28 Feb 2016

The Lord Is

The Lord is Love
The Lord is merciful
The Lord is miraculous
The Lord is marvelous
The Lord is patient and forgiving
The Lord is Savior and the healer
His way is always the love and kindness
In the Lord there is peace for He is peace
How could I say that if I just read it in the Bible
How could I say that, if I didn't see evidence it in my life
I can tell it because I have felt His mercy in all my life
I can say it because I have seen evidence of His love in all my life
Many things can not be understood by the human limited mind
Just believe in Him and you will see what He has done in my life
if you believe in Him and believe His word is true it will happen too in you

25 Feb 2016

He Has Loved You From The Beginning

If you love Him
Submit yourselves to His will
If you know he knows best
Surrender all things in His hands
If He Request faithfulness from you then give
Surrender your heart to Him you shall
Seeing his work which is amazing in you
He never promised your life would always be happy with Him
If you were tested by the devil cried out to Him ask for help
From Him then He will come to give you strength and you will win with him
God will never leave you alone because he has loved you from the beginning

Seventh-day Adventist Church

Many other denominations may say
Our church is the astray church
But you should know, Our church
Believes and always do what the word of God says
Ah, you want to know something
I'm happy to be in this church
I'm happy to know keep the Sabbath holy 
I am happy to know that the food is clean and unclean
I am happy to know how Jesus will come
I am happy to know what Jesus is doing in heaven now
All of that I learned from Seventh Day Adventist Church

18 Feb 2016

Why Should I Be Sad Because Of My Disability

Someone may say
I am disabled and nothings
They may not love me
And give me a harsh word
They may not be fair to me
They may mock me
Because of my disability
They can't stop me to praise Him
They can't stop me to serve Him
They can't prevent me to come to Him
They can't stop me to belong to the Lord
I don't need to be sad because a harsh word
I don't need to be sad for unfair treatment
I don't need to be sad because people mocked
For I know I have a great Almighty God
When I think about Him I will wipe my tears
And smile to Him
He makes me smile in the dark time of my day
Why should I be sad because of my disability
I just live in grace of Jesus Christ my friend
I am nothings if I'm not in Jesus Christ my savior
When I look up to Jesus I can feel the joy
When I look up to Jesus I can face a hard situation
When I look up to Jesus I can face a a strange sight of people
When I look up to Jesus I can do the thing that I've never imagine
He is my strength, He's my hope, He's my best friend and He has become my everything

