11 Dec 2018

Pelajaran Dari Kisah Keduabelas Pengintai

Hari ini bacaan Alkitabku sudah di Bilangan 13-14

Ceritanya sangat menarik dan inspiratif. Maka aku putuskan untuk membagikan apa yang aku baca tadi kepada para pembaca sekalian.
Inti dari cerita ini adalah bagaimana kita beriman dan percaya pada janji Tuhan. Aku sangat senang melihat Kaleb dan Yosua yang imannya kepada Tuhan tidak pernah goyah dan percaya bahwa Tuhan tidak akan pernah lalai menepati janjiNya. Sekali Dia berjanji akan menyertai kita maka Dia akan menyertai kita.
Itulah yang aku dapatkan pada bacaan Alkitabku hari ini.

Bilangan 13-14

 (TB) TUHAN berfirman kepada Musa:
"Suruhlah beberapa orang mengintai tanah Kanaan, yang akan Kuberikan kepada orang Israel; dari setiap suku nenek moyang mereka haruslah kausuruh seorang, semuanya pemimpin-pemimpin di antara mereka."
Lalu Musa menyuruh mereka dari padang gurun Paran, sesuai dengan titah TUHAN; semua orang itu adalah kepala-kepala di antara orang Israel.
Dan inilah nama-nama mereka: Dari suku Ruben: Syamua bin Zakur;
dari suku Simeon: Safat bin Hori;
dari suku Yehuda: Kaleb bin Yefune;
dari suku Isakhar: Yigal bin Yusuf;
dari suku Efraim: Hosea bin Nun;
dari suku Benyamin: Palti bin Rafu;
dari suku Zebulon: Gadiel bin Sodi;
dari suku Yusuf, yakni dari suku Manasye: Gadi bin Susi;
dari suku Dan: Amiel bin Gemali;
dari suku Asyer: Setur bin Mikhael;
dari suku Naftali: Nahbi bin Wofsi;
dari suku Gad: Guel bin Makhi.
Itulah nama orang-orang yang disuruh Musa untuk mengintai negeri itu; dan Musa menamai Hosea bin Nun itu Yosua.
Maka Musa menyuruh mereka untuk mengintai tanah Kanaan, katanya kepada mereka: "Pergilah dari sini ke Tanah Negeb dan naiklah ke pegunungan,
dan amat-amatilah bagaimana keadaan negeri itu, apakah bangsa yang mendiaminya kuat atau lemah, apakah mereka sedikit atau banyak;
dan bagaimana negeri yang didiaminya, apakah baik atau buruk, bagaimana kota-kota yang didiaminya, apakah mereka diam di tempat-tempat yang terbuka atau di tempat-tempat yang berkubu,
dan bagaimana tanah itu, apakah gemuk atau kurus, apakah ada di sana pohon-pohonan atau tidak. Tabahkanlah hatimu dan bawalah sedikit dari hasil negeri itu." Waktu itu ialah musim hulu hasil anggur.
Mereka pergi ke sana, lalu mengintai negeri itu mulai dari padang gurun Zin sampai ke Rehob, ke jalan yang menuju ke Hamat.
Mereka berjalan melalui Tanah Negeb, lalu sampai ke Hebron; di sana ada Ahiman, Sesai dan Talmai, keturunan Enak. Hebron didirikan tujuh tahun lebih dahulu dari Soan di Mesir.
Ketika mereka sampai ke lembah Eskol, dipotong merekalah di sana suatu cabang dengan setandan buah anggurnya, lalu berdualah mereka menggandarnya; juga mereka membawa beberapa buah delima dan buah ara.
Tempat itu dinamai orang lembah Eskol, karena tandan buah anggur yang dipotong orang Israel di sana.
Sesudah lewat empat puluh hari pulanglah mereka dari pengintaian negeri itu,
dan langsung datang kepada Musa, Harun dan segenap umat Israel di Kadesh, di padang gurun Paran. Mereka membawa pulang kabar kepada keduanya dan kepada segenap umat itu dan memperlihatkan kepada sekaliannya hasil negeri itu.
Mereka menceritakan kepadanya: "Kami sudah masuk ke negeri, ke mana kausuruh kami, dan memang negeri itu berlimpah-limpah susu dan madunya, dan inilah hasilnya.
Hanya, bangsa yang diam di negeri itu kuat-kuat dan kota-kotanya berkubu dan sangat besar, juga keturunan Enak telah kami lihat di sana.
Orang Amalek diam di Tanah Negeb, orang Het, orang Yebus dan orang Amori diam di pegunungan, orang Kanaan diam sepanjang laut dan sepanjang tepi sungai Yordan."
Kemudian Kaleb mencoba menenteramkan hati bangsa itu di hadapan Musa, katanya: "Tidak! Kita akan maju dan menduduki negeri itu, sebab kita pasti akan mengalahkannya!"
Tetapi orang-orang yang pergi ke sana bersama-sama dengan dia berkata: "Kita tidak dapat maju menyerang bangsa itu, karena mereka lebih kuat dari pada kita."
Juga mereka menyampaikan kepada orang Israel kabar busuk tentang negeri yang diintai mereka, dengan berkata: "Negeri yang telah kami lalui untuk diintai adalah suatu negeri yang memakan penduduknya, dan semua orang yang kami lihat di sana adalah orang-orang yang tinggi-tinggi perawakannya.
Juga kami lihat di sana orang-orang raksasa, orang Enak yang berasal dari orang-orang raksasa, dan kami lihat diri kami seperti belalang, dan demikian juga mereka terhadap kami."
Lalu segenap umat itu mengeluarkan suara nyaring dan bangsa itu menangis pada malam itu. 
Bersungut-sungutlah semua orang Israel kepada Musa dan Harun; dan segenap umat itu berkata kepada mereka: "Ah, sekiranya kami mati di tanah Mesir, atau di padang gurun ini!
Mengapakah TUHAN membawa kami ke negeri ini, supaya kami tewas oleh pedang, dan isteri serta anak-anak kami menjadi tawanan? Bukankah lebih baik kami pulang ke Mesir?"
Dan mereka berkata seorang kepada yang lain: "Baiklah kita mengangkat seorang pemimpin, lalu pulang ke Mesir."
Lalu sujudlah Musa dan Harun di depan mata seluruh jemaah Israel yang berkumpul di situ. 
Tetapi Yosua bin Nun dan Kaleb bin Yefune, yang termasuk orang-orang yang telah mengintai negeri itu, mengoyakkan pakaiannya,
dan berkata kepada segenap umat Israel: "Negeri yang kami lalui untuk diintai itu adalah luar biasa baiknya. 
Jika TUHAN berkenan kepada kita, maka Ia akan membawa kita masuk ke negeri itu dan akan memberikannya kepada kita, suatu negeri yang berlimpah-limpah susu dan madunya.
Hanya, janganlah memberontak kepada TUHAN, dan janganlah takut kepada bangsa negeri itu, sebab mereka akan kita telan habis. Yang melindungi mereka sudah meninggalkan mereka, sedang TUHAN menyertai kita; janganlah takut kepada mereka."  
Lalu segenap umat itu mengancam hendak melontari kedua orang itu dengan batu. Tetapi tampaklah kemuliaan TUHAN di Kemah Pertemuan kepada semua orang Israel. 
TUHAN berfirman kepada Musa: "Berapa lama lagi bangsa ini menista Aku, dan berapa lama lagi mereka tidak mau percaya kepada-Ku, sekalipun sudah ada segala tanda mujizat yang Kulakukan di tengah-tengah mereka!
Aku akan memukul mereka dengan penyakit sampar dan melenyapkan mereka, tetapi engkau akan Kubuat menjadi bangsa yang lebih besar dan lebih kuat dari pada mereka."
Lalu berkatalah Musa kepada TUHAN: "Jikalau hal itu kedengaran kepada orang Mesir, padahal Engkau telah menuntun bangsa ini dengan kekuatan-Mu dari tengah-tengah mereka, 
mereka akan berceritera kepada penduduk negeri ini, yang telah mendengar bahwa Engkau, TUHAN, ada di tengah-tengah bangsa ini, dan bahwa Engkau, TUHAN, menampakkan diri-Mu kepada mereka dengan berhadapan muka, waktu awan-Mu berdiri di atas mereka dan waktu Engkau berjalan mendahului mereka di dalam tiang awan pada waktu siang dan di dalam tiang api pada waktu malam. 
Jadi jikalau Engkau membunuh bangsa ini sampai habis, maka bangsa-bangsa yang mendengar kabar tentang Engkau itu nanti berkata:
Oleh karena TUHAN tidak berkuasa membawa bangsa ini masuk ke negeri yang dijanjikan-Nya dengan bersumpah kepada mereka, maka Ia menyembelih mereka di padang gurun.
Jadi sekarang, biarlah kiranya kekuatan TUHAN itu nyata kebesarannya, seperti yang Kaufirmankan: 
TUHAN itu berpanjangan sabar dan kasih setia-Nya berlimpah-limpah, Ia mengampuni kesalahan dan pelanggaran, tetapi sekali-kali tidak membebaskan orang yang bersalah dari hukuman, bahkan Ia membalaskan kesalahan bapa kepada anak-anaknya, kepada keturunan yang ketiga dan keempat.  
Ampunilah kiranya kesalahan bangsa ini sesuai dengan kebesaran kasih setia-Mu, seperti Engkau telah mengampuni bangsa ini mulai dari Mesir sampai ke mari."
Berfirmanlah TUHAN: "Aku mengampuninya sesuai dengan permintaanmu. 
Hanya, demi Aku yang hidup dan kemuliaan TUHAN memenuhi seluruh bumi:  
Semua orang yang telah melihat kemuliaan-Ku dan tanda-tanda mujizat yang Kuperbuat di Mesir dan di padang gurun, namun telah sepuluh kali mencobai Aku dan tidak mau mendengarkan suara-Ku,
pastilah tidak akan melihat negeri yang Kujanjikan dengan bersumpah kepada nenek moyang mereka! Semua yang menista Aku ini tidak akan melihatnya.
Tetapi hamba-Ku Kaleb, karena lain jiwa yang ada padanya dan ia mengikut Aku dengan sepenuhnya, akan Kubawa masuk ke negeri yang telah dimasukinya itu, dan keturunannya akan memilikinya. 
Orang Amalek dan orang Kanaan diam di lembah. Sebab itu berpalinglah besok dan berangkatlah ke padang gurun, ke arah Laut Teberau."
Lagi berfirmanlah TUHAN kepada Musa dan Harun: 
"Berapa lama lagi umat yang jahat ini akan bersungut-sungut kepada-Ku? Segala sesuatu yang disungut-sungutkan orang Israel kepada-Ku telah Kudengar.
Katakanlah kepada mereka: Demi Aku yang hidup, demikianlah firman TUHAN, bahwasanya seperti yang kamu katakan di hadapan-Ku, demikianlah akan Kulakukan kepadamu. 
Di padang gurun ini bangkai-bangkaimu akan berhantaran, yakni semua orang di antara kamu yang dicatat, semua tanpa terkecuali yang berumur dua puluh tahun ke atas, karena kamu telah bersungut-sungut kepada-Ku. 
Bahwasanya kamu ini tidak akan masuk ke negeri yang dengan mengangkat sumpah telah Kujanjikan akan Kuberi kamu diami, kecuali Kaleb bin Yefune dan Yosua bin Nun!
Tentang anak-anakmu yang telah kamu katakan: Mereka akan menjadi tawanan, merekalah yang akan Kubawa masuk, supaya mereka mengenal negeri yang telah kamu hinakan itu.
Tetapi mengenai kamu, bangkai-bangkaimu akan berhantaran di padang gurun ini, 
dan anak-anakmu akan mengembara sebagai penggembala di padang gurun empat puluh tahun lamanya dan akan menanggung akibat ketidaksetiaan, sampai bangkai-bangkaimu habis di padang gurun. 
Sesuai dengan jumlah hari yang kamu mengintai negeri itu, yakni empat puluh hari, satu hari dihitung satu tahun, jadi empat puluh tahun lamanya kamu harus menanggung akibat kesalahanmu, supaya kamu tahu rasanya, jika Aku berbalik dari padamu: 
Aku, TUHAN, yang berkata demikian. Sesungguhnya Aku akan melakukan semuanya itu kepada segenap umat yang jahat ini yang telah bersepakat melawan Aku. Di padang gurun ini mereka akan habis dan di sinilah mereka akan mati." 
Adapun orang-orang yang telah disuruh Musa untuk mengintai negeri itu, yang sudah pulang dan menyebabkan segenap umat itu bersungut-sungut kepada Musa dengan menyampaikan kabar busuk tentang negeri itu,
orang-orang itu mati, kena tulah di hadapan TUHAN. 
Tetapi yang tinggal hidup dari orang-orang yang telah pergi mengintai negeri itu hanyalah Yosua bin Nun dan Kaleb bin Yefune.

