31 May 2018

Jesus, He Is Mine.

In my loneliness
Sometimes I wonder
In my limitations
Why He makes me different?
Can I have a purpose like others?
Why this happened to me?
If my body not have a handicapped
Maybe I was be able to be an actress or
The singer of one the great competition
Or a Bachelor of Informatics Engineering
Or a Doctor or a nurse or whatever I wanna be.
I want to have a lover but I know no one can accepted my limitation.
But I know I was born because He chose me for His purpose
Because I was born not because of human desire but His will
Realizing my Creator wanted me made me realize that I am precious for Him
I know and now I understand that I was belong to Jesus for throughout life
Maybe nobody wants me and although all people rejected me or wants my death
Still I can said I had Him, He's the owner of my life, for He is mine forever
He is mine for His purpose is make my life precious in my limitation
I belong to Jesus because His desire to make me have a purpose in my life
I praise Him, I worship Him, I serve Him and love Him that's now the purpose in me

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