25 Nov 2018

The Ten Commandments

I was born in a Seventh-Day Adventist family
And since I was a kid my parents had taught me the ten commandments of God
Not only read but to be memorized and performed this Ten Commandments 
Especially the fourth commandment, this important to obey.
I'm not saying that the other commandment are not important because there is written
Jesus said, that if we disobey one of the Ten Commandments we are sinned.
And as Ellen White said if we disobey the Fourth law we are disobey all God's law.
So until this day I still trying to keep and obey all the Ten Commandments in my life.

And God spake all these words, saying,  I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.  Thou shalt have no other gods before me.  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:  Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;  And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.  Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.  Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.  Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:  But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:  For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.  Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.  Thou shalt not kill.  Thou shalt not commit adultery.  Thou shalt not steal.  Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.  Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.
Exodus 20:1‭-‬17 KJV

23 Nov 2018

10 Years Being a Blogger

Being a blogger
Was not my dream,
Being a blogger, I just wanted to
Express my writing to the people.
But wow! It's been 10 year I wrote on this blog.
Wait a minute, I write on this blog for 10 years? What a great time.
I so appreciate the reader who's always support me.
And always said to keep write this blog and make you guys be blessed with my writings.
Thanks again to the Lord for giving me this talent to me and I can write my thoughts and bless other people with my poems and stories.
I will say now and forever that the Lord is so good to me.

Please Be Faithful

Bangun pagi
Yang kau lakukan
Mengambil HP mu
Melihat media sosial
Disana ada banyak status Orang
Banyak foto-foto yang diunggah disana
Banyak video yang tidak penting diunggah 
Atau memainkan game kesayanganmu 
Dan ketika kamu melihat itu semua maka
Kau akan asik dengan itu semua gantinya
Meluangkan waktu bersama Tuhan
Dan akhirnya kau menjadi alat setan yang mengganggu
Orang yang sedang membaca firman Tuhan.
Tolong setialah pada Tuhan yang telah memberkatimu
Setia itu bukan hanya pergi ke gereja setiap sabat
Setia itu bukan hanya melakukan kewajibanmu pada Tuhan
Dengan memberikan perpuluhan setiap engkau mendapatkan berkat
Setia itu adalah saat engkau mengenal Tuhan lewat firman-Nya
Saat pagi datang belajarlah untuk mengutamakan Tuhan dalam hidupmu
Saat bangun tidur di pagi hari biasakanlah dirimu berbicara dengan Tuhan
Saat engkau membuka mata di pagi hari bersyukurlah karena hidup yang masih diberikan padamu
Dekatkanlah dirimu pada Tuhan, jadilah sahabat dengan Tuhan,  dan mulailah harimu dengan Tuhan
Maka berkat takkan pernah berhenti mengalir dalam hidupmu seumur hidupmu

Up early
What you do
Take your smartphone
See social media
There are lots of People status
Many of the photos uploaded there
Many non-important videos are uploaded
Or maybe playing your favorite  games
And when you see it all then
You will be busy with it all than
Spending time with God
And finally you become an annoying to
People who are reading God's word.
Please be faithful to God who blessed you
Faithful is not just going to church every Sabbath
Faithful is not only doing your duty to God
By giving a tithe every time you get a blessing
Faithful is when you know God through His word
When morning comes learn to put God first in your life
When you wake up in the morning, make it a habit to talk to God
When you open your eyes in the morning, be grateful because life is still given to you
Get close to God, be friends with God, and start your day with God
Then blessings will never stop flowing in your life for the rest of your life

20 Nov 2018

A Girl's Dream

Mimpi bertemu dengan Tuhan
Adalah mimpi yang indah untuk
Seorang Gadis kecil
Kerinduannya untuk melihat Tuhan Yesus
Yang akan datang di awan-awan dan membuat dia tersenyum,
Menyembuhkan dia dari kecacatan yang dialaminya sejak lahir
Adalah angan-angan hatinya sampai di saat dia beranjak remaja dia mulai bertanya
Apakah Tuhan benar-benar akan datang dan menyembuhkannya?
Apakah itu hanyalah dongeng yang dikarang oleh orang?
Apakah Tuhan benar-benar ada? Atau aku hanya memimpikan sesuatu yang tidak mungkin?
Tapi ada sesuatu di dalam hatinya yang selalu menguatkan hatinya bahwa keyakinannya tidaklah salah.
Ketika membaca firman Tuhan dia dikuatkan lagi dan lagi sampai saat dia dewasa dia tetap percaya
Tuhannya suatu saat nanti akan datang dan membuat dia menjadi sempurna dan tidak ada lagi kesedihan yang akan datang padanya.

Dream of meeting God
Is a beautiful dream for
A little girl
Her longing is to see the Lord Jesus
What will come in the clouds and make her smile,
Heal her from the disability he experienced from birth
Is her wish until one day when she's was a teenager
So she's starts asking questions,
Will God really come and heal her?
Is that just a tale written by people?
Does God really exist? Or am I just dreaming of something impossible?
But there is something in her heart that
always strengthens his heart that her beliefs are not wrong.
When reading the word of God she was strengthened again and again until when she was an adult he still believed
His Lord will someday come and make her perfect and no more sadness will come to her.