6 Dec 2018

His Good is Enough

Live as a Disabled 
Sometimes there unfairly thing they do to you
Unfairly deed make you feel so much upset
Unfairly deed in love for you 
You just want to be loved by someone but they give you unfairly deed
And you pray to God say: Lord Your good is enough for me because only You could do fair for me
Your good is enough for me because I have to much pain in my life and I don't know who would love me like You do
Your good is really enough for me because only you will be there in my life always and forever.

25 Nov 2018

The Ten Commandments

I was born in a Seventh-Day Adventist family
And since I was a kid my parents had taught me the ten commandments of God
Not only read but to be memorized and performed this Ten Commandments 
Especially the fourth commandment, this important to obey.
I'm not saying that the other commandment are not important because there is written
Jesus said, that if we disobey one of the Ten Commandments we are sinned.
And as Ellen White said if we disobey the Fourth law we are disobey all God's law.
So until this day I still trying to keep and obey all the Ten Commandments in my life.

And God spake all these words, saying,  I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.  Thou shalt have no other gods before me.  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:  Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;  And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.  Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.  Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.  Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:  But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:  For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.  Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.  Thou shalt not kill.  Thou shalt not commit adultery.  Thou shalt not steal.  Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.  Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.
Exodus 20:1‭-‬17 KJV

23 Nov 2018

10 Years Being a Blogger

Being a blogger
Was not my dream,
Being a blogger, I just wanted to
Express my writing to the people.
But wow! It's been 10 year I wrote on this blog.
Wait a minute, I write on this blog for 10 years? What a great time.
I so appreciate the reader who's always support me.
And always said to keep write this blog and make you guys be blessed with my writings.
Thanks again to the Lord for giving me this talent to me and I can write my thoughts and bless other people with my poems and stories.
I will say now and forever that the Lord is so good to me.

Please Be Faithful

Bangun pagi
Yang kau lakukan
Mengambil HP mu
Melihat media sosial
Disana ada banyak status Orang
Banyak foto-foto yang diunggah disana
Banyak video yang tidak penting diunggah 
Atau memainkan game kesayanganmu 
Dan ketika kamu melihat itu semua maka
Kau akan asik dengan itu semua gantinya
Meluangkan waktu bersama Tuhan
Dan akhirnya kau menjadi alat setan yang mengganggu
Orang yang sedang membaca firman Tuhan.
Tolong setialah pada Tuhan yang telah memberkatimu
Setia itu bukan hanya pergi ke gereja setiap sabat
Setia itu bukan hanya melakukan kewajibanmu pada Tuhan
Dengan memberikan perpuluhan setiap engkau mendapatkan berkat
Setia itu adalah saat engkau mengenal Tuhan lewat firman-Nya
Saat pagi datang belajarlah untuk mengutamakan Tuhan dalam hidupmu
Saat bangun tidur di pagi hari biasakanlah dirimu berbicara dengan Tuhan
Saat engkau membuka mata di pagi hari bersyukurlah karena hidup yang masih diberikan padamu
Dekatkanlah dirimu pada Tuhan, jadilah sahabat dengan Tuhan,  dan mulailah harimu dengan Tuhan
Maka berkat takkan pernah berhenti mengalir dalam hidupmu seumur hidupmu

