29 Jul 2016

Help me

Sometimes I think
I better dead than alive
I rather not exist in this world than
I have to keep bothersome the people around me.
And I began to ask Him
If today you still let me live what Your plan?
I sometimes feel tired of life
It seemed no longer able to live this life 
I was too tired with all that is happening in my life
Falling in love with someone that is not possible for me
Being a woman who always lived in the imagination that never happened
Dreaming of something beautiful but never happen
Is Your plan in my life? "Help me to be myself"
Help me to be more believe in the promise of Thy promise is always true
Help me to always look for your love than to love someone who is impossible.
Help me to be strong so I can live my life with passion and a smile
Help me to be more closer to You more than my friends in this world
I want thee always be with me in every moment and every life that I live
Because i know you hold my future and there is nothing will I fear in this life
You know Who I am, what the best for my life, You really know everything about me and my life 
So Lord better Thou take me to thee, I promise I'll give my life to thee for thy great plan from Heavenly Kingdom

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