31 May 2018


Don't know why
While reading or
Hearing his word
I was amazed at him.
He is the Son of God in power.
He existed before the world existed.
The leader of the Angels.
The whole heaven adores
And worship Him.
Praise and honor only to Him.
I deeply admired Him.
And my admiration is growing
Growing and growing
I don't realize He is eternal love
That will be with me until to the heaven
Before I was in my mother's womb
I have belonged to Him.
Ever since I formed in my mother's womb
He has a big plan for me.
Somehow while reading His word
Hearing His Name alone in my heart there is a tremble
Which I can not explain in my words.
He is so penetrated into my heart and soul.
He is the most beautiful gift of Heavenly Father.
Nothing can stop me from worshiping Him!
No one can separate me from his love.
So beautiful is the love He has given to this sinful woman.
So He leaves the Heaven and becomes a sin offering.
That love is amazing and to me He is forever incomparable.
When He touches my heart with His words it is the most beautiful moment of my life
Even though the word stabs my soul, I take it as a warning
So that I can't go wrong and fall into the deep and dark abyss because of His word
It is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path so that I will not stumble and fall.
My life and death are in His hands and I believe His plans are beautiful in my limitations.

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