27 Apr 2018

Remember God Plan Is A Great Plan

Sometimes we have promised to God
To serve the Lord but in the middle of the way
Our lives in our comfort zone and we say to God
Wait I want to enjoy more pleasure then I will serve You
I want to play my game and then I will serve You Lord
I want to enjoy my life with my wealth then I will serve You Lord
But before that happened we already have no time to come to Him
Before it happened to us, immediately we must begin to understand
What is God want us to do in our life and immediately out of our comfort zone
God still wait for us, He always faithful and same to us, he wants us immediately to come to Him 
Don't make Him wait too long and eventually make Him disappointed in you. As long as He still await for you come to Him and give your life to Him so that would make Him glad in you
Always remember brothers and sisters that God's plan is a great plan in our lives for without Him we are nothing.

Mexican Gives Up All

The last Sabbath, the Sabbath school leader gave me a mission book
To be hosted at Sabbath school events. Here's the story:

By Nerly Macias Figueroa, as told to Andrew McChesne
Inspired by reading mission stories, I resolved at the age of 17 to leave my home in the Mexican state of Chiapas one day and become a missionary.
I remembered this desire after graduating from the university, but I didn’t have any money to volunteer. Walking home one night, I prayed, “Lord, I want to be a missionary, but I can’t buy the airplane ticket. If You want me to be a missionary, give me a job, and I will go.”
Two days later, I received a telephone call from Southeast Adventist Hospital in the Mexican state of Tabasco.
“We have a job for you,” the man said. “Just come for the interview.”
The hospital hired me as its head dietitian, responsible for planning all meals. It was an incredible answer to prayer!
A year later, I filled out a job application on the website of Adventist Volunteer Service. The principal of Ebeye [pronounced: EE-by] Seventh-day Adventist School in the Marshall Islands accepted my application.
I prayed, “Help me to go to Ebeye.”
Three days before buying the air ticket, my uncle died. He had several outstanding financial matters, and my family didn’t have the money to cover them. So, I handed over my savings. I called the Ebeye principal and explained that I didn’t have the funds to come. He was understanding.
That night, I prayed, “God, if You gave me this dream of becoming a missionary, why can’t I go? I’m working for You at the hospital, but I want to go abroad.”
A year passed, and again I saved up enough money to go to Ebeye. But then my sister was badly injured in an accident, and I gave my savings to her. Again, I told the Ebeye principal that I couldn’t come.
Two years passed, and I set aside my mission dreams. I had a good job and was earning good money. Then one night, as I was lying in bed and making plans to buy a car and a house, I remembered Ebeye.
I thought about the island for a week. I remembered promising God to become a missionary, but I argued with Him, saying, “I’m working at an Adventist hospital, so I’m doing Your work. Why should I leave my job and go to another country?”
As I listened for an answer, all I could think was, “Ebeye, Ebeye, Ebeye.”
So, I prayed, “OK, if You want me to go to Ebeye, just give me a U.S. visa.”
The cheapest route to Ebeye from Mexico is to fly through Los Angeles, California, and Honolulu, Hawaii. For that, I needed a U.S. visa—which isn’t easy to get in Mexico. I asked the Ebeye principal for a letter to take to the U.S. Embassy.
Shortly before the embassy interview, I said, “God, I really don’t want to go as missionary because I have a good life now. I wished to go before, but not anymore. Please don’t give me the visa.”
At the embassy, the consular officer asked, “Why do you want a visa?”
“Because I’m going to be a missionary on Ebeye Island in the Marshall Islands,” I replied.
The officer looked at his computer screen. He didn’t ask for the letter from the school principal, and he didn’t request any bank account information. He just looked at his screen. “OK,” he said finally. “You will have your visa in one month.”
With those words, I realized that God was opening the door for me to go and I needed to keep my promise to Him. So, I gave up everything—my job and my life in Mexico. I said goodbye to my family and moved to Ebeye, an island of 12,000 people in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
After a year on Ebeye, I have no regrets. When I started teaching the fifth grade, only one child in the classroom was from an Adventist family. Through the assistance of a friend in Hawaii, I gave Bibles to all my students for Christmas. Five of my students were baptized during the school year!
Some people ask me, “Why did you leave your job in Mexico? You don’t have anything now.”
I reply, “I have everything. I am happy here, and I know God has a plan.”
What amazes me is that I tried to come to Ebeye for four years but only arrived in 2016. I think it is because God had a plan. I don’t know what the plan is, but I know He has one and He will reveal it at the perfect time.
Raian [pronounced: Ryan] G. Villacruel, principal of Ebeye Seventh-day Adventist School, has no doubt why Nerly arrived when she did. With 25 percent of her students baptized, her classroom had more baptisms than any other last school year! Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help the school carry out major repairs on crumbling classrooms. Thank you for your mission offerings.