Up early
What you do
Take your smartphone
See social media
There are lots of People status
Many of the photos uploaded there
Many non-important videos are uploaded
Or maybe playing your favorite  games
And when you see it all then
You will be busy with it all than
Spending time with God
And finally you become an annoying to
People who are reading God's word.
Please be faithful to God who blessed you
Faithful is not just going to church every Sabbath
Faithful is not only doing your duty to God
By giving a tithe every time you get a blessing
Faithful is when you know God through His word
When morning comes learn to put God first in your life
When you wake up in the morning, make it a habit to talk to God
When you open your eyes in the morning, be grateful because life is still given to you
Get close to God, be friends with God, and start your day with God
Then blessings will never stop flowing in your life for the rest of your life

20 Nov 2018

A Girl's Dream

Mimpi bertemu dengan Tuhan
Adalah mimpi yang indah untuk
Seorang Gadis kecil
Kerinduannya untuk melihat Tuhan Yesus
Yang akan datang di awan-awan dan membuat dia tersenyum,
Menyembuhkan dia dari kecacatan yang dialaminya sejak lahir
Adalah angan-angan hatinya sampai di saat dia beranjak remaja dia mulai bertanya
Apakah Tuhan benar-benar akan datang dan menyembuhkannya?
Apakah itu hanyalah dongeng yang dikarang oleh orang?
Apakah Tuhan benar-benar ada? Atau aku hanya memimpikan sesuatu yang tidak mungkin?
Tapi ada sesuatu di dalam hatinya yang selalu menguatkan hatinya bahwa keyakinannya tidaklah salah.
Ketika membaca firman Tuhan dia dikuatkan lagi dan lagi sampai saat dia dewasa dia tetap percaya
Tuhannya suatu saat nanti akan datang dan membuat dia menjadi sempurna dan tidak ada lagi kesedihan yang akan datang padanya.

Dream of meeting God
Is a beautiful dream for
A little girl
Her longing is to see the Lord Jesus
What will come in the clouds and make her smile,
Heal her from the disability he experienced from birth
Is her wish until one day when she's was a teenager
So she's starts asking questions,
Will God really come and heal her?
Is that just a tale written by people?
Does God really exist? Or am I just dreaming of something impossible?
But there is something in her heart that
always strengthens his heart that her beliefs are not wrong.
When reading the word of God she was strengthened again and again until when she was an adult he still believed
His Lord will someday come and make her perfect and no more sadness will come to her.

18 Nov 2018

I Am Determined by Jennifer LaMountain

Darkness around me, sorrow surrounds me;
Though there be trials, still I can sing.
For I have this treasure – my God reigns within me,
And I am determined to live for the King.

I am determined to be invincible
‘Til He has finished His purpose in me.
And nothing shall shake me
For He’ll never forsake me
And I am determined to live for the King.

Hell’s gates are trembling from our prayers ascending
Darkness is crumbling from praises we sing.
Our Sovereign, Victorious is marching before us,
And we are determined to live for the King.


When I am weary – I’ll look to His face;
And when I am tempted,
I’ll trust in His grace ---
Yes, I’ll trust in His grace -----

I am determined to be invincible
‘Til He has finished His purpose in me.
And nothing shall shake me
For He’ll never forsake me
And I am determined –
I am determined ---
I am determined to live for My King.

9 Nov 2018

Jesus Christ Is Really Mean To Me

Tuhan Yesus
Aku sungguh mengagumiMu
Untukku Engkau satu-satunya Sahabat yang selalu aku andalkan
Engkau ada setiap hari dalam hidupku dan hatiku selalu ingin bertemu dengananMu
Aku hanya ingin bersamaMu dan menikmati baiknya kasih Bapa yang selalu aku rasakan
Aku tak pernah kekurangan walaupun aku hidup dalam keterbatasan fisik ini ya Tuhanku
Aku tahu Bapa menciptakan aku bukan tanpa alasan, selalu ada rencana di setiap ciptaan-Mu
Saat aku melihat orang yang bersahabat dengan mahluk halus, aku berkata dalam hati betapa beruntungnya aku karena Sahabatku adalah Engkau.
Banyak orang yang akan menyesatkan umatMu dan banyak orang terperdaya olehnya.
Tapi aku percaya Engkau tak akan membiarkan umatMu tersesat jikalau kami selalu mengundang Engkau masuk kedalam hati kami.
Entah kenapa,, aku begitu mengagumi diri-Mu? Mungkin karena semakin aku membaca atau mendengar firman-Mu semakin aku mencintaiMu.
Aku mencintai semua tentang Engkau dan tak pernah berhenti rasa kagumku padaMu setiap hari.
Engkaulah Sahabat terindah dalam hidupku, Sahabat yang selalu ada di setiap waktu, Sahabat yang mengangkat aku saat aku dalam keadaan yang terpuruk sekalipun.
Engkaulah Tuhan yang ajaib kuasaNya, seluruh mahluk tunduk dihadapanMu,  karena sebenarnya Engkaulah yang menciptakan mereka.
Engkaulah Tuhan yang memberikan kesembuhan kepada mereka yang membutuhkan uluran tanganMu, yang mengasuh anak yang telah kehilangan orang tua.
Yang memelihara orang-orang yang memiliki keterbatasan, yang berjanji saat Engkau datang kecacatan akan dipulihkan dan tak ada lagi yang akan menjadi seseorang yang cacat.
Engkau adalah yang awal dan akhir, yang telah ada sejak dunia belum di jadikan, yang akan mengakhiri penderitaan dunia karena dosa.
Tuhan terimakasih untuk semua kasih sayang, hikmat, berkat dan iman yang telah Engkau berikan dalam kehidupanku
Aku takkan pernah bisa seperti sekarang ini, bersaksi bagiMu, jika Engkau tidak besertaku.

Lord Jesus
I really admire you
For me, you are the only Friend I always rely on

You are there every day of my life and my heart always wants to meet you
I just want to be with you and enjoy the good love of the Father that I always feel
I have never lacked even though I live in this physical limitation, my Lord!
I know that the Father created me not without reason, there are always plans in each of your creations
When I see people who are friends with spirits, I tell myself how lucky I am because my friend is You.
Many people will mislead your people and many people are deceived by it.
But I believe you will not let your people get lost if we always invite you into our hearts.
I don't know why, I admire You? Maybe it because the more I read or hear Your words, the more I love You.

I love all about You and never stop my admiration for You every day.
You are the most beautiful friend of my life, a friend who is always there at all times, a friend who raised me when I was in a state of deterioration.
You are the God of His miraculous power, all beings submit before You, because in fact You created them.
You are the God who gives healing to those who need your helping hand, who cares for children who have lost their parents.
Those who care for people who have limitations, who promise when you come disability will be restored and no one will become someone who is disabled.
You are the beginning and the end, which has existed since the world has not yet been made, which will end the suffering of the world because of sin.
God, thank you for all the love, wisdom, blessings and faith that you have given me in my life
I will never be able to be like this now, testify to You, if You are not with me.

8 Nov 2018

Loving Jesus

Living life as disabled people
Sometime I feel no one love me,
And I feel alone in the life
No one understand my heart
I've been hanging out with this world
I was once a lover of a lesbian and another disgusting person
I was fall down so far far away in sin and I became a great sinner. 
But Jesus pick me up before I go so far from Him and said I want to save you
Jesus make me feel I have loved when nobody looking me down
He makes me feel more precious than before and I chose to obey Him
I'm not being this world friend or lover because now I have a great lover in my life
Now I'm a lover of Jesus Christ and I will change my thoughts that nobody loves me
Because loving Jesus Christ mean love myself and love my neighbor too.

