26 Dec 2016

Jesus! I Can Never Throw Away

 I may throw away
A dark past,
I may throw away
All the things most precious in this life
I may throw away all which is the most important thing
In my life but one that can't I throw awayis
My belief in Him can't I throw away.
I can never throw away Him.
He's the most valuable thing, from the
The most valuable that I have today.
He could never be replaced.
Everyone left me but
He was never the slightest left me
For the world I'm worthless, but  I'm the same for Him
He never distinguished me
Many people who distinguished me from the others.
I love him more than my beloved in this world.
I miss her more than I missed in this world.
I worship Him more than people whom I adore in this world
Although the family became the most difficult barriers, I would never resign to Him
Even if they tried to silence me, I would never retreat to witness for Him.
I will surrender to Jesus, I will never gave up, to serve Him to worship Him.

If The Father Doesn't Love us

If the father doesn't love us
He may not give His only begotten Son
To born in cattle sheds and crucified
The love of God has been proven and no one can dispute
Because of His love is so great that He has given His Son
So that whoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life.
Father loves us so much that He was willing to give His Son, that's the best of His Love
There's no better love than the love of God the Father for all of us who have sinned are saved by Him
Today almost all the Christians of the world celebrate Christmas, but, what the real meaning of Christmas? Was Jesus really born today?
Did Jesus exist only in the heart only every Christmas? Or everyday you invite Him into your heart?
Jesus Christ was not born on December 25th. Nobody knows when the date of birth of the Savior but He actually was born and he was really there.
Jesus Christ is real and His promises are sure. He would have come immediately without suspending the time

Jika Bapa tidak mengasihi kita
Tidak mungkin Dia memberikan anak-Nya yang tunggal
Lahir di kandang ternak dan mati disalib
Kasih Allah telah terbukti dan tak ada yang dapat membantah
Karena Kasih-Nya yang begitu besar diberikan-Nya AnakNya yang tunggal
Supaya barang siapa yang percaya kepadaNya Tidak binasa melainkan beroleh hidup yang kekal.
Bapa begitu mengasihi kita sehingga Dia rela memberikan anakNya, itulah yang terbaik dari Kasih-Nya
Tak ada kasih yang lebih baik dari pada kasih Allah Bapa untuk kita semua yang telah berdosa yang telah diselamatkan olehNya
Hari ini hampir semua orang Kristen di dunia ini merayakan hari natal, tapi, apakah arti natal yang sesungguhnya? Apakah Yesus benar-benar lahir hari ini?
Apakah Yesus hanya ada dalam hati hanya setiap hari natal? Ataukah setiap hari engkau mengundang Dia masuk ke dalam hati?
Yesus Kristus tidak lahir tanggal 25 Desember.  Tak ada yang tau kapan tanggal lahir Sang Juruselamat tapi Dia benar-benar lahir dan Dia benar-benar ada.
Yesus Kristus itu nyata dan janjiNya adalah pasti.  Ia pasti akan datang segera tanpa menangguhkan waktunya

23 Dec 2016

If Jesus Came Today

If Jesus came today
Is it such a surprise or joy
I do believe that my Lord's promise is certainly!
Since childhood belief was inculcated in my heart
Since childhood I kept waiting for him to come from heaven
But strangely enough I never tired of waiting for him 
But Am I ready for His coming? Do I deserve to go into His holy kingdom?
Does all the people I love to be there with me rejoice with the Lord in His Kingdom?
The happiest day when Jesus came to pick up his people back to his dwelling in heaven.

21 Dec 2016

Because of His love

Because of His love, He has given to me a good mother
Because of His love, He has given me a mother who has always loved me
He has given me a mother who never gave up, the mother who always fought for
Because of His love,  He has given to me a very best mother who always be there for me 
Because of His love that He gave me a great mother in the world
She always loved me, always be a good friend for me,  she is my feet to walk, my hands to do all things
She always be excited if I tell I will serve at the churches, and she will help me to be a good servant of God.
She is my everything....  
I'm thankful to God for He make me born from this wonderful woman
He given me a greatest mother in the world and that's why I really thankful to Him
I never see a good mother like my mom she is like an angel for me she is a great mom of mine
Maybe if I was born with other women I never imagined how my life would be within the limitations
I will always love my mom because I know she was a given by God for me

13 Dec 2016

As long as I have this this passion

Now I understand
About something
I know my passion is
To serve the Lord
As long as I have this
Passion in my heart
I will always serve my Lord
This is my dream for all my life
This is my desire to always be
The daughter of the Lord forever
As long as I have a faith in the Lord
I will always serve my Lord for all my life
I know I always have a faithful God and
I will choose to be faithful to Him forever
Even though there are many hurdles I will keep serving God
I know He created me to be His person to proclaimed His word
To tell to the world about His love for all human beings though we are not worthy
But with His love we were free from sin and we are loved enough to be a child of God
Love and believe in Him and He will enough for you and me in this life for all time

I need Thee

I need Thee
To be my father
I need Thee
To renew my life
I Thy love every day
Every single time
I need Thee to be everything
I just want to be your daughter
O Lord I am so thankful for what
You have done since I was born untill now
I think having a love one can make me happy
But when I'm with You I'm more happy than having a love one
Lord I love you I know that You are my faithful friend who always be there for me
I thankful every day for You are my Lord for am a sinner person and You saved me by Your grace
You touch my heart everyday with thy soft and sweet love for me, You always have a love for me
I need Thee to make me feel better with my limitations in my life forever so I can always show to the world that my God is always there for me