Kisah Yang Tak Terucap

Ada kisah yang tak terucap
Yang tak bisa di ungkapkan
Ada kisah yang tak bisa terungkap 
Karena jika terungkap akan menyakiti hati
Ada kisah yang tak bisa dituliskan karena 
Akan membuka aib atau dosa orang tua 
Kadang tak tega untuk mengungkapkannya
Kadang walau tak ingin diungkapkan itu menjadi palajaran bagi orang lain 
Tapi dari semuanya itu Tuhan membuat kisah yang indah walau ada kesalahan didalamnya 

All We Like Sheep

All we like sheep
Have gone astray
Each of us turning
Our own separate way
We have all sinned and
Fallen short of Your glory
But Your glory is
What we desire to see
And in Your presence is
Where we long to be

O Lord show us
Your mercy and grace
Take us to Your holy place
Forgive our sin
And heal our land
We long to live
In Your presence
Once again

Taking our sickness
Taking our pain
Jesus the sacrifice Lamb
Has been slain
He was despised
Rejected by men
He took our sin
Draw us near to you, Father
Through Jesus Your Son
Let us worship before You
Cleansed by Your blood

O Lord show us
Your mercy and grace
Take us to Your holy place
Forgive our sin
And heal our land
We long to live
In Your presence
Once again

Purify My Heart

Teach me your ways Oh Lord my God And i will walk in your truth Give me a totally undivided heart That i may fear your name Purify my heart Cleanse me Lord I pray Remove from me All that is standing in the way Purify my heart Cleanse me lord i pray Remove from me All that is standing in the way
Of your love (Repeat from beginning) Purify my heart Cleanse me lord i pray Remove from me All that is standing in the way Purify my heart Pleanse me lord i pray Remove from me All that is standing in the way… Of your love

22 Apr 2018

There Is None Like You

There is none like You 
No one else can touch my heart like You do
I could search for all eternity long
And find there is none like You

There is none like You
No one else can touch my heart like You do
I could search for all eternity long
And find there is none like You

Your mercy flows like a river wide
And healing comes from Your hands
Suffering children are safe in Your arms
There is none like You

There is none like You
No one else can touch my heart like You do
I could search for all eternity long
And find there is none like You

There is none like You
No one else can touch my heart like You do
I could search for all eternity long
And find there is none like You

