6 Jan 2016

My Superhero

Who is your favorite super hero?
Superman? Supergirl? Wonder Woman?
Batman? Robin? Catwoman? the Flash?
Spider-Man? the Hulk? or the Iron Man?
you know who is my favorite super hero?
Lord Jesus is my favorite super hero
Jesus is the super hero to set free all the man 
That full of sin be holy and worthy to be the child of the Lord
Is there a superhero who be able set us free from sin? Nothing! 
Only Jesus that can be set us  free from sin! Only with His blood we shall be saved.
That's why I praise His name, therefore I worship him, that's why I served him and therefore he became everything to me
Though many people prefer superhero fantasy man-made  than the holy Savior who has purified them with His blood
For me, He is my superhero He is my Savior He's the one and only who loves me more than anything He is my Lord

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