9 Dec 2016

Sitting at the Feet of Jesus

  1. Sitting at the feet of Jesus,
    Oh, what words I hear Him say!
    Happy place! so near, so precious!
    May it find me there each day;
    Sitting at the feet of Jesus,
    I would look upon the past;
    For His love has been so gracious,
    It has won my heart at last.
  2. Sitting at the feet of Jesus,
    Where can mortal be more blest?
    There I lay my sins and sorrows,
    And, when weary, find sweet rest;
    Sitting at the feet of Jesus,
    There I love to weep and pray;
    While I from His fullness gather
    Grace and comfort every day.
  3. Bless me, O my Savior, bless me,
    As *I sit low at Thy feet; [*I’m waiting]
    Oh, look down in love upon me,
    Let me see Thy face so sweet;
    Give me, Lord, the mind of Jesus,
    Keep me holy as He is;
    May I prove I’ve been with Jesus,
    Who is all my righteousness.

6 Dec 2016

Tuhan Yesus Engkaulah Layak Disembah

Tuhan Yesus
Aku melayani-Mu karena Kasih-Mu
Tak pernah terlintas di dalam hatiku
Untuk menyombongkan diriku karena
Engkau yang membuat aku seperti saat ini
Engkau adalah Pencipta yang Agung dan Mulia
Aku hanyalah manusia ciptaan yang lemah
Yang tak mengerti apa yang sedang Engkau rencanakan bagiku
Kadang apa yang aku inginkan dalam hidupku berbeda dengan Kehendak-Mu
Dan aku mulai lelah dan bosan menyembah Engkau padahal aku yang tak pernah mengerti pikiranMu
Mungkin yang Engkau berikan kepadaku itulah yang terbaik untukku dan rancangan-Mu adalah sempurna adanya
Seharusnya aku tak berhak untuk mendapatkan kasih yang berharga itu karena dosaku yang sangat besar
Tapi Engkau datang ke dunia ini mati terhina untuk menebus segala dosa dunia ini. Engkau menjadi Juruselamatku seumur hidupku
Tuhan Yesus Engkaulah yang layak untuk disembah yang Mulia dan Ajaib Yang kasih setiaNya tak pernah berkesudahan sampai selama-lamanya
posted from Bloggeroid

5 Dec 2016

This Blog is My Dream

Everyone has a dream
And I have a dream too
This blog is my dream
No one is without a dream
I can be what I dreamed of
I thankfully to God because
I can created this blog to tell you
About Jesus Christ and His love
Thank you for all the help and support
To make my life more joy and peace of mind
I never thought that I was having a blog like this
Even all the way is too hard for me to write but I
Try to do my best to make it happen and good to read

posted from Bloggeroid

Imam Al-Masih, sahabat dekat Rasulullah SAW

Ini adalah sebuah posting yang saya ambil dari facebook teman saya k'Danial Sutami. Dengan izin dari k'Danial saya post article ini. 
 Saya rindu untuk membagikan postingan ini kepada para readers blog saya... Saya harap siapapun yang membaca artikel ini semoga bermanfaat dan terbuka pintu hatinya ketika membaca artikel di bawah ini.

Kurang lebih 2000 tahun lalu, ada seorang tukang kayu biasa yang melakukan hal-hal fenomenal bagi warga marjinal namun kontroversial bagi ulama-ulama mapan dan terkenal. Ia menyembuhkan orang sakit, membuat orang lumpuh berjalan, orang buta melihat, mentahirkan penderita kusta, mengusir setan yang merasuk, dan bahkan membangkitkan orang mati.

Beliau mendobrak ritual-ritual ibadah yang tampak saleh diluar namun tak berdampak pada akhlak. Ketika semua umat pada umumnya puasa, beliau dan pengikutnya tidak berpuasa. Beliau memetik gandum dan memberi makan pengikutnya yang lapar serta menyembuhkan orang yang sakit pada hari Sabat, hari yang disucikan kaumnya. Dengan melakukan itu ia menempelak para ulama tepat di pusat ibadah mereka.

Beliau muak dengan kemunafikan para ulama kaumnya, dan kasihan melihat bagaimana banyak umat yang buta karena mereka pun dituntun oleh ulama yang buta...mata rohaninya.

Segera beliau dilabeli 'penista agama' dan oleh karenanya harus dibunuh.

Atas prakarsa para ulama dan umat yang terhasut, si penista agama ini pun diadili. Dari segi akhlak dan perbuatan dia tak bercela, namun kesalahannya cuma satu: menista agama.

Pengadilan Roma pun bingung hendak mendakwanya dengan tuduhan apa. Namun karena tekanan yang masif dari ulama dan warganya, sang penguasa mengikuti keinginan mereka.

Sang penista pun dihukum mati.

Ada yang bilang beliau tidak mati namun diselamatkan langsung oleh Tuhan, sebagian lagi meyakini beliau mati namun bangkit tiga hari setelahnya baru diangkat oleh Tuhan.

Namun semuanya sepakat pada satu hal: "Sang penista agama" itu sekarang hidup bersama Tuhan di Surga. Tak sembarang orang mendapatkan kehormatan itu. Dan mungkin cuma satu-satunya saat ini sebelum kelak dunia berakhir.

Karena beliau disebut sebagai sosok "yang terkemuka di dunia dan di akhirat."

Beliau adalah Imam Al-Masih, sahabat dekat Rasulullah saw. Kalau Allah, Qur'an dan Rasulullah saja memuliakannya, tidakkah memang sudah sepantasnya kalau saya juga melakukan hal yang sama?

