31 Dec 2015

Because Forever Only Thee That We Have

Is the last day
In year 2015
The days were full of joy
A day where there is sorrow
The days when we serve
Everything has gone through because of Thou
Always there be with and bless
The new year is coming
Keep Thou shine for thy glory through us Thine own people
Forgive us our sins and stay with us because forever only Thee that we have
We know Thy coming is very soon and Thine kingdom is near so soon we will
See Thy face and we will live with Thee our Heavenly Father the King Of kings
O we longing for that day... So come O Lord Jesus we still await Thy coming 

29 Dec 2015

Lord Jesus Really Touched My Heart

This time the Lord Jesus
Really touched my heart
My faith gently grow
Because His love for this world
It's made me realize
Come before Him I don't even deserve
To serve Him I have really not deserve
He made me become worthy to Himself
Made me to be worthy to come before Him
And He made me to be worthy to serve Him
His love more wonderful than I ever imagined

25 Dec 2015

Aku percaya pada-Nya

Kau tahu
Apa yang ada
Dalam pikiranku
Saat ini hatiku berkata
Dia tak pantas diragukan
Banyak cerita fiksi saat ini
Mengagungkan si jahat dan
Berkata Dia tidak pernah ada
Tuhan Yesus tidak pernah ada
Iblis ingin kita melupakan Tuhan Yesus
Tapi untukku Dia ada, Dia nyata untukku
Berkat-Nya nyata untuk semua manusia
Dia lahir, tumbuh sebagai manusia dan Dia
Menjadi korban penghapus dosa semua manusia
Apapun yang mereka katakan untukku Dia adalah Tuhan
Dia adalah Juruselamatku yang selalu mengasihi aku apapun yang terjadi
Aku percaya pada-Nya, sampai kapanpun aku akan selalu percaya pada-Nya

Let's praise Lord Jesus

Let's praise
Lord Jesus
Let's people
Praise His name
Let's praise The Lord
Because He given us His Son
Let's be happy because we have
Jesus Christ our Lord inside our heart
Let's thank the Lord because He born
In this world to be our precious saviour

22 Dec 2015

Happy Mother's Day Mom

commemorate the
Mother's Day
My mother may
Not staying here anymore
But still my mother is Indonesian
She also the daughter of an Indonesian hero
And I'm proud to have a mother like her. A daughter of God.
Mother always taught me to be faithful to the Lord with her attitude.
No matter what happens in her life, she still showed faithful attitude to the Lord
She's the one who taught me how to be faithful to serve the Lord as long as we live no matter what happens in a life.
She's the one who taught me how to love our enemy though they've really made us in deep pain we must forgive and pray for them.
My Mom is the best mom in the world. why? Because she always make her children be near to the Heavenly Father in everyday, every hour, every moment in life

17 Dec 2015

Let my heart praise Thee

Let my heart praise Thee
With a poem to The Lord
O Son Of God
I want to give my ear to heard Thy voice
I want to give my heart so I could love Thee
And I could keep in my heart Your commandment
There is none like Thee, who is the savior more than Thee
I want to give my life to Thee let Thy work happens in my life
There is none like Thee Because Thou art The King of Kings
I want to bless thee in all my life for Thou art my Lord and my King

16 Dec 2015

There Is None Like You by: Shani Judd-Diehl

I really like this song
Every time I hear it
Made me realize there's none like Jesus

I come to the garden alone
while the dew is still on the roses
and the voice I hear
falling on my ears
the Son of God discloses

There is none like you
No one else can touch my heart like you do
I can search for all eternity Lord
and find there is none like you

You speak and the sound of your voice
is so sweet the birds hush their singing
and the melody that you gave to me
within my heart is ringing

When you walk with me
and you talk with me
and tell me I am you're own
and the joy we share
as we tarry there
none other has ever known


14 Dec 2015

Don't Be Proud

Don't be proud of what you have done. 
Be proud of God who has granted you that talent
God know your heart and He see it, 
Give Him glory from your heart He will give you grace
His Word will never fail it is our victory and strength
Put His word in your heart, in your mouth and in your actions and fight the devil
Fight the devil his temptation is pleasures of this world, to make you against God
Every crime is the delight of our hearts because we often let the devil take control of our heart
Let's us give our lives to Jesus sits at his feet and take cover in Him we'll see the miracles happen in life
For in him we are safe and in Him there will always be a joy even if we are in a temptation
Don't proud of the wealth that you have because all you have is belongs to the Lord and that's all will come back to Him

13 Dec 2015

My Jesus I Love Thee

I really love this song
Every time I sing this song
My love to Jesus in my heart will
Overflow all over my body and soul

My Jesus I Love Thee

My Jesus, I love Thee,
I know Thou art mine;
For Thee all the follies of sin I resign;
My gracious Redeemer, my Savior art Thou;
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

I love Thee because Thou hast first loved me,
And purchased my pardon on Calvary’s tree;
I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow;
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

I’ll love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death,And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath;
And say when the death dew lies cold on my brow,
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

In mansions of glory and endless delight, I’ll ever adore Thee in heaven so bright;
I’ll sing with the glittering crown on my brow,
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

11 Dec 2015

Thy majesty

Thy majesty
More than the kings of the world
Learn about Thee makes me amazed
Make me realize that Thou are the great than the greater
Lord Thou art the Amazing God there is no God like thee
I Thank to thee for the life, for the great love Jesus Christ my Savior
I love you Lord, with all my heart and soul I want to praise thou greatest
For Thou art my Lord and no other than thee forever in the life time

7 Dec 2015

Everything to me

If I write
About Thy greatness
Will never be enough words
That I raised in praise Thy greatness,
Almighty God
I so adore thee in my heart
I want to express my admiration
More than anything thee for my life
More than anything thee in all things
More than anything thee within my limitations
O Lord, my God! You are everything to me
All my life I want to always be with thee O Father

2 Dec 2015

I Want To See Thy Face

Lord Jesus
I want to see Thee
Thou often appears in my dreams
But I never see Thy face
I want to see Thy face that I always missed
Take me with Thee because I've seen it all faint
Let me always on Thy side and always looked Thy face
Because I believe I am safe if I close to Thee
I believe thy face is the face of love
Maybe I just see your face in a faint
But I believe that one day when Thou come
I will see Thy face with no a faint again
Thy love make me amaze
Thy love make me strong
Thy love make me brave
Thou art everything in my life
I give my heart, my life, my all to thee
Because I know Thou art my comfort in my distress
Thou are my Lord that I praise every night and day
Thou will always there in my life because forever Thou art my Lord

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