29 Nov 2019


It was such a lovely day and the sun was shining bright
A gentle breeze was blowin’ my way
Not a storm cloud in sight
Then suddenly without a warning
A storm surrounded my life
But even in the storm, I can feel the calm
And here’s the reason why

I know the Peacespeaker
I know Him by name
I know the Peacespeaker
He controls the winds and waves
When He says, “Peace, be still”
They have to obey
I'm glad I know the Peacespeaker
Yes, I know Him by name

There’s never been another man with the power of this friend
By simply saying, “Peace, be still,” He can calm the strongest wind
So now I'll never worry when storm clouds come my way
I know that He is near to drive away my fear
And I can smile and say

I know the Peacespeaker
I know Him by name
I know the Peacespeaker
He controls the winds and waves
When He says, “Peace, be still”
They have to obey
I'm glad I know the Peacespeaker
Yes, I know Him by name

Peace, peace wonderful peace
Coming down from the Father above

When he says, “Peace, be still”
They have to obey
I’m glad I know the Peacespeaker
Yes, I know Him by name
I’m glad I know the Peacespeaker
Yes, I know Him by name 

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