Ministry

This is my second family ....
The family that God has given to me
A family in God...
When the Sabbath came, a sense of joy will always be felt in the heart
Because I would go into the house of the Lord and serve Him together with God's family.
Here, I feel the love of God through them,
Here, I could feel how the joy of serving the Lord Jesus
Here, I see the works of God revealed in me and the friends who Disabled.
We do not call volunteers to families who want to work together to push our wheelchair and carrying us who was paralyzed, who leads the blind and lame.
For us they are a family and they are referred to as the families of the Disabled. Their affection was like our own family.
Not only our relationship with the family of Disabled, We also a fellow of Disabled has been like a family.
I thank God that I may be part of a big family BeTheSDA Penca Ministry.
Hopefully BeTheSDA Penca Ministry always shine the light of God's love wherever we go

1 comment:

Alvin Victor Pandiangan said...

Apakah saya boleh minta file atau data khotbah mbak yang di gereja galilea, yang bertema facebook?

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