9 Dec 2016

Sitting at the Feet of Jesus

  1. Sitting at the feet of Jesus,
    Oh, what words I hear Him say!
    Happy place! so near, so precious!
    May it find me there each day;
    Sitting at the feet of Jesus,
    I would look upon the past;
    For His love has been so gracious,
    It has won my heart at last.
  2. Sitting at the feet of Jesus,
    Where can mortal be more blest?
    There I lay my sins and sorrows,
    And, when weary, find sweet rest;
    Sitting at the feet of Jesus,
    There I love to weep and pray;
    While I from His fullness gather
    Grace and comfort every day.
  3. Bless me, O my Savior, bless me,
    As *I sit low at Thy feet; [*I’m waiting]
    Oh, look down in love upon me,
    Let me see Thy face so sweet;
    Give me, Lord, the mind of Jesus,
    Keep me holy as He is;
    May I prove I’ve been with Jesus,
    Who is all my righteousness.

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