17 Oct 2016

I'm so Grateful

O Lord
Thy love is more than how I feel
Beyond my imagination
Beyond  which I believe
Beyond that I read in the Bible
There is no words that can express Thy love to us
There is no words that's enough to express Thy love
I'm so grateful for what Thou has done for me
I just can't understand how You love the human as I am
That full of sin... a wretch as I am... to be in Thy heart....
Lord I'm so grateful to be Thy daughter, I'm greatful for Thou had forgiving my sin.
I'm so grateful for Thou has been give Thy Son to die in my place so in him I could worthy to be Thine daughter.
Be Thou near to me O Lord, for all my life, only Thee The One whom I will exalt and adore. for Thou are worthy to be praise!

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