10 Mar 2017

I Don't Want To Be Regret My Limitations

Let me tell you about
Something in my mind
Sometimes I feel
Really hurt in my heart
And at that time there was a
Whispers of His voice speaks to me
Calm down! I am here for you!
He say that to calming my heart and soul 
He said that His love will never end for me
To make me feel comfort
He always tells me that
He had a great plan for me
He is truly a Father for me
Yes, He is my best friend
He is the one who can understand hurt in my heart
I am so proud to be His child
I know in my life many people will hurt me. 
I know there is something that makes a great pain in me.
I know a lot of disappointment that I will experience in serving Him.
I know for this purpose I summoned.
I know this is a plan of His to make me strong enough.
He is the one who has a very good plan for me until the end
My life is not gonna be over just because so many people hurt me.
My life is His plan and I don't want to regret my limitations
I don't need to be disappointed and discouraged because of my limitations
I don't need to be disappointed and discouraged because of my limitations
Because I know He is the maker of my life and He knows what's the best for me

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