27 Dec 2019

Kid's Prayer

Hi all readers....
I'm back again with a song lyrics 
This is the second lyrics of the children's spiritual song, 
That I posted on this blog.
And both of them are about children's prayer.
Why children's song? Why that's about children's prayer?
Children's prayer is sincere prayer. 
listen carefully to this song. You will find the reason why you were created.

Dear God
Thank you for loving me
And giving me Your all
When i grow up
I was still beside in You
I want to know You more
I want to love You more
I'll never forget you Lord
In Jesus name

I want to know You Lord
You are a great big God
I'm young and do not know a lot
Come and be my all

I want to love You more
Giving You my life and all
You die for me you've sacrificed
I won't forget You Lord

Reff :
I love You Jesus
I'll grow up knowing You
I love You Jesus
I'll grow up serving You
I love You Jesus
My life is saved by You
I'll never forget, never forget
I'll grow up loving You

Stay the Same

Stay the Same
Joey McIntyre

Don't you ever wish
You were someone else
You were meant to be
The way you are exactly
Don't you ever say
You don't like the way you are
When you learn to love yourself
You're better off by far
And I hope you always stay the same
'Cause there's nothing 'bout you I would change
I think that you could be
Whatever you wanted to be
If you could realize
All the dreams you have inside
Don't be afraid
If you got something to say
Just open up your heart
And let it show you the way
Don't you ever wish
You were someone else
You were meant to be
The way you are exactly
Don't you ever say
You don't like the way you are
When you learn to love yourself
You're better off by far
And I hope you always stay the same
'Cause there's nothing 'bout you I would change
Believe in yourself
Reach down inside
The love you find will set you free
Believe in yourself
You will come alive
Have faith in what you do
You'll make it through
Don't you ever wish
You were someone else
You were meant to be
The way you are exactly
Don't you ever say
You don't like the way you are
When you learn to love yourself
You're better off by far
And I hope you always stay the same
'Cause there's nothing 'bout you I would change
Don't change

Christmas Hymns ¦ Anthem Lights Mashup

O little town of Bethlehem
How still we see thee lie
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
The silent stars go by

Silent Night
Holy Night
All is calm
All is bright
Round yon virgin
Mother and child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace

Away in a manger
No crib for His bed
The little Lord Jesus
Lay down His sweet head
The stars in the sky
Look down where He lay
The little Lord Jesus
Asleep on the hay

Radiant beams from Thy Holy Face
With the dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus, Lord, at Thy Birth!

Hark the herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn king"

Joyful Joyful Lord we adore thee
God of glory Lord of Love
Joyful all ye nations rise
Join the triumph of the skies
Melt the clouds of sin and sadness

Joy to the world! The Lord is come.
Let earth receive her King
Let every heart
Prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing (We sing)
And heaven and nature sing
Glory to the newborn king

The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight

18 Dec 2019

Heaven Was Exists Before The Hell Existed

Hi all readers!
How are you doing today?
I hope you all are fine.
Before I started my post I this content was always in my mind. 
So before I start to write this blog post, first I want to apologize to the songwriters who I will discuss the song here.
I don't want to offend anyone here. 
I know that whatever I write is what God wants me to declare to all of us what He want to tell to us. 
What the song that He want us to hear or sing. 
First, I want to discussing a song from John Lennon entitled Imagine.  let's pay attention to the lyrics of this song:


Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today... Aha-ah...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace... You...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world... You...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Writer(s): John Lennon, Yoko Ono

I know you will said that this song is talk about the world peace but try to read it carefully. 
Okay I will show you all one more song. This is indonesian song write by Akhmad Dhani. 
I will put the lyric here in Indonesian but I'll try to translate it into English.

Are all of us 
Apakah kita semua

Really sincere 
Benar-benar tulus

Worship Him? 
Menyembah pada-Nya?

Or maybe we just 
Atau mungkin kita hanya

Fear of hell 
Takut pada neraka

And want heaven?
Dan inginkan surga?

If heaven and hell never existed 
Jika surga dan neraka tak pernah ada

Do you still bow to Him? 
Masihkah kau bersujud kepada-Nya?