5 Oct 2018

Love is Amazing Thing

Love is  amazing thing 
People can be happy because of love
People can die because of love
People can be crazy because of love
That is the love that exists in the world
True happiness can only be found in God
True love can only be found in God
True friends can only be found in God
A good family can only be found in God
Happy family is a family that is closer and surrender to God
In God  you can found the love that you dream of in your life 
In God you will have a happiness, joyful, hope and loving family

28 Sept 2018

Don't Delay Anymore, O Lord! Come Quickly And Save Us Your People

Semilir angin berhembus menerpa wajahku,
Terlintas dalam benakku tentang
Keadaan dunia yang semakin gelap ini.
Aku berbicara dan bertanya kepada Tuhan dari hatiku,
Sampai kapan Kau akan menunda kedatangan-Mu?
Bukankah tanda-tanda yang Engkau katakan tentang kedatangan-Mu sudah di genapi?
Sampai kapan orang-orang yang tidak bersalah akan menderita?
Banyak anak-anak yang kehilangan orang tua karena bencana alam yang menimpa mereka.
Banyak ibu-ibu kehilangan anak-anaknya karena gempa bumi yang melanda mereka di suatu tempat.
Banyak orang tua terpisah dari anak-anak mereka karena penculikan anak-anak yang semakin meningkat.
Apakah Engkau akan diam saja melihat semua yang terjadi dalam dunia karena akibat dari dosa?
Semakin lama semakin banyak pula orang-orang yang menderita penyakit berbahaya dan meninggal lalu membawa duka bagi keluarga dan sahabat.
Sampai kapan kami harus menunggu kedatangan-Mu yang katanya segera itu agar kami boleh bertemu dengan orang-orang yang kami kasihi?
Janganlah menunda lagi ya Tuhan! Segeralah datang dan selamatkanlah kami umatMu.

A breeze blows on my face,
Comes to my mind about
Circumstances this darkening world.
I spoke up and asked the Lord from my heart,
How long you still want to delay your coming?
Isn't the signs that you say about your coming are fulfilled?
How long will the innocent people must be in suffer?
Many children lose their parents because of the natural disaster that befell them.
Many mothers lose their children because of the earthquake that struck them somewhere.
Many parents are separated from their children because of the increasing kidnapping of children.
Will you be silent to see everything that happens in the world because of the consequences of sin?
The longer the more people who are suffering from dangerous diseases and died, and bring sorrow to the family and friends.
How long do we have to wait for your immediate arrival so that we may meet with our loved ones?
Don't delay anymore, O Lord! Come quickly and save us your people.

25 Sept 2018

When You are Gone

You are a good person
I always have you when I need
I can always count on you 
You always love me and always wanted to make me happy
Now you are gone and I feel really missing a moment with you
I can't believe you are gone now but I believe you are happy now
Rest in peace my lovely Uncle, till we meet again in the bright morning

23 Sept 2018

Jadilah kehendak-Mu

Saat aku memilih
Untuk tidak seperti
Yang Engkau kehendaki
Saat aku mencoba lari dariMu
Saat aku kehilangan harapanku
Aku menjauh dari hadirat-Mu
Aku tak mau lagi berbakti pada-Mu
Tapi Engkau sabar terhadap aku
Engkau setia menunggu aku dengan tangan terbuka
Entah kenapa Engkau membuat aku hidup sampai saat ini
Engkau masih memberkati aku walaupun aku durhaka kepada-Mu
Tuhan Aku ingin lebih dekat dengan-Mu lebih dari sekedar hanya berbakti dan berdoa
Ampuni aku Tuhan bila aku tidak melakukan kehendak-Mu dan semakin jauh dariMu
Ubah hatiku ya Bapa dan layakkanlah aku untuk menjadi seseorang bagi kemuliaan-Mu
Jadilah Tuhan seperti yang Engkau kehendaki dalam hidupku
Pakailah aku sesuai dengan rencanaMu ya Bapaku yang di surga
Ajar aku untuk selalu menuruti perintah-perintahMu yang suci 
Akhirnya aku tahu bahwa tanpa cintaMu dalam segala hal yang aku lakukan
Tanpa penyertaan-Mu di dalam hidup ini aku bukanlah apa-apa

20 Sept 2018

Stand On Our Faith "Till The End

This news is familiar to the Seventh-day Adventist Church
This could be good news for those who love, longing, and waiting for the coming of the Lord
But this could be a bad news for those who do not love, longing, and waiting for the coming of the Lord
Are you in the first group or the second? Are you ready to welcome the Lord or will you worship the image of the beast?
Sunday Law is before us now! we must defend our faith as best we can and always stand on our faith "till the end

14 Sept 2018

God Always Have the Answer

If you ask something to God
If you believe you will get it
You will have it in God's time.
But if you didn't, don't be discourage
God always have the answer for you
God always have a best way to answer your prayer.
God always hears and gives the best for your life.

31 Aug 2018

A Testimony On August

August will end soon, and on the last day of August, I want to share a little testimony to all of you ...
My birthday is on August and
long before my birthday I asked God and my mother for a birthday present
So I pray and ask to the Lord: I say, Lord, if you don't mind can you give a laptop as my birthday present?
Because my external hard-disk is broke and my laptop is almost broke.
After I pray I ask to my mom the same thing and my mom said I don't have a money in your birthday.
I was really hoping mom can give me a laptop. But I don't want to impose my will to my mom and God. I feel upset but as soon as I realize there is voice whispering in my heart I have a great God and He is really rich. He can gave me more than I ask. That's where my faith is strengthened.
And that's right I have a great day on my birthday and God gave me a present that I ask to Him. Maybe not on my birthday but as soon in His time He will answer my pray. And I believe that.

28 Aug 2018

"We Are God's Miracle"

If you say you don't feel a miracle
You are wrong because Everyone
Has their own miracle including me.
I don't think so I am right but it's just my opinion.
Please watch this video and give your opinion.

We Are God's Miracle

20 Aug 2018

The sound of my heart

I almost lost but God pulled me back
Too many people have been restrained me to serve thee
I almost lost my faith because of someone
I am almost frustrated because they are always blocking my path to close to thee
Am I supposed to leave them so I can serve Thee?
Should I choose to be loyal to Thee more than my family?
Let me serve Thee O Lord, let me serve Thee.
Give me a strong faith in Thee so I can keep my faith in Thee.
Thou art O Lord are the Lord Almighty God, you can do anything with your hands.
Help me and agive me a strength so I can live my life with Thee every day

13 Aug 2018

1 Corinthians 2:9,10

'However, as it is written:
“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”
— the things God has prepared for those who love him—
these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit.
The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. ' 1 Corinthians 2:9,10

' Tetapi seperti ada tertulis:
“Apa yang tidak pernah dilihat oleh mata, dan tidak pernah didengar oleh telinga,
dan yang tidak pernah timbul di dalam hati manusia:
semua yang disediakan Allah untuk mereka yang mengasihi Dia.
” Karena kepada kita Allah telah menyatakannya oleh Roh,
sebab Roh menyelidiki segala sesuatu, bahkan hal-hal yang tersembunyi dalam diri Allah. ' 1 Korintus 2:9,10

26 Jul 2018

Start Your Day with God

When you wake up
In the morning and
Start the day with
Motivation to make
Everyone around you happy
You will have a good mood in a day
And happiness will be there in your heart
When you start a day with a smile, that time God smile at you
But if you start a day with hurting some people you will be in a badmood for a day
If God is in your heart He will control your temper and you can get a happiness in your heart
Always be grateful to God, ask Him to purify your heart so you can make your day better than before

19 Jul 2018

Yang Aku Percaya Tentang Yesus

Aku membaca cerita Al-Quran
Tentang nabi Isa Al-Masih
Atau yang akrab kupanggili
Dengan Yesus Kristus Tuhan
Di cerita itu aku merasa tidak
Nyaman dengan cerita Al=Quran
Cerita itu tidak seperti cerita yang aku ketahui
Menurut cerita Al-Quran
Yesus tidak mati di kayu salib
Yesus diangkat ke surga sebelum
Ia ditangkap oleh orang-orang yang menginginkan kematianNya 
Yang disalibkan adalah Yudas yang di rubah wajahnya menjadi Yesus Kristus.
Pertanyaanku adalah, jika yang mati di kayu salib adalah Yudas
Apakah yang terjadi dalam rencana penebusan dari dosa?
Apakah Yesus gagal menembus manusia dari dosa mereka?
Aku tidak bermaksud untuk menjelekkan agama Muslim tapi aku hanya
Ingin mengungkapkan apa yang aku dan umat Kristen percaya tentang Nabi Isa
Yang aku tahu Nabi Isa adalah Juruselamat dan penebus umat manusia
Yang aku percaya adalah Yesus harus mati di kayu salib itu untuk menebus manusia dari dosa.
Yesus Kristus yang aku ketahui Dia sudah menebus aku dari dosaku
Aku tahu tak ada yang mampu membersihkan segala dosaku selain darah Yesus.
Yesus telah disiksa, dihina, bahkan sampai mati di kayu salib untuk menyelamatkan aku dan Anda semua.
Kenalilah Dia, karena semakin Anda mengenalNya, semakin Anda akan mengasihi Dia, dan semakin Anda mengasihiNya, semakin Anda ingin mengikutiNya, 
Dan semakin Anda mengikutiNya, semakin Anda akan menjadi seperti Dia, dan semakin Anda menjadi seperti Dia semakin Anda akan menjadi diri sendiri.

