25 Feb 2016

He Has Loved You From The Beginning

If you love Him
Submit yourselves to His will
If you know he knows best
Surrender all things in His hands
If He Request faithfulness from you then give
Surrender your heart to Him you shall
Seeing his work which is amazing in you
He never promised your life would always be happy with Him
If you were tested by the devil cried out to Him ask for help
From Him then He will come to give you strength and you will win with him
God will never leave you alone because he has loved you from the beginning


Unknown said...

hii kak amel semangat dan pantang menyerah untuk hidup karena kasihNya..

ooo iya ijinkan saya memberi info kak kalau kak Amel ingin tahu cara membuat website yukk disini saja. terimakasih.

"Love''pOEms" n "sToRiEs" said...

Thanks ya Indra

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