25 May 2018


Many people who pray 
Just want to ask 
Some blessings 
Just a rule of life 
But many of us 

We just pray only 
For ask God to bless us 

When you are really love God
You will always want to speak with Him
You will always want to say that you love him 
You will never forget to do that every time 
Because there is love in the heart for Him
You always want to talk to Him about your life 
You will always long to make a pray to tell Him about how you feel today 
Talk about what you your plan in one day or another day 
In everything that you do you always want to speak with Him and surrender your all to Him
When God is in your life you will never be worry about your needs because you know that your life is in His hands
So pray not only for a blessings or something you want but pray because you want to be close to Him
Pray not only for you have a problem but pray because you miss Him and because He is part of your life 
Become a best friend with your Creator is really cool than be a best friends of the people who love the world
Choose the friends who are fear of the Lord so they can tell you the best way for you to socialite your life
Seek the friend who fear the Lord, who love Him and who is always pray so He will pray with you and your life will be blessed with him/her

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