Wrote By:
Danial Sutami

posted from Bloggeroid

2 Dec 2016

RancanganMu indah bagi hidupku

DarahMu sucikanku
Begitu mulia kematianMu
Juruselamatku yang penuh kasih
Begitu indah dan mengagumkan
Yang Engkau berikan kepada dunia ini
Engkau berikan suatu yang tidak bisa
Di berikan dunia ini padaku.
Engkau berikan kepada kami yang terindah
Sekalipun itu terlihat tak seindah yang ku bayangkan
RencanaMu indah pada waktunya dan ku percaya itu adalah yang terbaik untukku
FirmanMu itu berkata kepadaku:
  Seperti tingginya langit dari bumi, demikianlah tingginya jalan-Ku dari jalanmu dan rancangan-Ku dari rancanganmu. Yesaya 55:9 (TB)
Tak bisa ku selami rancanganMu dalam hidupku yang dengan penuh keterbatasan ini
Engkau adalah Tuhan yang ajaib yang menciptakan langit dan bumi yang juga menciptakan aku
Aku percaya Engkau memiliki rancangan yang indah bagi hidupku

29 Nov 2016

Sevent Day Adventist

I'm not proud to be one of the Sevent Day Adventist
I proud to be in this church because I have knowledge the truth of Jesus through this church
We all know that the people are not will have to be saved because you are in the some church
We will saved if we believe that Jesus Christ is our savior and we surrender all the way to Jesus Christ
I believe faith in Jesus will save me from this world and I will be there forever with my greatest Savior Lord Jesus.
Jesus is the reason why I'm in this church because I believe of what the teaching is about the words of God that is a Bible.
So how can I can't believe in this church? I know that the truth are there in this church so I want to know more and more about Jesus with the people in this church.

17 Nov 2016

Trust God

Kita terlahir
Mengasihi Tuhan
Kita dilahirkan untuk
Menyatakan kemuliaan nama Tuhan
Tak perduli kau terlahir kaya atau miskin
Tak perduli kau terlahir sempurna atau cacat
Nama Tuhan yang maha mulia itu harus dinyatakan dalam dirimu
Nama Tuhan Yesus yang indah yang telah menjadi penebus dosa-dosa manusia
Harus diakui oleh semua orang yang sudah dibebaskan dari dosa-dosa mereka
Engkau adalah anak-anak Tuhan yang sangat berharga bagiNya
Tak mungkin Ia menciptakanmu tanpa tujuan yang indah yang telah disediakanNya
Percayalah pada Tuhan karena Dia memiliki rencana yang indah untuk semua orang yang mengasihiNya

We are born
To loving God
We were born to
Declare the glory of God's name
No matter you were born rich or poor
No matter you were born perfect or flawed
The name of almighty God glorious it must be stated in yourself
Wonderful name of Jesus who has become the redeemer of human sins
It should be recognized by all who have been freed from their sins
You are the children of God are very precious to Him
There was no way he created you without a beautiful destination that has availability
Trust God because He has a wonderful plan for all those who love Him

Suara Seorang Rakyat

Ahok di tuduh penistaan agama.... Beribu ribu tahun yang lalu ada juga orang yang menuduh seorang yang sangat baik, ajaranNya adalah ajaran kebenaran tapi Dia di tuduh menghujat agama, bahkan sampai mati di salib sebagai orang yang di hina... Tapi Dia telah bangkit dalam kemuliaan dan kehormatan. Dia adalah Raja segala raja yang sudah ada sejak zaman kekelan.. dan siapa yang hidup benar akan mendapatkan upahnya kelak di surga.
Jangan pernah takut untuk mengatakan yang benar itu benar dan salah itu salah. Jangan mau di provokasi dengan agama karena agama tidak bisa menjadi bahan politik. Politik adalah politik.

15 Nov 2016

If I Reflect On Meaning Life May Have

If I reflect on meaning life may have
My life is meaningless at all
Since my born day till today I always
Troublesome the people around me
I felt I was a child very useless for my mother
I felt I was a sister who is very embarrassing for my brother
If one day I die I'm going to be fine because no one whom I love
Besides my mother and brother and cousin are always hard because me
Yes, I would rather die than I live, without meaning in my life
All of these things trouble because of me and my disability
But I want to live with a sense of new life, with a new spirit of life in me

12 Nov 2016

Prince I Dreamed Of Is You.

Have you in my heart
Feel you in my heart
Never existed in my mind
To love someone like
There is always uneasy at the sight of you
I want, just to see you.
Prince I dreamed of is you.
Am I wrong when I dreamed of you?
Am I wrong when I began to feel this?
Why do I love you never know?

11 Nov 2016

Negara yang diberkati Tuhan

Oh Indahnya
Alam Indonesia
Tuhan memberkati
Indonesia dengan
Alam yang indah
Dengan kekayaan alam
Yang tak dimiliki oleh negara lain
Tidakkah engkau bersyukur karenanya?
Namun mengapa Indonesia yang diberkati Tuhan
Tak ada kedamaian di dalamnya? Mengapa membedakan antara agama harus ada?
Bukankah kita semua adalah saudara yang tinggal dalam satu negara yaitu negara
Mengapa harus rusuh di antara kita hanya karena aku Kristen dan engkau Islam padahal Tuhan kita adalah satu?
Bukankah itu membuat Tuhan menangis karena melihat kita tak pernah rukun satu dengan yang lain?
Damailah Indonesiaku karena itu yang dikehendaki Allah kepada kita semua yang ada di bawah naungan negara tercinta ini, Indonesia.