18 Jul 2018

Aku milikMu

Aku tahu aku bukan siapa-siapa
Aku hanyalah seorang yang lemah tak berdaya
Aku tahu aku tidak bisa apa-apa tanpa bantuan orang lain
Aku tahu aku hanya bisa menyusahkan orang-orang di sekitarku
Tapi aku tetap bersyukur karena kasih yang Engkau berikan aku hidup hari ini
Karena kasihMu ya Tuhan aku masih melayaniMu sampai saat ini
Aku tak bisa bangga dengan apa yang sudah kulakukan untuk-Mu karena semua itu karena kasih karunia yang Engkau berikan
Aku anakMu ya Bapa aku tahu kehidupan ada ditanganMu dan Engkau yang membuat aku seperti sekarang ini
Aku mau menjadi apa yang Engkau mau ya Allah pakailah aku sesuai dengan rencanaMu karena aku tahu bahwa aku milikMu

I know I'm nobody without you
I am just a weak and helpless person
I know I can't do anything without the help of others
I know I can only trouble the people around me
But I am still grateful, because of the love You give me, I am alive today
Because of Your love O Lord I am still serving You to this day
I can not be proud of what I've done for you, because it is by grace you have given
I am your daughter, O Father. I know there's life in your hands and you have made me like this
I want to be whatever you want, O God. use me according to Your plan because I know that I belong to You

12 Jul 2018

Nothing but Jesus (from Bible App plan)

Jesus is traveling through Bethany when he’s invited to dine in the home of his friends Mary and Martha. While Martha does what hostesses are expected to do for their last-minute guests, scrambling to prepare food and refreshments, Mary ignores the clamor (and her responsibilities) so she can “sit at the feet” of Jesus. Martha, like you and I would do in her place, finally blows her top, pleading with Jesus to demand that her sister take her blinders off and help. Instead, Jesus gently rebukes his good friend. Mary has chosen “the one thing,” the only thing that’s really “necessary” in life. And what is she choosing against? Well, the important work of a good hostess, at the moment. And why does she make this choice? Certainly not because she is “shoulded” into it—quite the opposite, actually. Mary chooses the “only necessary” thing in life because she is fascinated by, hungry for, and gravitationally pulled toward Jesus.

Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.” And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things.  But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”
Luke 10:38‭-‬42 NKJV

An object that orbits another is called a satellite. The shape of an orbit is never perfectly circular—it’s always elliptical, like an oval. Sometimes the orbiting object, the satellite, is closer to its “sun,” and other times it is farther away. But it never stops orbiting, no matter how far the ellipsis takes it. It reminds me of how Bono, U2’s iconic singer/songwriter, responded to a Rolling Stone writer’s question about his favorite music: “The music that really turns me on is either running toward God or away from God. Both recognize the pivot, that God is at the center of the jaunt.” Jesus at the center means that our elliptical orbit in life might feel sometimes-near and sometimes-far from him, but everything in our life is nevertheless influenced by his gravitational pull.

And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.
I Corinthians 2:1‭-‬5 NKJV

A “try harder to get better” mindset has little to do with real transformation. We don’t need a new set of tips-and-techniques that promises to lead us to a deeper life with Jesus. But we can learn to nudge our life in ways that intentionally draw us more deeply into relationship with Jesus—the simple focus of our life habits shifts from working harder to be a “better Christian” or becoming a “good person,” to knowing Jesus more intimately. And by knowing him much better, we eventually know ourselves much better—that’s what this “progression” reveals: “Get to know Jesus well, because the more you know him, the more you’ll love him, and the more you love him, the more you’ll want to follow him, and the more you follow him, the more you’ll become like him, and the more you become like him, the more you become yourself.”

Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.  You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you.  Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.  If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.  If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.  By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples. “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.
John 15:2‭-‬9 NKJV

God sees the heart

Tak selamanya
Orang yang rajin membaca firman Tuhan
Adalah orang yang hatinya dekat dengan Tuhan
Tak selamanya orang yang rajin melayani Tuhan
Hati dan pikirannya diserahkan kepada Tuhan
Tak selalu orang yang terlihat setia itu setia pada Tuhan
Tuhan melihat hati bukan apa yang kita lakukan
Tuhan melihat ketulusan kasih kepadaNya melalui kasihmu pada sesama
Tuhan menerima orang yang tulus hati dan hati yang selalu terpaut padaNya

Not always people who diligently read the word of God is a person whose heart is close to God
Not always people who diligently serve the Lord his heart and mind submitted to God
Not always the man who looks faithful is faithful to God
God sees the heart not what we do
God sees the sincerity of love for Him through your love for others
God accepts sincere and heart were always adrift Him

21 Jun 2018

The Lord , he is the God

This week the Sabbath School talking about Babylon and Armageddon...
While I studied about that, I found this verse....
I already read the verse many times but don't know why this morning this verse like connect with my heart....it is really come in into my heart....
I really want to share with you guys this verse..... So read it carefully but before you read it, pray to God to ask the Holly Spirit come in into your heart so you can understand what God wanted to say to you in this verse....
Happy reading everyone....