Nick Vujicic

Terlahir sebagai seorang cacat dengan banyak kekurangan…ternyata tidak menghalangi seorang Nick Vujicic untuk menjadi orang yang bermanfaat bagi sekitarnya. Sempat depresi dan ingin bunuh diri diusia 8 tahun….namun kemudian dia sadar bahwa hidup ini harus dia syukuri…apapun keadaannya. Akhirnya perlahan namun pasti…dia menjadi seorang motivator hebat yang mendunia…dan berhasil memotivasi jutaan orang di seluruh dunia untuk terus meraih mimpi.
Nicholas James Vujicic (lahir 4 Desember 1982) adalah anak pertama lahir dari sebuah keluarga Serbia. Nick Vujicic lahir di Brisbane, Australia dengan gangguan Tetra-amelia langka: tanpa kaki, tanpa kedua lengan dan dengan dua kaki kecil, salah satu yang memiliki dua jari kaki.
Pada masa kecilnya sering diintimidasi teman-teman sekolah. Pada usia delapan tahun, ia mulai memikirkan bunuh diri dan bahkan pada usia sepuluh tahun dia mencoba untuk menenggelamkan dirinya di bak mandi. Karena cintanya kepada orang tuanyalah yang membatalkan niat bunuh dirinya. Ia menyatakan dalam video musiknya “Something More” bahwa Tuhan memiliki rencana untuk hidupnya dan ia tidak bisa memaksa dirinya untuk tenggelam karena ini.
Nick berdoa sangat keras bahwa Allah akan memberinya tangan dan kaki, dan pada awalnya dia mengatakan kepada Allah bahwa, jika doanya tetap belum terjawab, Nick tidak akan memuji Dia tanpa batas waktu. Namun, titik balik penting dalam imannya datang ketika ibunya menunjukkan kepadanya sebuah artikel surat kabar tentang seorang pria berhubungan dengan cacat berat. Dia menyadari bahwa ia bukan satu-satunya orang yang memperjuangkan dirinya.
Nick akhirnya mulai menyadari bahwa prestasi adalah inspirasi bagi banyak orang, dan mulai bersyukur kepada Tuhan karena hidupnya.
Nick secara bertahap menemukan cara hidup tanpa anggota badan. Dia menulis dengan dua jari pada kaki kirinya dan pegangan khusus yang meluncur ke ibu jari kakinya. Dia tahu bagaimana menggunakan komputer dan dapat mengetik hingga 45 kata per menit dengan menggunakan “tumit dan kaki”. Dia juga belajar untuk melemparkan bola tenis, bermain pedal drum, mendapatkan segelas air, sisir rambutnya, sikat gigi, menjawab telepon dan bercukur, selain berpartisipasi dalam golf, berenang, dan bahkan langit-diving.
Selama sekolah menengah, ia terpilih menjadi kapten MacGregor Negara di Queensland dan bekerjasama dengan dewan mahasiswa untuk menggalang dana bagi orang cacat. Ketika ia berusia tujuh belas, ia mulai memberikan ceramah di kelompok doa nya, dan kemudian mendirikan organisasi non-profit nya, “Life Without Limbs.”
Nick lulus dari universitas pada usia 21 dengan dua jurusan yaitu Akuntansi dan Keuangan Perencanaan. Ia memulai perjalanannya sebagai seorang pembicara motivasi . Ia secara rutin melakukan perjalanan internasional untuk berbicara dengan jemaat-jemaat Kristen, sekolah, dan rapat perusahaan. Dia telah berbicara kepada lebih dari tiga juta orang sejauh ini, di lebih dari 24 negara di lima benua (Afrika, Asia, Australia, Amerika Selatan, dan Amerika Utara).
Dia mempromosikan karyanya melalui acara televisi dan melalui tulisannya. Buku pertamanya, “Life Without Limbs: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life” (Random House, 2010) diterbitkan pada tahun 2010.
Dia memasarkan DVD motivasi yang berjudul ” Life’s Greater Purpose” , sebuah film dokumenter pendek difilmkan pada tahun 2005 menyoroti kehidupan rumah tangganya dan kegiatan rutin.
Bagian kedua dari DVD difilmkan di gereja setempat di Brisbane – salah satu dari pidato pertama profesional motivasi . Dia memasarkan DVD untuk kaum muda berjudul: MP Arms, No Legs, No Worries.
Nick menulis bahwa ia menyimpan sepasang sepatu di lemari karena keyakinannya pada keajaiban.
Pada tahun 2005 Nick 

17 Feb 2016

Holy Highway

Since the first time I heard this song
A Joy fill my heart
This song brought to the point in my dreams
When I sing it I feel like Jesus will come tonight, or tomorrow
The song also invites us to always praise the Lord God Almighty
Lets us exalt Him for He is high and exalted and worthy to be praised

1.There's a road called the holy highway that once was a desert land.

Very soon you'll hear the sound of a holy marching band.
Everlasting joy upon them, there's a remnant strong and true.
We bring the song back to Zion; we bring the praise back to you.

Chorus: We exalt You, God Almighty, You are worthy to be praised.

Let all nations bow before You, Holy Ancient of all days.

2.There's a road called the holy highway, where the people dance and shout.

For the enemy is running with confusion all about.
Raise our banners in the vict’ry; raise them high His word is true.
We bring our song back to Zion, we bring the praise back to you.

Repeat Chorus: We exalt You, God Almighty, You are worthy to be praised.

Let all nations bow before You, Holy Ancient of all days.

Tag: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty.

Holy, holy holy is the Lord.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.

3.There's a road called the holy highway that once was a desert land.

Very soon you'll hear the sound of a holy marching band and.
Everlasting joy upon them, there's a remnant strong and true.
We bring the song back to Zion; we bring the praise back to you.

We bring the song back to Zion; we bring the praise back to you.
We bring the praise back to you.

16 Feb 2016

It Was Almost Time Jesus Is Coming Soon

It was almost time Jesus is coming soon
Get ready to welcome the King of kings
Signs of His coming have been fulfilled
Be Rejoice children of God, we will soon meet our Father
Lets us together testify about His love to us so many people will safe
Let's testify that it was almost time He is coming soon, hey people be ready
If you serve, do it with all your heart and don't consider yourself a great man
Do it for the Lord. Do it because you love Him. Do it because He first love us
Let's us shout Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty. Holy, holy holy is the Lord. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

12 Feb 2016


Rain was beautiful
Rain sometimes be 
Likened to sadness
Did you know that 
Rain is a blessing?
Well, I what would you say
Sometimes rain make bad things
Rain sometimes bring a disastrous
So why I said rain is a blessing
Because you realize or not
Lord are who make the rain for us
So that all living beings will not feel dryness
So that all plants will grow, fruiting or flowering beautifully
That all men and animals so we will never thirst and hunger
Rain is the Lord gift to us, give thanks to Him and  don't complain!

