30 Sept 2016

I Never Alone

I've never been alone
Although no people around me
Ah I never feel lonely
Because I know that He is always there watching over me
He also will never make me hungry
He always provides everything I need for my life
I do not need to worry because I have Him who always cares about me
He will never leave me alone
So I will never fear living alone
Because He always sends helpers to look after me
I just need to pray and ask Him to be with me
And He will keep watching over me, care for me and protect me from all harm.
I believe in Him always and will never have replace Him in my life. Forever with Him

29 Sept 2016

Thou art the spirit of my life

Lord Jesus
Thou are my hero
Thou art the spirit of my life
I enjoy moments with Thee
What would happen if Thou are not with me
When I am away from Thee my life feels empty
I would feel useless, helpless and so lonely
There is no helper to help me forever
And only Thou art alone my help throughout my life
Only Thou art alone my hope in my whole life
Only Thou art alone my very best friend in all my life

21 Sept 2016

We Have The Same God

If everyone
Believe in God
The world will be in peace
Many denominations or religions
Who think their beliefs is a true
And began to differentiating each other
The world has one God, a Creator of the universe
We have the same God, is there is only one God
Who was created the heavens and the earth
He is the creator of all mankind in this world
Whether it is evil or good you are God's creation
And the creation of God was always loving Him
And the creation of God is always love each other
Peace to all the people who have always loved by the Lord and be like Him

19 Sept 2016

I never left alone

Living with Cerebral Palsy
Life with all its limitations
And I never left alone
You are the strength of my life
In the limitations you become
The only hope in my entire life
You never let me at all
You are a strong that can sustain the life
You became my parents when I am away from them
You place I complain when no friend by my side
You mean so much to me for the rest of my life
All my life I would like to submit to the hand of Your love
And let not my will but thy will that be are so
I want to serve and tell the good that you have done in my life
I felt wonderful love of my life filled with limitations that looks hopeless definite

Thou are really Great and Glorious

Thou are really Great and Glorious
Thy infinite power make me
Are limited as Thy devices
Never thought what would be  happened in my life which full of these limitations
If not Thee, O Lord Jesus I can not be like this
If not Thy love Lord Jesus I could not be like that happening today
May Thy light always keep and overshadow me until I could see the light in glorious heaven
I Praise you Lord my God for only Thee will I raise and glorify thy name in all my life

15 Sept 2016

God is good all the time and all the time God is good

When He said
Calm down, there's I Am who I AM
I've calmed storms, I also can calm the hurt of heart
I am The owners of love can give you the love more than what you want
So I listened to his voice that said, calm down, then I depended my whole life to Him
My way is not always bright, sometimes my path is dark and is horrified but His light is always guided me
He is the eternal light that will always lead us even in pitch darkness and the darkness can not overcome us if all of us are always with Him
When He calls you, follow him. When He said, Calm down there is Me then deliver up your life and trust completely in Him
Let his light shine in our life and let it be his will in our lives. We will surely live peacefully even in the storm that plagued our lives
God is good all the time and all the time God is good, blessed are those who have always believed and depended on the hand of His love

12 Sept 2016

My Little Story

Cerita tentang masa kecilku tak seindah kalian semua....
Berikut ini adalah cerita kehidupanku yang bisa dikatakan indah walau ada penderitaan.
Hanya Dia yang sanggup menolongmu, Dia tak akan pernah membiarkanmu dalam tekanan... Dia akan selalu menjawabmu tepat pada waktu-Nya

Sejak kecil saya memiliki tubuh yang kaku. Kalau lagi kumat, badan saya menjadi seperti kayu. Sulit untuk dibengkokkan. Kalau makan, kadang-kadang keselek. Dan saya sangat tergantung pada obat.Pagi, siang, malam, saya harus minum obat: valium, frisium, depakote, dan lain-lain. Dan setiap 3 bulan, ketika cek rutin ke dokter, dosis akan ditambah. Mama, saya, dan seisi rumah berdoa dan berdoa untuk kesembuhan saya. Tapi bukannya semakin sembuh, malah tambah parah. Saya tidak tahu pasti berapa banyak airmata yang keluar dari mata mama, ketika berdoa memohon kesembuhan anaknya. Berapa banyak airmata ketika melihat betapa saya menderita kejang.
Hingga tiba pada satu titik dimana kelihatannya sudah tidak ada harapan. Majelis Jemaat datang melawat dan menasehati mama supaya ikhlaskan saja, karena melihat saya sangat menderita. Akhirnya mama berdoa kalau hanya penderitaan yang akan saya alami, lebih baik Tuhan ambil saja. Hilang harapan, yang ada hanyalah tangisan kesedihan.

Amazing! Luar biasa! apa yang tidak mungkin bagi manusia, adalah mungkin bagi Tuhan. Amin! Puji Tuhan, Tuhan luar biasa.

Tidak berapa lama setelah doa mama itu, datang pertolongan dari Tuhan. hari demi hari saya semakin membaik. Saya tidak ke dokter lagi, dosis obat berkurang dan berkurang, dan akhirnya bebas dari obat-obatan. Dan inilah saya saat ini.

Saat ini kami sekeluarga hanya dapat melihat bagaimana kemuliaan Tuhan dinyatakan dalam kehidupan saya. Kelihatannya Tuhan terlambat, dan kami hilang harapan. Tapi lihatlah saya saat ini. Terima kasih Tuhan karena Ia menyatakan kemuliaanNya melalui kehidupan saya.  Puji Tuhan!

There are still many stories of my life that I want to testify to you, but I'll will tell you latter if I finished to write the story of me. :)

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