15 Mar 2019

329 Take the World, but Give Me Jesus

Adventist-Hymnal song number 329

1 Take the world, but give me Jesus; All its Joys are but a name,
But His love abideth ever, Through eternal years the same.

Refrain Oh, the height and depth of mercy! Oh, the length and breadth of love!
Oh, the fullness of redemption, Pledge of endless life above.

2 Take the world, but give me Jesus, Sweetest comfort of my soul;
With my Savior watching o’er me, I can sing, though billows roll.

3 Take the world, but give me Jesus; Let me view His constant smile;
Then throughout my pilgrim journey Light will cheer me all the while.

4 Take the world, but give me Jesus; In His cross my trust shall be,
Till, with clearer, brighter vision Face to face my Lord I see.



Buangkan dunia t'rima Yesus, Fana seisi dunia

Tapi kekal kasih Yesus, Sampai s'lama-lamanya

Oh, anug'rah tak terduga, Oh kasih tak disangkal

Oh, tebusan yang sempurna, Karunia hidup kekal


Buangkan dunia t'rima Yesus, Penghiburan jiwaku

Dalam perlindungan Yesus, Aku nyanyi selalu.


Buangkan dunia t'rima Yesus, Ku memandang senyum-Nya

T'rang kasih-Nya membimbingku, Di jalanku ke surga.


Buangkan dunia, t'rima Yesus, Salib-Nya harapanku

Ku k'lak memandang di surga, Wajah Yesus Tuhanku.

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