31 Jan 2020

Ringkasan Pel. SS tgl 01 Februari 2020


Ayat Hafalan, *Daniel 4:3 _“Betapa besarnya tanda-tandaNYA dan betapa hebatnya mujizat-mujizatNYA! KerajaanNYA adalah kerajaan yang kekal dan pemerintahanNYA turun-temurun!”_*

Kesombongan adalah *_“asal mula dosa sejati.”_* Dan pertama kali dibuat oleh Lusifer, seorang malaikat *Surga, Yehezkiel 28:17 _“Engkau sombong karena kecantikanmu, hikmatmu kaumusnahkan demi semarakmu. Ke bumi kau Kulempar, kepada raja-raja engkau Kuserahkan menjadi tontonan bagi matanya.”_*

Dan sekarang Lusifer menggunakan kesombongan untuk memimpin orang lain menuju kehancuran. Sesungguhnya manusia bergantung pada *ALLAH*, karunia apapun yang kita miliki, segala hal yang kita capai dengan karunia itu, datangnya hanya dari *ALLAH*. Oleh karena itu, bagaimana mungkin kita menjadi sombong.

Dan Nebukadnezar membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk memahami pentingnya kerendahan hati. Bahkan penampilan *_“Orang Keempat”_* dalam tungku perapian tidak mengubah jalan hidupnya *(Daniel 3)*.

*5 Tujuan pelajaran saat ini, adalah untuk mengetahui;*

*1.* Apakah *_“asal mula dosa sejati”_* dan kenapa dosa tersebut berbahaya? (Hari Minggu) 

*2.* Dosa lain apakah yang juga disoroti dalam *Daniel 4:27* dan mengapa kita harus melepaskan dosa tersebut? (Hari Senin)

*3.* Apakah tujuan utama penghukuman *Surga* bagi raja Nebukadnezar? (Hari Selasa)

*4.* Apakah maksud *ALLAH* dengan memberikan kesempatan-kesempatan bagi kita untuk membangun kembali hubungan yang baik dengan *NYA*? (Hari Rabu)

*5.* Pelajaran penting apakah yang kita dapat dari keseluruhan cerita di *Daniel 4*? (Hari Kamis)



*TUHAN* memberi Nebukadnezar mimpi yang kedua dan kali ini, raja tidak melupakan mimpinya. Tetapi karena para ahli Babel tidak dapat memberikan arti mimpi itu, maka raja memanggil Daniel untuk memberikan arti dari mimpi tersebut.

Dalam mimpi, raja melihat sebuah pohon besar mencapai ke langit dan seorang *_“Penjaga Kudus Surgawi”_* memerintahkan agar pohon itu ditebang. Hanya tunggul dan akarnya tersisa di bumi dan akan basah dengan embun *Surga*. 

Yang membuat Nebukadnezar bermasalah adalah bagian mimpi dimana *_“Penjaga Kudus Surgawi” berkata, “Biarlah hati manusianya berubah dan diberikan kepadanya hati binatang. Demikianlah berlaku atasnya sampai tujuh masa berlalu”_* (Daniel 4:16)*. 

Setelah raja menceritakan mimpinya maka Daniel dengan sopan menyatakan keinginannya bahwa mimpi ini biarlah menjadi bagian daripada musuh-musuh Nebukadnezar *(Daniel 4:19)* tetapi oleh karena kesetiaan pada pesan mimpi itu, maka Daniel mengatakan bahwa sebenarnya mimpi itu merujuk pada raja Nebukadnezar sendiri. 

Karena *_“pohon”_* umumnya digunakan dalam *Alkitab* sebagai lambang raja, bangsa dan kerajaan *(Yeh 17; Hos 14 ; Za 11:1,2 ; Luk 23:31)*. Jadi *_“pohon besar”_* itu merupakan gambaran yang pas dari seorang raja Nebukadnezar yang sombong. *ALLAH* lah memberikan kekuasaan kepada Nebukadnezar, namun Nebukadnezar terus menerus gagal mengenali bahwa segala yang ia miliki berasal dari *ALLAH*, ia lupa betapa sesungguhnya ia harus bergantung pada *ALLAH*.

