15 Sept 2016

God is good all the time and all the time God is good

When He said
Calm down, there's I Am who I AM
I've calmed storms, I also can calm the hurt of heart
I am The owners of love can give you the love more than what you want
So I listened to his voice that said, calm down, then I depended my whole life to Him
My way is not always bright, sometimes my path is dark and is horrified but His light is always guided me
He is the eternal light that will always lead us even in pitch darkness and the darkness can not overcome us if all of us are always with Him
When He calls you, follow him. When He said, Calm down there is Me then deliver up your life and trust completely in Him
Let his light shine in our life and let it be his will in our lives. We will surely live peacefully even in the storm that plagued our lives
God is good all the time and all the time God is good, blessed are those who have always believed and depended on the hand of His love

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