If heaven and hell never existed 
Jika surga dan neraka tak pernah ada 

Do you still say His name?
Masihkah kau menyebut nama-Nya?

Can all of us 
Bisakah kita semua

Really prostrate wholeheartedly? 
Benar-benar sujud sepenuh hati?

Because really He is 
Karena sungguh memang Dia

It is worth worshiping 
Memang pantas disembah

Adored indeed
Memang pantas dipuja

If heaven and hell never existed 
Jika surga dan neraka tak pernah ada

Do you still bow to Him? 
Masihkah kau bersujud kepada-Nya?

If heaven and hell never existed 
Jika surga dan neraka tak pernah ada

Do you still say His name?
Masihkah kau menyebut nama-Nya?

Are all of us
Apakah kita semua

Really sincere 
Benar-benar tulus

Worship Him? 
Menyembah pada-Nya?

Or maybe we just 
Ataukah mungkin kita hanya

Fear of hell 
Takut pada neraka

And only want heaven?
Dan hanya inginkan surga?

Can all of us 
Bisakah kita semua

Really prostrate wholeheartedly? Benar-benar sujud sepenuh hati?

Because really He is Karena sungguh memang Dia

It is worth worshiping Memang pantas disembah

Adored indeed
Memang pantas dipuja

If heaven and hell never existed 
Jika surga dan neraka tak pernah ada

Do you still bow to Him? 
Masihkah kau bersujud kepada-Nya?

If heaven and hell never existed 
Jika surga dan neraka tak pernah ada

Do you still say His name?
Masihkah kau menyebut nama-Nya?

If heaven and hell never existed?
Heaven is exists before the hell. 
And hell is exists because of sin. So if Dhani Ahmad says: "If heaven and hell never existed, Do you still bow to Him? If heaven and hell never existed 
Do you still say His name?
This song is not wrong.  This song teaches us that we must worship God sincerely.
But we shouldn't say, if heaven never existed.  Because heaven is where God lives.  We shouldn't say heaven never existed or if there was no heaven like what  is written on the introduction to the song Imagine.
If we said that it's mean we are doubting God's existence.
Now, if I asked, if a man never fallen into sin, are still heaven and hell will existed?
Heaven will always existed but hell will never existed if man never fallen into sin.

10 Dec 2019

A Child's Prayer

Heavenly Father, are you really there?

And do you hear and answer ev'ry child's prayer?

Some say that heaven is far away,

But I feel it close around me as I pray.

Heavenly Father, I remember now

Something that Jesus told disciples long ago:

"Suffer the children to come to me."

Father, in prayer I'm coming now to thee.

Pray, he is there;

Speak, he is list'ning.

You are his child;

His love now surrounds you.

He hears your prayer;

He loves the children.

Of such is the kingdom, the kingdom of heav'n.

Songwriters: Janice Kapp Perry 

3 Dec 2019

Peristiwa-Peristiwa Akhir Zaman Page 5: Pelajarilah Kitab Daniel dan Wahyu Secara Khusus

Firman Allah perlu dipelajari lebih mendalam; terutama kitab Daniel dan Wahyu harus mendapat perhatian lebih dari yang sudahsudah. . . . Terang yang diterima Daniel dari Allah telah diberikan khususnya untuk akhir zaman.— TM 112, 113 (1896).
Marilah kita membaca dan mempelajari kitab Daniel pasal dua belas. Itu adalah suatu amaran yang semua kita perlu memahaminya sebelum masa kesudahan.—15MR 228 (1903).
Kitab terakhir dari Perjanjian Baru penuh dengan kebenaran yang perlu kita pahami.—COL 133 (1900).
Ramalan-ramalan dalam kitab Wahyu yang belum digenapi akan segera digenapi. Nubuatan ini sekarang harus dipelajari dengan rajin oleh umat Allah dan harus dipahami dengan jelas. Kitab ini tidak menyembunyikan kebenaran; dengan jelas diberikannya amaran-amaran kepada kita tentang apa yang bakal terjadi.—1NL 96 (1903).
Pekabaran serius yang telah diberikan sesuai dengan urutannya dalam kitab Wahyu seharusnya menempati tempat utama dalam pikiran umat Allah.— 8T 302 (1904).

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