Oh Beautiful
Indonesia's nature
God bless
Indonesia with
Beautiful nature
Natural wealth
Not possessed by other countries
Don't you thankful for that?
But why Indonesia is blessed by God
There is no peace in it? Why distinguish between religion should exist?
Are not we all brothers who live in a country that is the state Pancasila?
Why should a riot between us just because I'm a Christian and you are Islam whereas thou our God is one?
Doesn't that make God weep because we never see get along with each other?
Be peace my Indonesia because it was the will of God to all of us that exist under the auspices of this beloved country, Indonesia.

2 Nov 2016

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.

Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

31 Oct 2016

Hidup Seperti Apa Yang Akan Kupilih?

Hidup dalam mimpi,
Hidup dalam khayalan,
Hidup dalam dunia nyata,
Hidup sebagai anak Tuhan,
Hidup yang mana yang aku
Inginkan dalam hidup ini?
Selama ini aku hidup dalam
Mimpi dan khayalan yang indah.
Tapi aku meninggalkan mimpi itu.
Aku meninggalkan khayalan yang indah itu.
Aku meninggalkan mimpiku
Dan berhenti berkhayal untuk
Menjadi seorang wanita yang hidup
Sebagai anak Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa
Aku melayaniNya dengan setia.
Tapi yang aku rasakan bukan perkara mudah.
Banyak sekali kepahitan yang aku rasakan.
Banyak sakit hati yang sangat yang aku rasakan.
Aku dilarang bersaksi tentang pimpinanNya di kehidupanku.
Aku tak boleh mengatakan kebaikan Tuhan yang aku alami.
Lalu bagaimana caranya agar aku bisa menceritakan kisah Tuhan?
Kadang aku berpikir
Lebih baik aku tinggal di dalam mimpi dan khayalan yang indah yang tak pernah terwujud.
Lebih baik aku bermimpi dan tak pernah bangun dari mimpi yang indah itu.
Aku lelah dengan semua yang terjadi dalam kehidupanku saat berada dalam dunia nyata.
Aku tidak bisa melakukan hal yang sangat Tuhan inginkan untuk menjadi saksi bagiNya.
Tapi saat sedang merasa bimbang seperti itu aku akan datang ke hadiratNya untuk mendapatkan kekuatan
Dan Dia memberikan kekuatan sehingga aku bisa terus memilih untuk maju dalam melayaniNya selama aku masih bisa melayaniNya.
Aku menyadari bahwa hiduku bukanlah milikku, hidupku adalah milik Tuhanku kepadaNyalah aku harus memberikan semua impian dan harapan
Impian dan harapan jika kuberikan kedalam tanganNya dengan menaruh semuanya dalam kehendakNya maka tenang dan indahlah jalan hidupku

29 Oct 2016

He loves Us

As I read and
Seeing his sacrifice
I asked why?
He replied: I love you.
When I saw His miracles
In my life again and again
I ask: why?
The answer is again: I love you
When my life is far from Him He pulled me back
And again he says I love you very deeply
Now I understand how deeply he loves me
How wonderful my God as infinite love for me
He who created me, He who holds my my future
Just like a shepherd leading His sheep to the right way
He is also loves you as He loves me and you will never lack

Psalm 23

Psalm 23

A psalm of David.

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
    He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
    he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
    for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk
    through the darkest valley,[a]
I will fear no evil,
    for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord

28 Oct 2016

I'm not a great woman but my Lord was a great

In my faith
In serving Him
Sometimes I feel weak
Often I feel unworthy
When I came to Him
He has strengthened me
He wiped out every my unworthy feeling
And enables me to go forward in the service
He's the only reason why I testify in service
I testified about the miracles He did in my life
I testified about the endless love that He has given to me
I testified about all his goodness true and real there for all
I'm not a good preacher I just want to tell about the love of God
If I preached was not my ability but God who enabled me to preached
I'm not a great woman but my Lord was a great

21 Oct 2016

Lord Jesus I want to be like Thee

Lord Jesus
I want to be like Thee
I wanted to do good like Thou did
I want to be a good person like Thee
I longing bring someone
Who has been far from Thee to closer again to Thee
To bring someone who has forgotten Thy holy Sabbath
To back to hallow Thy true holy Sabbath
But I want to ask Thee something
Please purify my heart 
Please purify my mind with Thy loving kindness
so that I may be worthy to serve you
I give my future in Thy loving hand O Lord
Here I am, use me for Thy glory!

17 Oct 2016

I'm so Grateful

O Lord
Thy love is more than how I feel
Beyond my imagination
Beyond  which I believe
Beyond that I read in the Bible
There is no words that can express Thy love to us
There is no words that's enough to express Thy love
I'm so grateful for what Thou has done for me
I just can't understand how You love the human as I am
That full of sin... a wretch as I am... to be in Thy heart....
Lord I'm so grateful to be Thy daughter, I'm greatful for Thou had forgiving my sin.
I'm so grateful for Thou has been give Thy Son to die in my place so in him I could worthy to be Thine daughter.
Be Thou near to me O Lord, for all my life, only Thee The One whom I will exalt and adore. for Thou are worthy to be praise!

