29 Nov 2016

Sevent Day Adventist

I'm not proud to be one of the Sevent Day Adventist
I proud to be in this church because I have knowledge the truth of Jesus through this church
We all know that the people are not will have to be saved because you are in the some church
We will saved if we believe that Jesus Christ is our savior and we surrender all the way to Jesus Christ
I believe faith in Jesus will save me from this world and I will be there forever with my greatest Savior Lord Jesus.
Jesus is the reason why I'm in this church because I believe of what the teaching is about the words of God that is a Bible.
So how can I can't believe in this church? I know that the truth are there in this church so I want to know more and more about Jesus with the people in this church.

17 Nov 2016

Trust God

Kita terlahir
Mengasihi Tuhan
Kita dilahirkan untuk
Menyatakan kemuliaan nama Tuhan
Tak perduli kau terlahir kaya atau miskin
Tak perduli kau terlahir sempurna atau cacat
Nama Tuhan yang maha mulia itu harus dinyatakan dalam dirimu
Nama Tuhan Yesus yang indah yang telah menjadi penebus dosa-dosa manusia
Harus diakui oleh semua orang yang sudah dibebaskan dari dosa-dosa mereka
Engkau adalah anak-anak Tuhan yang sangat berharga bagiNya
Tak mungkin Ia menciptakanmu tanpa tujuan yang indah yang telah disediakanNya
Percayalah pada Tuhan karena Dia memiliki rencana yang indah untuk semua orang yang mengasihiNya

We are born
To loving God
We were born to
Declare the glory of God's name
No matter you were born rich or poor
No matter you were born perfect or flawed
The name of almighty God glorious it must be stated in yourself
Wonderful name of Jesus who has become the redeemer of human sins
It should be recognized by all who have been freed from their sins
You are the children of God are very precious to Him
There was no way he created you without a beautiful destination that has availability
Trust God because He has a wonderful plan for all those who love Him

Suara Seorang Rakyat

Ahok di tuduh penistaan agama.... Beribu ribu tahun yang lalu ada juga orang yang menuduh seorang yang sangat baik, ajaranNya adalah ajaran kebenaran tapi Dia di tuduh menghujat agama, bahkan sampai mati di salib sebagai orang yang di hina... Tapi Dia telah bangkit dalam kemuliaan dan kehormatan. Dia adalah Raja segala raja yang sudah ada sejak zaman kekelan.. dan siapa yang hidup benar akan mendapatkan upahnya kelak di surga.
Jangan pernah takut untuk mengatakan yang benar itu benar dan salah itu salah. Jangan mau di provokasi dengan agama karena agama tidak bisa menjadi bahan politik. Politik adalah politik.

15 Nov 2016

If I Reflect On Meaning Life May Have

If I reflect on meaning life may have
My life is meaningless at all
Since my born day till today I always
Troublesome the people around me
I felt I was a child very useless for my mother
I felt I was a sister who is very embarrassing for my brother
If one day I die I'm going to be fine because no one whom I love
Besides my mother and brother and cousin are always hard because me
Yes, I would rather die than I live, without meaning in my life
All of these things trouble because of me and my disability
But I want to live with a sense of new life, with a new spirit of life in me

12 Nov 2016

Prince I Dreamed Of Is You.

Have you in my heart
Feel you in my heart
Never existed in my mind
To love someone like
There is always uneasy at the sight of you
I want, just to see you.
Prince I dreamed of is you.
Am I wrong when I dreamed of you?
Am I wrong when I began to feel this?
Why do I love you never know?

11 Nov 2016

Negara yang diberkati Tuhan

Oh Indahnya
Alam Indonesia
Tuhan memberkati
Indonesia dengan
Alam yang indah
Dengan kekayaan alam
Yang tak dimiliki oleh negara lain
Tidakkah engkau bersyukur karenanya?
Namun mengapa Indonesia yang diberkati Tuhan
Tak ada kedamaian di dalamnya? Mengapa membedakan antara agama harus ada?
Bukankah kita semua adalah saudara yang tinggal dalam satu negara yaitu negara
Mengapa harus rusuh di antara kita hanya karena aku Kristen dan engkau Islam padahal Tuhan kita adalah satu?
Bukankah itu membuat Tuhan menangis karena melihat kita tak pernah rukun satu dengan yang lain?
Damailah Indonesiaku karena itu yang dikehendaki Allah kepada kita semua yang ada di bawah naungan negara tercinta ini, Indonesia.

Oh Beautiful
Indonesia's nature
God bless
Indonesia with
Beautiful nature
Natural wealth
Not possessed by other countries
Don't you thankful for that?
But why Indonesia is blessed by God
There is no peace in it? Why distinguish between religion should exist?
Are not we all brothers who live in a country that is the state Pancasila?
Why should a riot between us just because I'm a Christian and you are Islam whereas thou our God is one?
Doesn't that make God weep because we never see get along with each other?
Be peace my Indonesia because it was the will of God to all of us that exist under the auspices of this beloved country, Indonesia.

2 Nov 2016

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.

Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

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