And it came to pass after many days, that the word of the Lord came to Elijah in the third year, saying, Go, shew thyself unto Ahab; and I will send rain upon the earth.  And Elijah went to shew himself unto Ahab. And there was a sore famine in Samaria.  And Ahab called Obadiah, which was the governor of his house. (Now Obadiah feared the Lord greatly:  For it was so, when Jezebel cut off the prophets of the Lord , that Obadiah took an hundred prophets, and hid them by fifty in a cave, and fed them with bread and water.)  And Ahab said unto Obadiah, Go into the land, unto all fountains of water, and unto all brooks: peradventure we may find grass to save the horses and mules alive, that we lose not all the beasts.  So they divided the land between them to pass throughout it: Ahab went one way by himself, and Obadiah went another way by himself.  And as Obadiah was in the way, behold, Elijah met him: and he knew him, and fell on his face, and said, Art thou that my Lord Elijah?  And he answered him, I am: go, tell thy Lord, Behold, Elijah is here.  And he said, What have I sinned, that thou wouldest deliver thy servant into the hand of Ahab, to slay me?  As the Lord thy God liveth, there is no nation or kingdom, whither my Lord hath not sent to seek thee: and when they said, He is not there; he took an oath of the kingdom and nation, that they found thee not.  And now thou sayest, Go, tell thy Lord, Behold, Elijah is here.  And it shall come to pass, as soon as I am gone from thee, that the Spirit of the Lord shall carry thee whither I know not; and so when I come and tell Ahab, and he cannot find thee, he shall slay me: but I thy servant fear the Lord from my youth.  Was it not told my Lord what I did when Jezebel slew the prophets of the Lord , how I hid an hundred men of the Lord's prophets by fifty in a cave, and fed them with bread and water?  And now thou sayest, Go, tell thy Lord, Behold, Elijah is here: and he shall slay me.  And Elijah said, As the Lord of hosts liveth, before whom I stand, I will surely shew myself unto him to day.  So Obadiah went to meet Ahab, and told him: and Ahab went to meet Elijah.  And it came to pass, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said unto him, Art thou he that troubleth Israel?  And he answered, I have not troubled Israel; but thou, and thy father's house, in that ye have forsaken the commandments of the Lord , and thou hast followed Baalim.  Now therefore send, and gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, which eat at Jezebel's table.  So Ahab sent unto all the children of Israel, and gathered the prophets together unto mount Carmel.  And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.  Then said Elijah unto the people, I, even I only, remain a prophet of the Lord ; but Baal's prophets are four hundred and fifty men.  Let them therefore give us two bullocks; and let them choose one bullock for themselves, and cut it in pieces, and lay it on wood, and put no fire under: and I will dress the other bullock, and lay it on wood, and put no fire under:  And call ye on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of the Lord : and the God that answereth by fire, let him be God. And all the people answered and said, It is well spoken.  And Elijah said unto the prophets of Baal, Choose you one bullock for yourselves, and dress it first; for ye are many; and call on the name of your gods, but put no fire under.  And they took the bullock which was given them, and they dressed it, and called on the name of Baal from morning even until noon, saying, O Baal, hear us. But there was no voice, nor any that answered. And they leaped upon the altar which was made.  And it came to pass at noon, that Elijah mocked them, and said, Cry aloud: for he is a god; either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth, and must be awaked.  And they cried aloud, and cut themselves after their manner with knives and lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them.  And it came to pass, when midday was past, and they prophesied until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that there was neither voice, nor any to answer, nor any that regarded.  And Elijah said unto all the people, Come near unto me. And all the people came near unto him. And he repaired the altar of the Lord that was broken down.  And Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, unto whom the word of the Lord came, saying, Israel shall be thy name:  And with the stones he built an altar in the name of the Lord : and he made a trench about the altar, as great as would contain two measures of seed.  And he put the wood in order, and cut the bullock in pieces, and laid him on the wood, and said, Fill four barrels with water, and pour it on the burnt sacrifice, and on the wood.  And he said, Do it the second time. And they did it the second time. And he said, Do it the third time. And they did it the third time.  And the water ran round about the altar; and he filled the trench also with water.  And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near, and said, Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word.  Hear me, O Lord , hear me, that this people may know that thou art the Lord God, and that thou hast turned their heart back again.  Then the fire of the Lord fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.  And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The Lord , he is the God; the Lord , he is the God.  And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there.
1 Kings 18:1‭-‬40 KJV

Minggu ini Sekolah Sabat berbicara tentang Babel dan armagedon...
Ketika aku belajar tentang itu, aku menemukan ayat ini....
Aku sudah membaca ayat itu berkali-kali tetapi tidak tahu kenapa pagi ini ayat ini seperti terhubung dengan hatiku.... itu benar-benar masuk ke dalam hatiku ....
Saya benar-benar ingin membagikan dengan kalian ayat ini..... Jadi baca dengan seksama.... tetapi sebelum Kau membacanya, berdoalah kepada Tuhan untuk meminta Roh Kudus masuk ke dalam hatimu sehingga kau dapat memahami apa yang Tuhan ingin katakan kepadamu di ayat ini....
Selamat membaca semua....

Terima kasih

Dan sesudah beberapa lama, datanglah firman Tuhan kepada Elia dalam tahun yang ketiga: “Pergilah, perlihatkanlah dirimu kepada Ahab, sebab Aku hendak memberi hujan ke atas muka bumi.” Lalu pergilah Elia memperlihatkan diri kepada Ahab. Adapun kelaparan itu berat di Samaria. Sebab itu Ahab telah memanggil Obaja yang menjadi kepala istana. Obaja itu seorang yang sungguh-sungguh takut akan Tuhan . Karena pada waktu Izebel melenyapkan nabi-nabi Tuhan , Obaja mengambil seratus orang nabi, lalu menyembunyikan mereka lima puluh lima puluh sekelompok dalam gua dan mengurus makanan dan minuman mereka. Ahab berkata kepada Obaja: “Jelajahilah negeri ini dan pergi ke segala mata air dan ke semua sungai; barangkali kita menemukan rumput, sehingga kita dapat menyelamatkan kuda dan bagal, dan tidak usah kita memotong seekor pun dari hewan itu.” Lalu mereka membagi-bagi tanah itu untuk menjelajahinya. Ahab pergi seorang diri ke arah yang satu dan Obaja pergi ke arah yang lain. Sedang Obaja di tengah jalan, ia bertemu dengan Elia. Setelah mengenali dia, ia sujud serta bertanya: “Engkaukah ini, hai tuanku Elia?” Jawab Elia kepadanya: “Benar! Pergilah, katakan kepada tuanmu: Elia ada.” Tetapi jawab Obaja: “Apakah dosa yang telah kuperbuat, maka engkau hendak menyerahkan hambamu ini kepada Ahab, supaya aku dibunuhnya? Demi Tuhan , Allahmu, yang hidup, sesungguhnya tidak ada bangsa atau kerajaan, yang tidak didatangi suruhan tuanku Ahab untuk mencari engkau. Dan apabila orang berkata: Ia tidak ada, maka ia menyuruh kerajaan atau bangsa itu bersumpah, bahwa engkau tidak ditemukan di sana. Dan sekarang engkau berkata: Pergilah, katakan kepada tuanmu: Elia ada. Mungkin terjadi, apabila aku sudah pergi dari padamu, Roh Tuhan mengangkat engkau ke tempat yang tidak kuketahui. Kalau aku sampai kepada Ahab untuk memberitahukannya dan engkau tidak didapatinya, tentulah ia akan membunuh aku, padahal hambamu ini dari sejak kecil takut akan Tuhan . Tidakkah diberitahukan kepada tuanku apa yang telah kulakukan pada waktu Izebel membunuh nabi-nabi Tuhan , bagaimana aku menyembunyikan seratus orang nabi-nabi Tuhan dalam gua, lima puluh lima puluh sekelompok dan mengurus makanan dan minuman mereka? Dan sekarang, mengapa engkau ini berkata: Pergilah, katakan kepada tuanmu: Elia ada! Ia pasti akan membunuh aku.” Jawab Elia: “Demi Tuhan semesta alam yang hidup, yang kulayani, sesungguhnya hari ini juga aku akan memperlihatkan diri kepadanya.” Lalu pergilah Obaja menemui Ahab dan memberitahukan hal itu kepadanya. Kemudian Ahab pergi menemui Elia. Segera sesudah Ahab melihat Elia, ia berkata kepadanya: “Engkaukah itu, yang mencelakakan Israel?” Jawab Elia kepadanya: “Bukan aku yang mencelakakan Israel, melainkan engkau ini dan kaum keluargamu, sebab kamu telah meninggalkan perintah-perintah Tuhan dan engkau ini telah mengikuti para Baal. Sebab itu, suruhlah mengumpulkan seluruh Israel ke gunung Karmel, juga nabi-nabi Baal yang empat ratus lima puluh orang itu dan nabi-nabi Asyera yang empat ratus itu, yang mendapat makan dari meja istana Izebel.” Ahab mengirim orang ke seluruh Israel dan mengumpulkan nabi-nabi itu ke gunung Karmel. Lalu Elia mendekati seluruh rakyat itu dan berkata: “Berapa lama lagi kamu berlaku timpang dan bercabang hati? Kalau Tuhan itu Allah, ikutilah Dia, dan kalau Baal, ikutilah dia.” Tetapi rakyat itu tidak menjawabnya sepatah kata pun. Lalu Elia berkata kepada rakyat itu: “Hanya aku seorang diri yang tinggal sebagai nabi Tuhan , padahal nabi-nabi Baal itu ada empat ratus lima puluh orang banyaknya. Namun, baiklah diberikan kepada kami dua ekor lembu jantan; biarlah mereka memilih seekor lembu, memotong-motongnya, menaruhnya ke atas kayu api, tetapi mereka tidak boleh menaruh api. Aku pun akan mengolah lembu yang seekor lagi, meletakkannya ke atas kayu api dan juga tidak akan menaruh api. Kemudian biarlah kamu memanggil nama allahmu dan aku pun akan memanggil nama Tuhan . Maka allah yang menjawab dengan api, dialah Allah!” Seluruh rakyat menyahut, katanya: “Baiklah demikian!” Kemudian Elia berkata kepada nabi-nabi Baal itu: “Pilihlah seekor lembu dan olahlah itu dahulu, karena kamu ini banyak. Sesudah itu panggillah nama allahmu, tetapi kamu tidak boleh menaruh api.” Mereka mengambil lembu yang diberikan kepada mereka, mengolahnya dan memanggil nama Baal dari pagi sampai tengah hari, katanya: “Ya Baal, jawablah kami!” Tetapi tidak ada suara, tidak ada yang menjawab. Sementara itu mereka berjingkat-jingkat di sekeliling mezbah yang dibuat mereka itu. Pada waktu tengah hari Elia mulai mengejek mereka, katanya: “Panggillah lebih keras, bukankah dia allah? Mungkin ia merenung, mungkin ada urusannya, mungkin ia bepergian; barangkali ia tidur, dan belum terjaga.” Maka mereka memanggil lebih keras serta menoreh-noreh dirinya dengan pedang dan tombak, seperti kebiasaan mereka, sehingga darah bercucuran dari tubuh mereka. Sesudah lewat tengah hari, mereka kerasukan sampai waktu mempersembahkan korban petang, tetapi tidak ada suara, tidak ada yang menjawab, tidak ada tanda perhatian. Kata Elia kepada seluruh rakyat itu: “Datanglah dekat kepadaku!” Maka mendekatlah seluruh rakyat itu kepadanya. Lalu ia memperbaiki mezbah Tuhan yang telah diruntuhkan itu. Kemudian Elia mengambil dua belas batu, menurut jumlah suku keturunan Yakub. -- Kepada Yakub ini telah datang firman Tuhan : “Engkau akan bernama Israel.” -- Ia mendirikan batu-batu itu menjadi mezbah demi nama Tuhan dan membuat suatu parit sekeliling mezbah itu yang dapat memuat dua sukat benih. Ia menyusun kayu api, memotong lembu itu dan menaruh potongan-potongannya di atas kayu api itu. Sesudah itu ia berkata: “Penuhilah empat buyung dengan air, dan tuangkan ke atas korban bakaran dan ke atas kayu api itu!” Kemudian katanya: “Buatlah begitu untuk kedua kalinya!” Dan mereka berbuat begitu untuk kedua kalinya. Kemudian katanya: “Buatlah begitu untuk ketiga kalinya!” Dan mereka berbuat begitu untuk ketiga kalinya, sehingga air mengalir sekeliling mezbah itu; bahkan parit itu pun penuh dengan air. Kemudian pada waktu mempersembahkan korban petang, tampillah nabi Elia dan berkata: “Ya Tuhan , Allah Abraham, Ishak dan Israel, pada hari ini biarlah diketahui orang, bahwa Engkaulah Allah di tengah-tengah Israel dan bahwa aku ini hamba-Mu dan bahwa atas firman-Mulah aku melakukan segala perkara ini. Jawablah aku, ya Tuhan , jawablah aku, supaya bangsa ini mengetahui, bahwa Engkaulah Allah, ya Tuhan , dan Engkaulah yang membuat hati mereka tobat kembali.” Lalu turunlah api Tuhan menyambar habis korban bakaran, kayu api, batu dan tanah itu, bahkan air yang dalam parit itu habis dijilatnya. Ketika seluruh rakyat melihat kejadian itu, sujudlah mereka serta berkata: “ Tuhan , Dialah Allah! Tuhan , Dialah Allah!” Kata Elia kepada mereka: “Tangkaplah nabi-nabi Baal itu, seorang pun dari mereka tidak boleh luput.” Setelah ditangkap, Elia membawa mereka ke sungai Kison dan menyembelih mereka di sana. 1 Raja-raja 18:1‭-‬40