8 Feb 2016

His Life For Mine Lyrics

His life for mine
I really love this song
If I sing or heard the song
My tears will start falling
The lyrics of this song make
A something different in me
Make me realize how great
The love of Lord Jesus in my life
He became sin, now I am clean.
Ya we all are sinner but Lord came down
From heaven to live in this dirty world
The Son of God left His glory He left His holiness
To take our place to clean us from our sin
that's what makes me love the Son of God more than ever

His heart was broken, mine was mended
He became sin, now I am clean.
The cross he carried bore my burden.
The nails that held him set me free.

His life for mine, his life for mine
How could it ever be?
That he would die, God's son would die
To save a wretch like me
What love divine, he gave his life for mine.

His scars of suffering brought me healing
He spilled his blood to fill my soul.
His crown of thorns made me royalty
His sorrow gave me joy untold

His life for mine, his life for mine
How could it ever be?
That he would die, God's son would die
To save a wretch like me
What love divine, he gave his life for mine.

He was despised and rejected, stripped of his garments and oppressed
I am loved and accepted and I wear a robe of righteousness

His life for mine, his life for mine
How could it ever be?
That he would die, God's son would die
To save a wretch like me

What love divine, he gave his life for mine, for mine!

7 Feb 2016


KehendakMu indah
Walaupun aku tak pernah
Tahu apa yang akan terjadi
KehendaMu indah sekalipun
Itu bukan hal yang aku inginkan
KehendakMu indah sekalipun aku
Tak melihat sesuatu yang indah akan
Terjadi dimasa depanku namun aku percaya
Masa depanku adalah kehendakMu Ya Tuhanku!
Mungkin masa depanku terlihat gelap dan suram
Tapi segala sesuatu kuserahkan kepadaMu karena
Aku percaya bahwa Engkau selalu bersamaku dan
KehendakMu, Ya Tuhan. adalah jalan hidupku

5 Feb 2016

More Than Ever

I really love this song
This song may happen in our lives
And if we feel this song then
We will find that is true, more than ever
He will be more than anything in our life

When I started my journey in fresh childlike trust
I believed that the Lord's way was best.
I would read in His Word how He mothered the bird
And grieved when it fell from it's nest.
How I felt His delight when I chose to do right,
And I prayed I would not make Him sad.
We would meet on the way in the cool of the day,
What a pure sweet communion we had.

Oh, but now more than ever I cherish the cross.
More than ever I sit at His feet.
All the miles of my journey have proved my Lord true,
And He is so precious to me.

The road I have traveled has sometimes been steep,
Through wild jagged places of life.
Sometimes I've stumbled and fallen so hard
That the stones cut my soul like a knife.
But the staff of my Shepherd would reach out for me
And lift me to cool pastures green.
With oil of the spirit anointing my wounds,
There I'd rest by the clear healing stream.

Is Love's Old Sweet Story too good to be true?
Do you find all this hard to believe?
Has the cruel world we live in so battered your heart
That the hurt child inside you can't grieve?
I can't say I blame you.
I've been where you are.
But all I can say is
It's true!
You're wanted,
You're precious,
You're the love of His heart,
And the old rugged cross was for you.

2 Feb 2016

To My Disabled Friends

To my Disabled friends
Don't ever be sad for you're a handicapped
Don't ever hear what people think about what to do
But always listen of the Lord words meditate it and do it
If people said do what God want you to do then do it 

Because what they are saying is from God, they are the messengers of God
But if they are said I think you must do this or that or whatever evil thing

They are not from God, they are the devils messengers who want you fall into sin
Consider what people tell you to do if it comes from the Lord or the devil.
Pray to Him and ask whether it to His will or not before you act


Seemed you were
Playing with human feelings.
But why do people still longing
For your presence, O love?
Why are you so mean in every life
Of people who live in this world?
You have be placed by the Lord in our hearts,
"the human" so that we know how the love of the Lord to us.
But sometimes people who claim to love the Lord very hard to forgive.
Sometimes they say they forgive but they don't forgive with their love.
If God forgives the sins of mankind with His love why people can't do?

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