15 Oct 2015

You are the hope of my life

If I could choose,
I would not born this way
But I know Thou created me
There is a wonderful plan for me
He touched my heart with Thy love
Even though I can't know my future
But I know Thou will always be with me
Maybe I ever doubted Him
But He always called me His child
I often
Why Lord?
Why did you choose me to be yours?
Why did you choose me to serve Thee?
Who am I?
I'm only human, full of sin.
I'm a worthless
That's me in the eyes of all people
But you make me precious to Thee.
You are the hope of my life, My Lord!
Thou art Lord who will always hold my hand
And Thou art who will always lead me in the way of your truth
Stay with me, my Lord, for you are my hope and my life assurance

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