13 Oct 2016

Thank you for giving Thy Son

Our Father who art in heaven
Thank you for giving Thy Son
Who has been the most beautiful gift of grace in all my life
Thank you has redeemed me from sin
Thank you for the promise of eternal life with You in heaven someday
Thy protection, O Lord throughout my life
Thy guidance and life lessons that you have given me
I will never forget all the goodness Thou have done for me

Selalu BersamaMu

Tak pernah ada
Kasih yang kurasakan
Seperti kasih yang aku
Dapatkan dariMu Tuhan Yesus
Kasih itu indah lebih indah dari
Kasih sayang ibu kandung yang
Sangat mencintai anak-anaknya
Tolong jangan tinggalkan aku sendiri
Tolong jangan sampai murkaMu datang padaku
Jangan jauhkan hadirat-Mu dari padaku ya Tuhan Yesus
Aku ingin selalu bersamaMu merasakan kasihMu setiap hari

11 Oct 2016

The Love Of God

The love of God
Is greater than we think.
So much more beautiful than we can imagine.
In the church we like to sing this song but we just sing it.
We never sang it wholeheartedly, we never felt the song.
We never felt the lyrics are so beautiful  we're just sing it
And sometimes it was very disappointing. How we've felt the love of God?
Have we recognize and won the love of God? Have we feel God's love in our lives?
if we have known the love of God this song will fill our heart with joy and we will sing this song with wholeheartedly

The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell;
It goes beyond the highest star,
And reaches to the lowest hell;
The guilty pair, bowed down with care,
God gave His Son to win;
His erring child He reconciled,
And pardoned from his sin.

Oh, love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure—
The saints’ and angels’ song.

When hoary time shall pass away,
And earthly thrones and kingdoms fall,
When men who here refuse to pray,
On rocks and hills and mountains call,
God’s love so sure, shall still endure,
All measureless and strong;
Redeeming grace to Adam’s race—
The saints’ and angels’ song.

Could we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade;
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry;
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.


Kasih Allah tak terbilang
Lidah tak dapat uraikan
Lebih tinggi dari bintang
Lebih dalam dari lautan
Yang berdosa dis’lamatkan, Oleh korban Yesus
Yang t’lah sesat didamaikan, Dosanya terhapus

Oh kasih Allah yang limpah tak dapat diduga
Kasih yang kekal s’lamanya jadi lagu surga

Bila k’lak tiba waktunya
K’rajaan dunia t’lah jatuh
Bila orang yang durhaka
Bers’ru pada gunung batu
Kasih Allah tetap tahan tak akan berubah
Rahmat besar yang s’lamatkan jadi lagu surga

Kalau pun laut penuh tinta
Dan langit menjadi kertas
Rumput-rumput jadi pena
Dan semua orang penulis
Menuliskan kasih Tuhan, akan kering lautan
Langit tak dapat muatkan seg’nap kasih Tuhan

Aku Mau MengasihiMu

Because of distrust
They crucify you
Though you never
Done nothing at all
They crucified the Lord their
Even today Your people still
Doing sin that hurt your heart
Jesus thou holy presence.
Thou art the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world
Miraculous Thy love to the world tainted by sin and crime that never ends
Thy Love is so wonderful more wonderful than all the love this world
Nothing is more wonderful than your love and Thy sacrifice
You redeemed us from sin to eternal life
You have defeated the enemy and make us yours
Protect us from all evil plans of Satan and strengthen our hearts
Because only to Thee O Lord we submit our whole lives
Lord Jesus I will love you all my life for Thou are Almighty has first loved me

Karena ketidak percayaan
Mereka menyalibkan Engkau
Padahal Engkau tidak pernah
Berbuat kesalahan sama sekali
Mereka menyalibkan Tuhan mereka
Bahkan hingga kini umatMu masih
Melakukan dosa yang melukai hatiMu
Tuhan Yesus Engkau suci adanya
Engkaulah Anak domba Allah yang
menghapus dosa dunia
Ajaib cintaMu kepada dunia yang tercemar
Oleh dosa dan kejahatannya yang tidak pernah berakhir
CintaMu indah lebih indah dari seluruh cinta dunia ini
Tak ada yang lebih indah dari cinta dan pengorbananMu
Engkau menebus kami dari dosa kepada hidup yang kekal
Engkau telah mengalahkan musuhMu dan menjadikan kami milikMu
Lindungilah kami dari segala rencana jahat iblis dan kuatkan hati kami
Karena hanya kepadaMulah kami serahkan seluruh kehidupan kami ya Tuhan
Tuhan Yesus aku mau mengasihiMu seumur hidupku karena Engkau yang maha kuasa telah lebih dahulu mengasihiku

6 Oct 2016

In Heaven's Eyes lyric

A fervent prayer rose up to heaven,
A fragile soul was losing ground
Sorting through this earthly babble,
Heaven heard the sound.
It was a life of no distinction,
No successes, only tries.
Yet, gazing down on this unlovely one,
There was love in Heaven's Eyes.

The orphaned child, the wayward father,
The homeless traveler in the rain
When life goes by and no one bothers,
Heaven feels the pain.
Looking down, God sees each heartache,
Knows each sorrow, hears each cry,
And looking up, we'll see compassion's
Fire ablaze in Heaven's Eyes.

In Heaven's Eyes, there are no losers,
In Heaven's Eyes, no hopeless cause.
Only people like you, with feelings like me
And we're amazed at the grace we can find
In Heaven's Eyes.