*Pelajaran penting hari Minggu:*
*_“Asal mula dosa sejati” adalah kesombongan. Dan dosa kesombongan ini sangat berbahaya karena membuat kita lupa, betapa kita bergantung pada ALLAH untuk segala sesuatu.”_*



Daniel tidak hanya mengartikan mimpi tersebut, tetapi dia juga menunjukkan jalan keluarnya dengan memberikan nasihat kepada Nebukadnezar, *_“...lepaskanlah diri tuanku dari pada dosa dengan melakukan keadilan, dan dari pada kesalahan dengan menunjukkan belas kasihan terhadap orang yang tertindas...”_ (Daniel 4:27)*.
Sebenaranya raja Nebukadnezar melakukan pekerjaan pembangunan besar-besaran di Babel, tetapi kemegahan dan keindahan kerajaan Babel dicapai melalui eksplotasi tenaga budak dan pengabaian terhadap orang miskin. Lebih jauh lagi, kekayaan kerajaan digunakan hanya untuk memuaskan kesenangan raja dan kelompoknya.

Mengingat perhatian khusus yang diperlihatkan *ALLAH* kepada orang miskin, tidak mengherankan bahwa dari dosa-dosa lain yang disoroti Daniel di hadapan raja, Daniel menyatakan juga dosa tentang mengabaikan orang miskin.

Pesan untuk Nebukadnezar di *Daniel 4:27* bukanlah sesuatu yang baru. Para nabi *Perjanjian Lama* sering memperingatkan umat *ALLAH* agar tidak menindas orang miskin. Karena belas kasihan untuk orang miskin adalah ekspresi tertinggi dari amal kasih Kristen, sebaliknya, eksplotasi dan pengabaian orang miskin merupakan serangan terhadap *ALLAH* sendiri.
Pada saat kita melayani orang lain dengan harta milik kita, sesungguhnya kita sedang menghormati *ALLAH* dan mengakui Ketuhanan *NYA*. Jadi bagaimana kita mengakui kedaulatan *ALLAH* adalah dengan menyatakannya melalui membantu mereka yang membutuhkan.

*Pelajaran penting hari Senin:*
*_“Dosa yang disoroti Daniel 4:27 adalah dosa mengabaikan orang miskin oleh karena itu kita harus melepaskan dosa ini. Mengapa? Karena ALLAH sangat memperhatikan orang miskin, jadi apabila kita mengabaikan orang miskin itu berarti kita mengabaikan atau melawan ALLAH sendiri.”_*



Kesombongan Nebukadnezar yang tanpa henti menyebabkan dilaksanakannya hukuman dari ketetapan *Surgawi (Daniel 4:28-33)*.

Sementara Nebukadnezar berjalan di istana dan memuji dirinya sendiri atas apa yang telah dia capai, dia mengalami kondisi mental yang aneh yaitu kondisi dimana dia bertindak seperti binatang yang membuatnya terusir dari istana kerajaan.

Nebukadnezar harus mengalami cara yang sulit untuk mengakui ketergantungannya kepada *ALLAH*, dengan mencabut otoritas kerajaan dan mengirimnya untuk hidup seperti binatang. Adapun penghukuman atas raja Nebukadnezar memiliki tujuan utama bahwa *_“ALLAH di Surga lah yang berkuasa”_* kepada raja dan semua orang *(Daniel 4:17, 26)*.
*Pelajaran penting hari Selasa:*
*_“Tujuan utama dari penghukuman Surga ini adalah untuk mengingatkan kita semua bahwa ALLAH di Surga lah yang berkuasa atas segala sesuatu.”_*



*ALLAH* memang mengijinkan Nebukadnezar mengalami kondisi aneh tersebut, tetapi akhirnya *ALLAH* juga yang mengembalikan dia ke kondisi mental yang sehat. 

Dan itu terjadi pada akhir 7 tahun seperti yang disampaikan Daniel, dan dengan kerendahan hati akhirnya raja Nebukadnezar menengadah ke *Surga*, memuji, membesarkan dan memuliakan *Yang Mahatinggi (Daniel 4:34)*.

