9 Jan 2017

I Want To Be True Adventist

I don't want to be
Adventist just by a title
Just only on the outside
But inside I'm not Adventist
I want to be a good Adventist
Inside my heart too so I can be
Live my life as a Adventist
I am Adventist since I was born
But I'm not truly Adventist in my heart
I never thought about Him in this life
But inside my heart the there is always
A call in my heart to be a true Adventist
And now I really want to be a true Adventist
Inside me so I can change the world out there
And I can be proud to be a Seventh Day Adventist
I have felt the love of God so much in my life and
I have seen how God work for my life it's so amazing
My life is a gift from God and I want always praise His name
I want to be became a good Adventist because I love my Lord
And I think it is always there the same feeling of a
Seventh Day Adventist Church people who was felt God's love in life

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