5 Oct 2016

Cerebral Palsy Day

Happy Cerebral Palsy day Amelia....😊😊😉 anyone may not tell that to you but this is your day with all people who with Cerebral Palsy all around the world....😃😃 just be happy.... OK! Because many people with disabilities I mean with Cerebral Palsy have the same experience with you...😃😃😃you are not alone Margie Amelia... you are great Cerebral Palsy in this world because you can serve the Lord in your limitations... you can give a motivations to the other Cerebral Palsy to be like you too, to be God device and bless all people around the world...😃😃😃 I'm happy Cerebral Palsy have a special day and I always hope someday everyone in the world will have appreciate people who was with Cerebral palsy...😃😃😃😃

4 Oct 2016

Heaven's Joy Awaits

When We Leave This Low Land We Will Cross The Jordan Pass This Chilling Torrent

Heaven's Joy Awaits
Heaven Is Just Beyond The Blue Horizon
Just Above The Starry Sky, Starry Blue Sky
Far Above This Land Of Sorrow Way Above Each Tear And Sigh,
Every Sigh Just A Few More Miles Before Us
Just A Little While To Wait, Patiently Wait Soon We'll Sing Redemptions
Chorus Heaven's Joy Awaits,
Heaven Awaits Heaven's Breeze Is Blowing Gently To Recalling I Will Soon Be Going Through The Pearly Gates Heaven Is
Just Beyond The Blue Horizon
Just Above The Starry Sky, Starry Blue Sky Far Above
This Land Of Sorrow Way Above Each Tear And Sigh,
Every Sigh Just A Few More Miles Before Us
Just A Little While To Wait, Patiently Wait Soon We'll Sing Redemptions
Chorus Heaven's Joy Awaits, Heaven Awaits

3 Oct 2016

By the Way of humiliation He Suffered Because of Me

The Word in the morning
made me realize
He became the most humiliated, because of me
By way of humiliation He was suffering for my sins
He never deserve such humiliation because of me
Who am I? so that he is a holy one willing to suffer contempt on the cross for me
I often hurt his heart so much
I often made him cry because of my sin
I often make his heart broken because my transgression
But he still forgives my sins that are so many
He still loves me even though I always try to find the love of this world
I still have in His mind and deepest His heart and all my sins are forgotten
Now I know that I need is just to come to Him and abide in His presence
I just have to leave all the pleasures of this world and sin
And is therefore I will be worthy belong to him, and deserving of His Precious light 
posted from Bloggeroid

1 Oct 2016

Jesus Christ

Beautiful name
Name peacemakers
In the hearts of all believers
Everyone who begged forgiveness 
For all the sins in His name will be forgiven
Everyone who pleaded blessings and always
Pray in His name will receive his blessing
Blessed are those who always put His name in the hearts
Blessed are those who believe in that name 
Because that name is Great and Honor only He should be worshiped
The name was always feared by evil. therefore hold fast to that name!

Yesus Kristus

Nama yang indah
Nama yang membawa damai 
Di hati semua umat yang percaya
Setiap orang yang memohon ampun 
Atas segala dosa dalam namaNya akan diampuni
Setiap orang yang memohon berkat dan selalu
Berdoa dalam namaNya akan mendapat berkatnya
Berbahagialah orang yang selalu menaruh namaNya dihati
Berbahagialah orang yang percaya pada Nama itu
Karena Nama itu adalah Agung dan Mulia hanya Dialah yang patut disembah
Nama itu yang selalu ditakuti oleh si jahat. maka berpegang teguhlah pada Nama itu!

30 Sept 2016

I Never Alone

I've never been alone
Although no people around me
Ah I never feel lonely
Because I know that He is always there watching over me
He also will never make me hungry
He always provides everything I need for my life
I do not need to worry because I have Him who always cares about me
He will never leave me alone
So I will never fear living alone
Because He always sends helpers to look after me
I just need to pray and ask Him to be with me
And He will keep watching over me, care for me and protect me from all harm.
I believe in Him always and will never have replace Him in my life. Forever with Him

29 Sept 2016

Thou art the spirit of my life

Lord Jesus
Thou are my hero
Thou art the spirit of my life
I enjoy moments with Thee
What would happen if Thou are not with me
When I am away from Thee my life feels empty
I would feel useless, helpless and so lonely
There is no helper to help me forever
And only Thou art alone my help throughout my life
Only Thou art alone my hope in my whole life
Only Thou art alone my very best friend in all my life

21 Sept 2016

We Have The Same God

If everyone
Believe in God
The world will be in peace
Many denominations or religions
Who think their beliefs is a true
And began to differentiating each other
The world has one God, a Creator of the universe
We have the same God, is there is only one God
Who was created the heavens and the earth
He is the creator of all mankind in this world
Whether it is evil or good you are God's creation
And the creation of God was always loving Him
And the creation of God is always love each other
Peace to all the people who have always loved by the Lord and be like Him

19 Sept 2016

I never left alone

Living with Cerebral Palsy
Life with all its limitations
And I never left alone
You are the strength of my life
In the limitations you become
The only hope in my entire life
You never let me at all
You are a strong that can sustain the life
You became my parents when I am away from them
You place I complain when no friend by my side
You mean so much to me for the rest of my life
All my life I would like to submit to the hand of Your love
And let not my will but thy will that be are so
I want to serve and tell the good that you have done in my life
I felt wonderful love of my life filled with limitations that looks hopeless definite

Thou are really Great and Glorious

Thou are really Great and Glorious
Thy infinite power make me
Are limited as Thy devices
Never thought what would be  happened in my life which full of these limitations
If not Thee, O Lord Jesus I can not be like this
If not Thy love Lord Jesus I could not be like that happening today
May Thy light always keep and overshadow me until I could see the light in glorious heaven
I Praise you Lord my God for only Thee will I raise and glorify thy name in all my life