15 Jun 2018

Dia Telah Kuterima

Nama Tuhan Yesus
Sungguh indah
KasihNya yang tak terbatas
Membuat aku merasa tenang
Dia segalanya bagiku
Dia telah kuterima sebagai
Juruselamat dan Penebusku
Betapa senang hari itu waktu aku t'rima Yesus.....
Aku dibaptiskan di gereja Cawang Sda Church oleh om Pdt James Tambanon...
Saat itu aku berusia sekitar 15 tahun dan tubuhku masih mengalami kejang-kejang yang sangat menyiksaku....
Dengan digendong Pendeta, aku dibaptis.. .
MenerimaNya sebagai Juruselamat dan Penebusku...
Ini adalah hal yang tidak terduga bagiku karena saat itu aku tidak bisa apa-apa, duduk pun aku kadang bisa jatuh....
Banyak hal yang menyakitkan telah terjadi di dalam hidupku....
Disaat aku dibaptiskan saat itu adalah saat terindah dalam hidupku....
Dan apa yang terjadi setelah itu sungguh mengagumkan...
Dari yang nggak bisa duduk normal aku jadi bisa duduk.... dari kejang yang tidak berhenti dan cukup melelahkan menjadi semakin sembuh sampai saat ini walaupun masih di atas kursi roda aku bisa melayani Dia yang telah kuterima sebagai Juruselamat dan Penebusku....
Terima kasih Tuhan atas semua yang telah Engkau lakukan untukku .....

The name of the Lord Jesus is beautiful
His Infinite Love
Makes me feel calm
He's everything to me
I have accepted Him as
My Savior and Redeemer
How happy that day was when I received Jesus .....
I was baptized in church Cawang Sda Church by om Pst James Tambanon ...
At that time I was about 15 years old and my body is still experiencing convulsions that are very torture me ....
By being held by the pastor, I was baptized ....
Receive Him as my Savior and Redeemer ...
This is an unexpected thing for me because at that time I can not do anything, even sitting I can sometimes fall ....
A lot of painful things have happened in my life ....
When I was baptized it was the loveliest moment of my life ....
And what happened after that was amazing ...
From being unable to sit normally I can sit .... from a seizure that does not stop and tiring enough to get healed even now even though it is still in a wheelchair I can serve the one I have received as my Savior and Redeemer ....

Thank you Lord for all that you have done for me .....

6 Jun 2018

I Can Preach With Clear Voice.

Luke 1:37 King James Version (KJV)
For with God nothing shall be impossible.

I believe all of us, have ever feel
There is something impossible
Something we can't do will be happen. 
As well as I
I can not possibly preach
With words and my voice isn't clear.
No one tells me "Oh you can do it Amel."
dubious gaze often I found,
Even I doubted myself.
For with God nothing shall be impossible.
With God I can impossible thing.
Now I can preach with clear voice.
That what God make in my life.
Our God is a great God.
I believe for with God nothing shall be impossible.
Believe this word and you'll find a miracle happen in you.

31 May 2018


Don't know why
While reading or
Hearing his word
I was amazed at him.
He is the Son of God in power.
He existed before the world existed.
The leader of the Angels.
The whole heaven adores
And worship Him.
Praise and honor only to Him.
I deeply admired Him.
And my admiration is growing
Growing and growing
I don't realize He is eternal love
That will be with me until to the heaven
Before I was in my mother's womb
I have belonged to Him.
Ever since I formed in my mother's womb
He has a big plan for me.
Somehow while reading His word
Hearing His Name alone in my heart there is a tremble
Which I can not explain in my words.
He is so penetrated into my heart and soul.
He is the most beautiful gift of Heavenly Father.
Nothing can stop me from worshiping Him!
No one can separate me from his love.
So beautiful is the love He has given to this sinful woman.
So He leaves the Heaven and becomes a sin offering.
That love is amazing and to me He is forever incomparable.
When He touches my heart with His words it is the most beautiful moment of my life
Even though the word stabs my soul, I take it as a warning
So that I can't go wrong and fall into the deep and dark abyss because of His word
It is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path so that I will not stumble and fall.
My life and death are in His hands and I believe His plans are beautiful in my limitations.

Jesus, He Is Mine.

