5 Feb 2016

More Than Ever

I really love this song
This song may happen in our lives
And if we feel this song then
We will find that is true, more than ever
He will be more than anything in our life

When I started my journey in fresh childlike trust
I believed that the Lord's way was best.
I would read in His Word how He mothered the bird
And grieved when it fell from it's nest.
How I felt His delight when I chose to do right,
And I prayed I would not make Him sad.
We would meet on the way in the cool of the day,
What a pure sweet communion we had.

Oh, but now more than ever I cherish the cross.
More than ever I sit at His feet.
All the miles of my journey have proved my Lord true,
And He is so precious to me.

The road I have traveled has sometimes been steep,
Through wild jagged places of life.
Sometimes I've stumbled and fallen so hard
That the stones cut my soul like a knife.
But the staff of my Shepherd would reach out for me
And lift me to cool pastures green.
With oil of the spirit anointing my wounds,
There I'd rest by the clear healing stream.

Is Love's Old Sweet Story too good to be true?
Do you find all this hard to believe?
Has the cruel world we live in so battered your heart
That the hurt child inside you can't grieve?
I can't say I blame you.
I've been where you are.
But all I can say is
It's true!
You're wanted,
You're precious,
You're the love of His heart,
And the old rugged cross was for you.

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