18 Nov 2018

I Am Determined by Jennifer LaMountain

Darkness around me, sorrow surrounds me;
Though there be trials, still I can sing.
For I have this treasure – my God reigns within me,
And I am determined to live for the King.

I am determined to be invincible
‘Til He has finished His purpose in me.
And nothing shall shake me
For He’ll never forsake me
And I am determined to live for the King.

Hell’s gates are trembling from our prayers ascending
Darkness is crumbling from praises we sing.
Our Sovereign, Victorious is marching before us,
And we are determined to live for the King.


When I am weary – I’ll look to His face;
And when I am tempted,
I’ll trust in His grace ---
Yes, I’ll trust in His grace -----

I am determined to be invincible
‘Til He has finished His purpose in me.
And nothing shall shake me
For He’ll never forsake me
And I am determined –
I am determined ---
I am determined to live for My King.

9 Nov 2018

Jesus Christ Is Really Mean To Me

Tuhan Yesus
Aku sungguh mengagumiMu
Untukku Engkau satu-satunya Sahabat yang selalu aku andalkan
Engkau ada setiap hari dalam hidupku dan hatiku selalu ingin bertemu dengananMu
Aku hanya ingin bersamaMu dan menikmati baiknya kasih Bapa yang selalu aku rasakan
Aku tak pernah kekurangan walaupun aku hidup dalam keterbatasan fisik ini ya Tuhanku
Aku tahu Bapa menciptakan aku bukan tanpa alasan, selalu ada rencana di setiap ciptaan-Mu
Saat aku melihat orang yang bersahabat dengan mahluk halus, aku berkata dalam hati betapa beruntungnya aku karena Sahabatku adalah Engkau.
Banyak orang yang akan menyesatkan umatMu dan banyak orang terperdaya olehnya.
Tapi aku percaya Engkau tak akan membiarkan umatMu tersesat jikalau kami selalu mengundang Engkau masuk kedalam hati kami.
Entah kenapa,, aku begitu mengagumi diri-Mu? Mungkin karena semakin aku membaca atau mendengar firman-Mu semakin aku mencintaiMu.
Aku mencintai semua tentang Engkau dan tak pernah berhenti rasa kagumku padaMu setiap hari.
Engkaulah Sahabat terindah dalam hidupku, Sahabat yang selalu ada di setiap waktu, Sahabat yang mengangkat aku saat aku dalam keadaan yang terpuruk sekalipun.
Engkaulah Tuhan yang ajaib kuasaNya, seluruh mahluk tunduk dihadapanMu,  karena sebenarnya Engkaulah yang menciptakan mereka.
Engkaulah Tuhan yang memberikan kesembuhan kepada mereka yang membutuhkan uluran tanganMu, yang mengasuh anak yang telah kehilangan orang tua.
Yang memelihara orang-orang yang memiliki keterbatasan, yang berjanji saat Engkau datang kecacatan akan dipulihkan dan tak ada lagi yang akan menjadi seseorang yang cacat.
Engkau adalah yang awal dan akhir, yang telah ada sejak dunia belum di jadikan, yang akan mengakhiri penderitaan dunia karena dosa.
Tuhan terimakasih untuk semua kasih sayang, hikmat, berkat dan iman yang telah Engkau berikan dalam kehidupanku
Aku takkan pernah bisa seperti sekarang ini, bersaksi bagiMu, jika Engkau tidak besertaku.

Lord Jesus
I really admire you
For me, you are the only Friend I always rely on

You are there every day of my life and my heart always wants to meet you
I just want to be with you and enjoy the good love of the Father that I always feel
I have never lacked even though I live in this physical limitation, my Lord!
I know that the Father created me not without reason, there are always plans in each of your creations
When I see people who are friends with spirits, I tell myself how lucky I am because my friend is You.
Many people will mislead your people and many people are deceived by it.
But I believe you will not let your people get lost if we always invite you into our hearts.
I don't know why, I admire You? Maybe it because the more I read or hear Your words, the more I love You.

I love all about You and never stop my admiration for You every day.
You are the most beautiful friend of my life, a friend who is always there at all times, a friend who raised me when I was in a state of deterioration.
You are the God of His miraculous power, all beings submit before You, because in fact You created them.
You are the God who gives healing to those who need your helping hand, who cares for children who have lost their parents.
Those who care for people who have limitations, who promise when you come disability will be restored and no one will become someone who is disabled.
You are the beginning and the end, which has existed since the world has not yet been made, which will end the suffering of the world because of sin.
God, thank you for all the love, wisdom, blessings and faith that you have given me in my life
I will never be able to be like this now, testify to You, if You are not with me.

8 Nov 2018

Loving Jesus

Living life as disabled people
Sometime I feel no one love me,
And I feel alone in the life
No one understand my heart
I've been hanging out with this world
I was once a lover of a lesbian and another disgusting person
I was fall down so far far away in sin and I became a great sinner. 
But Jesus pick me up before I go so far from Him and said I want to save you
Jesus make me feel I have loved when nobody looking me down
He makes me feel more precious than before and I chose to obey Him
I'm not being this world friend or lover because now I have a great lover in my life
Now I'm a lover of Jesus Christ and I will change my thoughts that nobody loves me
Because loving Jesus Christ mean love myself and love my neighbor too.

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