3 Aug 2016

I miss you

I miss you
When I'm in lonely time
I miss you when I was growing up
I miss you when I became a young woman
I miss you when I start to serve the Lord
I miss singing with you when I sing the song you taught me
Daddy, I'm still your little girl today and tomorrow and forever
I'm still your daughter even you abandoned me when I was child 
They're see me smile and was always cheerful like there was no burden
But my heart always crying because I missing you no one can knows that
Who can understand my feeling? Who can read my mind? Only God knows.
one day in heaven will ask you why you abandoned your family? if you are in heaven
. I wish I could see you in heaven when the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ 
I don't know if you have ask for forgiveness from your sins to the Lord but if not I will do it for you 
I will ask to the Lord to give us forgiveness from heaven for our sins so when Jesus comes we will be met in Heavenly Kingdom

I love you 
Your daughter  

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