I could search for all eternity long
And find
There is none like you

21 Apr 2018

Bagaimana Aku Tak Akan Percaya

Bagaimana aku tak percaya
FirmanMu selalu kudengar
Dan ku renungkan selalu
Setiap FirmanMu menguatkanku
Di dalam hatiku percaya Engkaulah Tuhan
Setiap hari aku merasakan hadiratMu
Aku bertumbuh dewasa dengan iman kepadaMu
Kau adalah kekuatan yang aku miliki dalam hidupku
Yesus, apa pun yang orang katakan tentang Engkau
Percayaku takkan pernah berubah padaMu selamanya
Kasihku padaMu mungkin tak seberapa besar dari kasih-Mu kepadaku
Tapi Tuhan, Engkau tahu seluruh isi hatiku padaMu
Harapan dan Cita-cita ku hanya ingin melayani-Mu seumur hidupku
MencintaiMu seumur hidupku itulah janjiku padaMu
Aku takkan pernah ragu bahwa Engkaulah Alfa dan Omega
Yang berkata Aku adalah Aku yang telah ada sebelum dunia dijadikan
Engkau Raja diatas segala Raja yang Maha Kuasa itulah diriMu ya Tuhan Yesus
Aku menyembahMu, aku memuji kebesaran dan keagunganMu selamanya....

How do I not believe
Thy Word always I hear
And I ponder always
Every Word is strengthen me
In my heart I believe that Thou art God
Every day I feel Thy presence
I grew up with faith in Thee
Thou are the strength that I have in my life
Jesus, no matter what people say about Thee
My trust will never change on Thee forever
My love for Thee may not be as great as Thy love for me
But Lord, Thou known all my heart to Thee
My hopes and aspirations just want to serve Thee for the rest of my life
To love you for the rest of my life is what I promise to you
I will never doubt that Thou art the Alpha and Omega
Whom said I am that I am who existed before the world was made
Thou King of Kings, the Almighty God that's thyself Lord Jesus
I worship Thee, I praise Thy greatness and majesty forever ....

20 Apr 2018

"I Worship You, Almighty God"

I worship You
Almighty God
There is none
Like You

I worship You
O Prince of Peace
That is what
I want to do

I give You praise
For You are
My righteousness

I worship You
Almighty God
There is none
Like You

There is none
Like You
There is none
Like You

More Precious Than Silver

Lord, You are more precious than silver.
Lord, You are more costly than gold. 
Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds, and
Nothing I desire compares with You.

And who can weigh the value of knowing You
Oh, who can judge the worth of who You are
Lord, who can count the blessing of loving You
Who can sing just how great You are
How great You are

Lord, You are more precious than silver.
Lord, You are more costly than gold. 
Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds, and
Nothing I desire compares with You.

Lord, You are more precious than silver.
Lord, You are more costly than gold. 
Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds, and
Nothing I desire compares with You.

Nothing I desire compares with You.
Nothing I desire compares with You.

I Was Made To Praise You

I was made to praise you
I was made to glorify your name
In every circumstance
To find a chance to thank you
I was made to love you
I was made to worship at your feet
And to obey You Lord
I was made for you
I will always praise you
I will always glorify your name
In every circumstance
To find a chance to thank you
I will always love you
I will always worship at your feet
And I'll obey You Lord
I was made for you

"Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord"

Blessed be the name of the Lord 
He is worthy to be praised and adored
So we lift up holy hands in one accord

Singing blessed be the name
Blessed be the name
Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be the name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
He is worthy to be praised and adored
So we lift up holy hands in one accord

Singing blessed be the name
Blessed be the name
Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be the name - spoken
Blessed be the name of the Lord
He is worthy - spoken
He is worthy to be praised and adored
So we lift up holy hands in one accord

Singing blessed be the name
Blessed be the name
Blessed be the name

Menyelami Pikiran

Menyelami pikiranku sendiri
Mencoba memahami arti kasih TUHAN
Kasih TUHAN itu luas lebih dari luasnya langit
Tak terbatas, tak terhingga, tak terselami oleh pikiranku
Jika aku mencoba menyelaminya aku takkan bisa tiba pada dasarnya
Terlalu indah untuk sebuah lagu, terlalu mengagumkan dalam sebuah puisi
Aku hanyalah sebuah ciptaan yang telah rusak oleh karena dosa yang telah mnggerogotiku
Aku tak bisa melukiskan kasih TUHAN dengan cara pikiran manusiaku yang terbatas ini
Hanya dengan mengasihiNya dengan sepenuh hatiku maka sebuah tulisan yang indah tercipta
Dalam Keterbatasanku aku telah merasakan kasih yang tak terbatas itu mengalir bagai air yang mengalir 
Kasih-Nya yang tak pernah berubah menjadi sukacita dalam segala keadaan yang aku hadapi dalam hidupku 
Ketika kata-kata kasar keluar dari mulut seseorang padaku, Kasih-Nya menjadi penghiburku
TUHAN lebih dari yang aku bisa ku selami dengan pikiranku tentang kasih-Nya yang indah dan Mulia itu