15 Sept 2016

God is good all the time and all the time God is good

When He said
Calm down, there's I Am who I AM
I've calmed storms, I also can calm the hurt of heart
I am The owners of love can give you the love more than what you want
So I listened to his voice that said, calm down, then I depended my whole life to Him
My way is not always bright, sometimes my path is dark and is horrified but His light is always guided me
He is the eternal light that will always lead us even in pitch darkness and the darkness can not overcome us if all of us are always with Him
When He calls you, follow him. When He said, Calm down there is Me then deliver up your life and trust completely in Him
Let his light shine in our life and let it be his will in our lives. We will surely live peacefully even in the storm that plagued our lives
God is good all the time and all the time God is good, blessed are those who have always believed and depended on the hand of His love

12 Sept 2016

My Little Story

Cerita tentang masa kecilku tak seindah kalian semua....
Berikut ini adalah cerita kehidupanku yang bisa dikatakan indah walau ada penderitaan.
Hanya Dia yang sanggup menolongmu, Dia tak akan pernah membiarkanmu dalam tekanan... Dia akan selalu menjawabmu tepat pada waktu-Nya

Sejak kecil saya memiliki tubuh yang kaku. Kalau lagi kumat, badan saya menjadi seperti kayu. Sulit untuk dibengkokkan. Kalau makan, kadang-kadang keselek. Dan saya sangat tergantung pada obat.Pagi, siang, malam, saya harus minum obat: valium, frisium, depakote, dan lain-lain. Dan setiap 3 bulan, ketika cek rutin ke dokter, dosis akan ditambah. Mama, saya, dan seisi rumah berdoa dan berdoa untuk kesembuhan saya. Tapi bukannya semakin sembuh, malah tambah parah. Saya tidak tahu pasti berapa banyak airmata yang keluar dari mata mama, ketika berdoa memohon kesembuhan anaknya. Berapa banyak airmata ketika melihat betapa saya menderita kejang.
Hingga tiba pada satu titik dimana kelihatannya sudah tidak ada harapan. Majelis Jemaat datang melawat dan menasehati mama supaya ikhlaskan saja, karena melihat saya sangat menderita. Akhirnya mama berdoa kalau hanya penderitaan yang akan saya alami, lebih baik Tuhan ambil saja. Hilang harapan, yang ada hanyalah tangisan kesedihan.

Amazing! Luar biasa! apa yang tidak mungkin bagi manusia, adalah mungkin bagi Tuhan. Amin! Puji Tuhan, Tuhan luar biasa.

Tidak berapa lama setelah doa mama itu, datang pertolongan dari Tuhan. hari demi hari saya semakin membaik. Saya tidak ke dokter lagi, dosis obat berkurang dan berkurang, dan akhirnya bebas dari obat-obatan. Dan inilah saya saat ini.

Saat ini kami sekeluarga hanya dapat melihat bagaimana kemuliaan Tuhan dinyatakan dalam kehidupan saya. Kelihatannya Tuhan terlambat, dan kami hilang harapan. Tapi lihatlah saya saat ini. Terima kasih Tuhan karena Ia menyatakan kemuliaanNya melalui kehidupan saya.  Puji Tuhan!

There are still many stories of my life that I want to testify to you, but I'll will tell you latter if I finished to write the story of me. :)

29 Aug 2016

I Can't Imagine And I Never Want To Imagine

I can't imagine
And I never want to
Imagine my life without Thee
What will happen if I prefer 
The love of this world than Thy love
If I chose love this world that I got was suffering
But I chose your love O Lord, and I found a lot of good things
There is no day without a miracle from Thee, 
Miracles always there when I wake up in the morning
I would not be afraid about my future for I know that Thou are holds my future
I would not be afraid there would be no love in my life for Thy love O Lord! beyond all love
I am your servant, I am your daughter, and you are the owner of all my life, My miraculous Lord 
Sometimes I ask why they are serving and always said love you have leave and give up they're faith to Thee?
Do they doesn't know that they have hurt and let down Your holy heart? Or are they be disappointed of their lives so they let down thy heart?
I will testify about thy love in my life. that they all may see thee and thy goodness in their lives so they can praise and glorify thy name and also back to Thee

Dalam Lindungan Allah

Mazmur 91

Orang yang duduk dalam lindungan Yang Mahatinggi dan bermalam dalam naungan Yang Mahakuasa
akan berkata kepada TUHAN: "Tempat perlindunganku dan kubu pertahananku, Allahku, yang kupercayai."
Sungguh, Dialah yang akan melepaskan engkau dari jerat penangkap burung, dari penyakit sampar yang busuk.
Dengan kepak-Nya Ia akan menudungi engkau, di bawah sayap-Nya engkau akan berlindung, kesetiaan-Nya ialah perisai dan pagar tembok.
Engkau tak usah takut terhadap kedahsyatan malam, terhadap panah yang terbang di waktu siang,
terhadap penyakit sampar yang berjalan di dalam gelap, terhadap penyakit menular yang mengamuk di waktu petang.
Walau seribu orang rebah di sisimu, dan sepuluh ribu di sebelah kananmu, tetapi itu tidak akan menimpamu.
Engkau hanya menontonnya dengan matamu sendiri dan melihat pembalasan terhadap orang-orang fasik.
Sebab TUHAN ialah tempat perlindunganmu, Yang Mahatinggi telah kaubuat tempat perteduhanmu,
malapetaka tidak akan menimpa kamu, dan tulah tidak akan mendekat kepada kemahmu;
sebab malaikat-malaikat-Nya akan diperintahkan-Nya kepadamu untuk menjaga engkau di segala jalanmu.
Mereka akan menatang engkau di atas tangannya, supaya kakimu jangan terantuk kepada batu.
Singa dan ular tedung akan kaulangkahi, engkau akan menginjak anak singa dan ular naga.
"Sungguh, hatinya melekat kepada-Ku, maka Aku akan meluputkannya, Aku akan membentenginya, sebab ia mengenal nama-Ku.
Bila ia berseru kepada-Ku, Aku akan menjawab, Aku akan menyertai dia dalam kesesakan, Aku akan meluputkannya dan memuliakannya.
Dengan panjang umur akan Kukenyangkan dia, dan akan Kuperlihatkan kepadanya keselamatan dari pada-Ku."

