25 Jul 2017

What Are You Looking For

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:33 NIV

We are looking for a sincere love,
We are looking for a happiness,
We are looking for a good friend,
We are looking for popularity
We want to be more cool
And we are busy amass wealth.
What's all that for?
That's all that we're looking for?
Does all of that we are looking for?
Does all of that make a joyful in heart?
All of that make us forget about God.
All of that make us forget about Heaven
In fact, Heaven is our eternal wealth
In fact, God is ready to give more than all we were looking for
God knows our hearts and He knew what are you longing for
As long as we want to seek Him with all our heart and soul
As long as we want to love Him more than this world pleasure
Don't get discouraged if you don't get what you're looking for
For we are know that our life is only temporary in this world
Nothing we can do to make our lives more successful without God in our lives
Nothing can be done without His goodness in our lives
We just need to surrender all our lives to Him and let Him work in our lives

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