Dive into my own mind

Try to understand the meaning of God's love

The love of the Lord is greater than the breadth of the sky

Infinite, infinite, immersed in my mind

If I try to dive into it, I won't be able to arrive basically

Too beautiful for a song, too awesome in a poem

I am just a creation that has been corrupted because of the sin that has consumed me

I cannot describe the love of the LORD by means of this limited human mind of mine

Only by loving Him with all my heart can a beautiful writing be created

In my Limitations I have felt that infinite love flowing like flowing water

His love that never turns into joy in all the circumstances that I face in my life

When harsh words come out of someone's mouth to me it becomes His love to comfort me

GOD is more than I can dive into with my thoughts about his beautiful and glorious love

When You Feel The Love

When your heart still feel the same
You still feel that even in the long time
Even you don't have him in your life you still love him
Even you tired in the life you still have a strength when you see him
You will never know how long you will have that feeling for him
Maybe you will love him for your lifetime and he will never know how much you love him
Even you don't have him you will always happy to see his happiness and always pray for him
When you don't know what to do just quit and surrender your heart to the Lord let God control your heart
Maybe there is someone far away from you have feel like you feel right now
You can make them know what you think about the love that you feel inside your heart
You can share your feelings with them and make them feel that you have feel it too about that love
Don't be sad when you don't have him in your life because you will still be happy with your own way in love

Ketika hatimu masih merasakan hal yang sama
Kau masih merasakannya bahkan dalam waktu yang lama
Bahkan saat kau tidak memilikinya dalam hidupmu, kau masih mencintainya
Bahkan saat engkau lelah dalam hidup kau masih memiliki kekuatan ketika Anda melihatnya
Kau tak akan pernah tahu berapa lama kamu akan memiliki perasaan itu untuknya
Mungkin kau akan mencintainya seumur hidupmu dan dia tidak akan pernah tahu betapa kau mencintainya
Bahkan saat kau tak memilikinya, kamu akan selalu senang melihat kebahagiaannya dan selalu berdoa untuknya
Ketika kamu tak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan, berhentilah dan menyerahkan hatimu kepada Tuhan, biarkan Tuhan mengendalikan hatimu
Mungkin ada seseorang yang jauh darimu merasa seperti yang kau rasakan sekarang
Kau dapat membuat mereka tahu apa yang kau pikirkan tentang cinta yang kau rasakan di dalam hatimu
Kau dapat membagikan perasaanmu dengan mereka dan membuat mereka merasa bahwa kau juga merasakan tentang cinta itu
Jangan bersedih ketika kau tak memilikinya dalam hidupmu karena kamu akan tetap bahagia dengan caramu sendiri dalam cinta

2 Apr 2018

There Is No Love Like Thy Love

Why the moment
Hear or see
Those who do not believe
Blaspheme Thee with
Insults and scorn my heart
Feel sad and wanting to cry
As if I were their scorn
As if I were their despicable
I too believe in Thee, my Lord
I believe in Thee so that any thing people say about Thee can not undermine my faith
I too believe and love You because I live to this day because of Thy Love
I love Thee wholeheartedly, wholeheartedly. because I know it is wonderful to live with Thee
Let me always adrift Thee so that I may be stronger and more love you
Lord I don't want other love than Thy holy love because there is no love like Thy love

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