12 Nov 2015

A Poem For The Father's

In my life I have 3 Dad Jesus Christ, Eddy Antou,and Danny Lawrence... People may said my dad is a bad dad, but I know in his heart he really loves me so much....
He may not be with me now but I have another dad and he love me so much....
But I know I always have my Father in heaven, He is a special Father because He will always be with me and never leave me.....
People may say I don't have a good Dad but they are not realize that I have Jesus as my good Father and I'm happy to have Him in my life.
I don't care what anyone says about me and my dad the only one thing I know that the Lord give me a good Dad even though he is not the good person...
There is one thing I know that if there is not my dad  I will not to be born in this world, that's why I believe that the Lord always love me because He gave me a good parent in this world....

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