In my loneliness
Sometimes I wonder
In my limitations
Why He makes me different?
Can I have a purpose like others?
Why this happened to me?
If my body not have a handicapped
Maybe I was be able to be an actress or
The singer of one the great competition
Or a Bachelor of Informatics Engineering
Or a Doctor or a nurse or whatever I wanna be.
I want to have a lover but I know no one can accepted my limitation.
But I know I was born because He chose me for His purpose
Because I was born not because of human desire but His will
Realizing my Creator wanted me made me realize that I am precious for Him
I know and now I understand that I was belong to Jesus for throughout life
Maybe nobody wants me and although all people rejected me or wants my death
Still I can said I had Him, He's the owner of my life, for He is mine forever
He is mine for His purpose is make my life precious in my limitation
I belong to Jesus because His desire to make me have a purpose in my life
I praise Him, I worship Him, I serve Him and love Him that's now the purpose in me

29 May 2018

Firman Tuhan Harus Dinyatakan

Sejauh kesempatan masih diberikan, setiap orang yang telah menerima terang kebenaran, mempunyai tanggungjawa yang sama yang sungguh-sungguh dan penting seperti nabi Israel kepada siapa firman Tuhan ini datang, yang berkata 
"Dan engkau anak manusia, Aku menetapkan engkau menjadi penjaga bagi kaum Israel. 
Bilamana engkau mendengar sesuatu firman daripada-Ku, peringatkanlah mereka demi nama-Ku. kalau Aku berfirman kepada orang jahat: 
Hai orang jahat, engkau pasti mati!  -- dan engkau tidak berkata apa-apa untuk memperingatkan orang jahat itu supaya bertobat dari hidupnya, orang jahat itu akan mati dalam kesalahannya, tetapi Aku akan menuntut pertanggungan jawab atas nyawanya daripadamu. 
Tetapi jikalau engkau memperingatkan orang jahat itu supaya bertobat dari hidupnya, tetapi ia tidak mau bertobat, ia akan mati dalam kesalahannya, tetapi engkau telah menyelamatkan nyawamu." (Yehez. 33:7-9).

Sebagaimana juga pada masa-masa sebelumnya, penyampaian kebenaran yang menegur dosa-dosa dan kesalahan-kesalahan pada zaman itu, akan menimbulkan perlawanan. 
"Sebab barangsiapa berbuat jahat, membenci terang dan tidak datang kepada terang itu, supaya perbuatan-perbuatannya yang jahat itu tidak nampak." (Yoh. 3:20).
Dalam mempertahankan kebenaran dan menyatakan kesalahan , Elia dinyatakan sebagai pengacau di Israel, Yeremia seorang pengkhianat, Rasul Paulus sebagai seorang yang mengotori kaabah. 
Sejak dulu sampai sekarang, mereka yang mau setia kepada kebenaran telah dipersalahkan sebagai penghasut, bida'ah, atau pemecah belah.

"Kemenangan Akhir"

27 May 2018

Jesus Messiah

He became sin who knew no sin That we might become His Righteousness He humbled himself and carried the cross Love so amazing love so amazing Jesus Messiah name above all names Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel The rescue for sinners, the ransom from Heaven Jesus Messiah, lord of all His body the bread, his blood the wine Broken and poured out all for love The whole earth trembled And the veil was torn Love so amazing, love so amazing Jesus Messiah name above all names Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel The rescue for sinners, the ransom from Heaven Jesus Messiah, lord of all All our hope is in You All our hope is in You All the glory to You, God The light of the world Jesus Messiah name above all names Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel The rescue for sinners, the ransom from Heaven Jesus Messiah, lord of all Jesus Messiah, lord of all Lord of all You're my Lord Of all

25 May 2018

When Choosing Friends…

When Choosing Friends…

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an easy way to choose friends?
You may be one of many readers who personally understand the devastation of unwise friendships. Who knows how many grandmas have quoted their own version of 1 Corinthians 15:33? “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company ruins good morals.’” The reality is this: when you choose friends poorly, your unwise friends have a corrupting impact on you in every way. Your friends’ influence affects your character, values, communication, and behavior.
The author of Psalm 119 provides two key principles to use when choosing friends.
I am a companion of all who fear you,
of those who keep your precepts.
(Psalm 119:63)
Notice how the psalmist frames his standards for friendship. First, he identifies his friends as companions. Friendship here refers to those who have a close bond; as those who are knit together, they associate with each other. The emphasis of this kind of friendship focuses on what friends share in common. The close relationship between Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah was categorized in this way (Daniel 2:13). Furthermore, the psalmist strives for impartiality. In other words, the psalmist is open to friendship with any person fitting his standards for friendship. He accepts all people on the sole basis of these two standards and no others, such as socio-economic status, race, or gender.

Principle One: Fear of God

To fear God refers to a reverential awe toward God. The response of awe toward God recognizes His holiness, authority, deity, magnificence, and threat of judgement. There is a respect of God that permeates one’s whole being. This fear is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7) and is what every person on earth is called to do (Psalm 33:8). For the Christ-follower, the fear of God is paramount. In describing Jesus the Messiah, Isaiah wrote, “And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord.”
What does the person look like who fears the Lord? This person lives life in active awe of God. This person keeps God at the forefront of his or her thinking. This person contemplates God’s character and desires while moving throughout his or her day. This person organizes life around his or her relationship with God. To the contrary, the unbelieving person without a relationship with God is known as one with no fear of God before his or her eyes (Roman 3:18).

Principle Two: Obedient to God

The second principle is obedience to God’s commands or precepts. Whatever God commands, this individual honors and seeks to fulfill. Jesus simply stated to His disciples, “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15).
What does the person look like who obeys God? This person strives to live in obedience to whatever will honor or please God. The apostle Paul said of himself, “Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him” (2 Corinthians 5:9). Any person who says he or she abides in Christ ought to live obediently to God and according to His will, just as Jesus did (1 John 2:16).

This is Every Christ-follower’s Challenge

No doubt these two principles are connected in the life of the Christ-follower. To fear God encourages obedience to God. Consider how the fear of the Lord and obedience to the Lord are associated together in the following two verses:
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God and keep His commandments,
For this is man’s all.
(Ecclesiastes 12:13)
Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom,
And to depart from evil is understanding.
(Job 28:28)
These are fundamental obligations for every wise, godly person. As such, the psalmist makes them his two gold standards for friendship.

An Old Testament Example

Many scholars suggest Daniel to be the author of Psalm 119. If that is true, consider the impact of these friendship standards on his life. Away from home, away from family, away from the priests, away from the reading of the Scriptures, all Daniel had was the Torah that he had memorized and his chosen friends. Together the four of them lived out these principles as they chose to fear God and obey Him instead of the king. This meant that the three companions faced the fiery furnace. For Daniel this meant he faced the lion’s den. Such incidents surely emphasize the importance of the friendship between these companions who feared God and obeyed Him.
What about the scores of other men who were also brought out of Jerusalem to Babylon to serve the king? They were the best and the brightest Jerusalem had to offer. They were intelligent. They were popular. They were privileged. However, these boys, who chose not to fear God and obey Him, also continue to be nameless.

So What about You?

Every day each one of us chooses to fear God and obey Him or not.
Every day each one of us makes friendship choices which honor God or not.
Every day each one of us impacts those around us either for God’s glory or not.
Let me encourage you to consider two things today:
  1. Would you be a good friend to someone? Do you personally live according to the gold standard of friendships? Do you fear God and obey Him?
  2. Do your friends fit the gold standard of friendships?
If your friends do not meet the biblical qualifications for godly friendships, then you have a perfect opportunity to do careful self-counsel. Ask yourself, “Have I been the kind of influence that would encourage my friends to fear God and obey Him?” If not, then repent and determine to be a godly friend. In addition, look around your life and find some people who are godly. Invest your time, energy, and efforts into building friendships with these people. Together you and your companions will glorify God as you fear Him and keep His commandments.

Join the Conversation

Jesus also had a clear standard for friendship. According to John 15:14-15 he said, “You are my friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.” What more does Jesus add to our understanding of God-honoring friendships? How could you use Psalm 119:63 and John 15:14-15 in counseling teens? How might your use of these passages be different if you were counseling middle-aged or older adults?

by. Kevin Carson

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