27 Apr 2018

Remember God Plan Is A Great Plan

Sometimes we have promised to God
To serve the Lord but in the middle of the way
Our lives in our comfort zone and we say to God
Wait I want to enjoy more pleasure then I will serve You
I want to play my game and then I will serve You Lord
I want to enjoy my life with my wealth then I will serve You Lord
But before that happened we already have no time to come to Him
Before it happened to us, immediately we must begin to understand
What is God want us to do in our life and immediately out of our comfort zone
God still wait for us, He always faithful and same to us, he wants us immediately to come to Him 
Don't make Him wait too long and eventually make Him disappointed in you. As long as He still await for you come to Him and give your life to Him so that would make Him glad in you
Always remember brothers and sisters that God's plan is a great plan in our lives for without Him we are nothing.

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