22 Jul 2017

Jesus is all I need

When I'm feeling lonely
When I feel like no friends
Nobody wants to be my friend
No true friend in this world I have
Sometimes I feel they just want to be with me
Because there is something that they wanting from me
But I don't care about them anymore because I know
I have Jesus and I don't need to be disappointed about them
Like the song that I really love and I always hear from day to day
Jesus is all I need I need no other friend I no other one only Jesus is all that I need.
And now I realize that I don't need to be discouraged to serve Jesus I don't need to see people when I serve.
I know I just need to turn my eyes upon Jesus and serve Him with all my heart.
He can make the way when I feel like it's hard for me to do that when nobody wants to help me.

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