25 Aug 2016


Whatever I do
My heart is always just see you
Whoever appears in my dreams
In my memory just a beautiful dream about you
Whoever says love me,
I just hope that revealed it is you
Suddenly you appeared in my dreams
I just can't dispel you from my memory
Suddenly my heart wants you
In my heart I was always waiting for a miracle to be with you
In this poem I just want you to know what I feel
Although I couldn't see you in front of me
Although I couldn't have you in life but I'm now happy you're in my heart

23 Aug 2016

Where No One Stands Alone

I really like this song

Where no one stands alone
Lyrics by Gaither Vocal Band

Once I stood in the night with my head bowed low
In the darkness, as black as could be
And my heart felt alone
And I cried oh Lord
Don't hide your face from me

Hold my hand all the way
Every hour every day
From here to the grave
I know
Take my hand
Let me stand
Where no one stands alone

Like a king I may live in a palace so tall
With great riches to call my own
But I don't know a thing
In this whole wide world
Thats worse then being alone

Hold me hand all the way
Every hour, every day
From here to the grave
I know
Take my hand
Let me stand
Where no one stands alone

Take my hand
Let me standard
Where no one stands alone

Be Grateful

Psalms 139:14 (KJV) I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Every one
Born with
Different miracles
For the same purpose
So that God's name be glorified
but does everyone is aware of it?
Are all those grateful for his birth?
Does everyone grateful that he has created?
There are still many people who are less grateful,
There are still many people who don't understand why he was created,
There are still many people who complained of the suffering that he have,
The Lord created us to be happy even if our lives it seem full of suffering.
God loves us and He wants us to always trust in His wonderful promises.
Never ever you doubt The Lord because everything you experience in life.
Because God's plan is beautiful and precious nobody could fathom in that.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 (KJV) He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

18 Aug 2016

Let Freedom Ring

When I heard this song
Made me realize
That we are free
We have been freed by
Jesus on the cross at Calvary
Lets give praise to him for His love

Let Freedom Ring

Deep within the heart has always known that there was freedom
Somehow breathed into the very soul alive
The prisoner, the powerless, the saved have always known it
There’s something that keeps reaching for the sky

Even life begins because a baby fights for freedom
And songs we love to sing have freedom’s theme
Some have walked through fire and flood to find a place of freedom
And some faced hell itself for freedom’s dream

Let freedom ring wherever minds know what it means to be in chains
Let freedom ring wherever hearts know pain
Let freedom echo through the lonely streets where prisons have no key
We can be free and we can sing --- let freedom ring

God built freedom into every fiber of creation
And He meant for us to all be free and whole
When my Lord bought freedom with the blood of His redemption
His cross stamped pardon on my very soul

I’ll sing it out with every breath, I’ll let the whole world hear it
This hallelujah anthem of the free
That iron bars and heavy chains can never hold us captive
The Son has made us free and free indeed

Let freedom ring down through the ages from a hill called Calvary
Let freedom ring wherever hearts know pain
Let freedom echo through the lonely streets where prisons have no key
You can be free and you can sing let freedom ring
Let freedom echo through the lonely streets where prisons have no key
You can be free and you can sing let freedom ring
You can be free and you can sing --- let freedom ring --- let freedom ring

17 Aug 2016


Independence is
When you and I
Understand God's love
We have a freedom when
We receive the love of Jesus
Receive His sacrifice on the cross
Never be ashamed acknowledge Him and His gospel
Be like Him in all your ways
Boldly proclaim the truth to the entire world
Dare tell the truth if it was right or wrong if it's wrong
If it's just a matter of economic freedom then we will not be freedom
If our nation never united to build this country then we would not have freedom
If there is still corruption collusion and nepotism in our country, then we will not have freedom
Happy Independence day my country, have a peace and joy my country,glorious always Indonesia my country. Lets live in the love between people regardless of race and religion

14 Aug 2016

Thank you Lord

Thank you Lord
For all thy goodness
Which I have felt
Throughout my life
Thou has led me
You always bless
Thou, lift me
When I fall too deep
You sustain me so
I'll never fall again
Thou my comfort when
Sad, frustrated, heartsick of my heart
You look for me when I started
Stay away from your holy presence 
With you years had I passed
The years passed and you still
Accompany and guide me always
Thank you Lord for being my God in my life
Thank you Lord for always being my best friend
Thank you Lord for always being best in my life
Thank you Lord for always giving me love in my life
My hope is always with You, serves You and always be a joy of your heart

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