11 Sept 2019

Unconditional Love

According to God’s Word, 
He loved us before the world was formed, 
before we loved Him or believed in Him or had ever done anything either right or wrong. 
Isn’t that amazing? 
God’s love for us was, is, and always will be unending and unconditional. 
Because God does not require us to earn His love, we can follow His example, not requiring others to earn ours. 
Love is not something we do and then don’t do. 
We should not turn it on and off, depending on who we want to give it to and how they are treating us. 
As believers in Jesus Christ, the love we can demonstrate to the world is the unconditional love of God flowing through us to them. 
We cannot understand this God-kind of love with our minds. It far surpasses mere knowledge. It is a revelation that God gives to His children. 
It is something we feel as we draw closer to the Lord, and it is something we can’t wait to share with those around us. 
Unconditional love always believes the best of people. 
It sees what they can become if only someone will love them. 
That is what God did for us. 
He believed the best and saw that His unconditional love could conform us to the image of His Son. 

If you’ll freely receive God’s love, you’ll be able to freely give that same love away.

And this commandment we have from Him: that he who loves God must love his brother also.
I John 4:21 NKJV

9 Sept 2019

Seventh Day Of Creation

I love playing
One of the applications on my smartphone
Bible Coloring-Paint with the number, that's the name of the application.
And in the story section, there is a story of the creation of heaven and earth.
On the first day, I can still agree with the picture that I will color.
Likewise, the next day until the sixth day of my creation I'm still fine with the picture that I will color.
But, I am very disturbed by the picture on the seventh day of the creation of heaven and earth.
As you can see in the picture on this page, this is a picture of the story in the creation story.
Honestly, I was surprised to see the Lord Jesus resting like that on the seventh day when He created the heavens and the earth.
It seems that God is tired of creating this heaven and earth so that He rests by sleeping.
Yet what is written in the Bible is God resting and blessing the seventh day when He created the heavens and the earth.
I want to know who created the application? I wonder if he read the Bible correctly, he just created the application?
But I still disagree with the picture that I just colored today, because I know very well the story of how God created the heavens and the earth and what happened on that seventh day.
My message to you who read my blog, read and study the Bible as well as possible.
Because, as much as any knowledge from the world, can not be compared to the wisdom of the knowledge of the Word of God.

2 Sept 2019

Give Me the Bible

Give me the Bible,
star of gladness gleaming, 
To cheer the wanderer
lone and tempest tossed, 
No storm can hide that
peaceful radiance beaming 
Since Jesus came
to seek and save the lost.

Give me the Bible--
holy message shining, 
Thy light shall guide me
in the narrow way. 
Precept and promise,
law and love combining, 
'Til night shall vanish
in eternal day. 

Give me the Bible
when my heart is broken, 
When sin and grief have
filled my soul with fear, 
Give me the precious
words by Jesus spoken, 
Hold up faith's lamp
to show my Savior near. 

Give me the Bible--
holy message shining, 
Thy light shall guide me
in the narrow way.
Precept and promise,
law and love combining, 
'Til night shall vanish
in eternal day. 

Give me the Bible,
all my steps enlighten, 
Teach me the danger
of these realms below, 
That lamp of safety,
o'er the gloom shall brighten, 
That light alone
the path of peace can show. 

Give me the Bible--
holy message shining, 
Thy light shall guide me
in the narrow way. 
Precept and promise,
law and love combining, 
'Til night shall vanish
in eternal day.

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