Tidak diragukan lagi, bilamana kita mengarahkan mata hati kita ke *Surga*, maka akan ada perubahan besar yang terjadi, seperti apa yang terjadi pada diri raja Nebukadnezar pada waktu pemahamannya kembali. Raja Nebukadnezar memberi bukti bahwa dia telah mempelajari pelajaran tersebut, pertanyaannya sekarang; *_“bagaimana dengan kita sekarang?”_*

Dari kisah ini kita dapat melihat belas kasihan *ALLAH*, karena setelah 3 kali raja kehilangan kesempatan untuk mengakui dan menerima *ALLAH* sebagai *TUHAN* atas hidupnya. Akhirnya pada kesempatan yang ke-4, *ALLAH* memenangkan hati raja dan mengembalikan kekuasaannya dan kemuliaannya *(Daniel 4:36)*.

*ALLAH* memberikan kesempatan-kesempatan kepada kita untuk mengembalikan kita ke hubungan yang benar dengan *NYA*, ini adalah kerinduan *NYA*, sebagaimana yang rasul Paulus nyatakan di *1 Tim 2:4 _“yang menghendaki supaya semua orang diselamatkan dan memperoleh pengetahuan akan kebenaran.”_*
*Pelajaran penting hari Rabu:*
*_“Kesempatan-kesempatan yang ALLAH berikan kepada kita maksudnya adalah untuk memperlihatkan belas kasihanNYA dan memperlihatkan kehendakNYA supaya semua orang diselamatkan dan memperoleh pengetahuan akan kebenaran.”_*



Bagaimanakah kita mengetahui bahwa raja Nebukadnezar telah menerima *ALLAH" yang benar? 

*1. Daniel 4* ditulis oleh raja Nebukadnezar sendiri ini adalah bukti besar dan fakta bahwa dia telah menerima *ALLAH* yang benar.
*2. Daniel 4* adalah merupakan transkripsi/salinan surat yang didistribusikan raja ke kerajaannnya yang luas. Dalam surat ini, raja menceritakan tentang kesombongan dan kondisinya yang aneh. Dan pada akhirnya dengan rendah hati mengakui campur tangan *ALLAH* dalam hidupnya.

*3.* Raja sekarang memiliki nilai-nilai luhur yang berbeda dan dapat mengenali keterbatasannya sebagai manusia. Ini dibuktikan dengan doa syukur yang mendalam, dan memuji *ALLAH* bahwa *_“semua penduduk bumi dianggap remeh”_ (Daniel 4:34,35)*, maksudnya, manusia tidak memiliki apapun yang bisa disombongkan atau dibanggakan.

Pada saat ini *ALLAH* rindu untuk terus mengubah hidup, tidak peduli seberapa sombong atau berdosa orang itu, di dalam *ALLAH* ada kemurahan dan kuasa untuk mengubah orang berdosa menjadi anak-anak *ALLAH*. Apakah kita rindu, kehidupan kita diubahkan oleh *ALLAH*?

*Pelajaran penting hari Kamis:*
*_“Pelajaran penting dari keseluruhan cerita daniel 4 adalah bahwa ALLAH rindu untuk terus mengubah hidup, tidak peduli seberapa sombong atau berdosa orang itu, di dalam ALLAH ada kemurahan dan kuasa untuk mengubah orang berdosa menjadi anak-anak ALLAH.”_*


Sekolah Sabat Dewasa: Buku Daniel

πŸ“– Pelajaran ✝ Alkitab πŸ“–

πŸ“œ D A N I E L πŸ”‘
Oleh: Elias Brazil de Souza , PhD.

Pelajaran ke-5 :
Dari Kesombongan Kepada Kerendahan Hati
Jumat, 31 Jan. 2020

Pemikiran Lebih Lanjut: 

"Raja yang tadinya sombong telah menjadi seorang anak Allah yang rendah hati; yang tadinya tangan besi, raja yang sombong, kini menjadi raja yang bijaksana dan sabar. Ia yang pemah menyangkal dan menghina Allah yang di surga, kini mengakui kuasa Yang Mahatinggi dan dengan sungguh-sungguh berusaha meningkatkan rasa takut akan Tuhan dan kebahagiaan rakyatnya. Di bawah peringatan keras dari Dia yang adalah Raja atas segala raja dan Tuhan atas segala tuan, pada akhirnya Nebukadnezar telah mempelajari pelajaran yang harus dipelajari oleh semua raja---bahwa kebesaran sejati terdiri atas kebaikan sejati. Ia mengakui Tuhan sebagai Allah yang hidup, berkata, 'Aku, Nebukadnezar, memuji meninggikan dan memuliakan Raja Surga, yang segala perbuatan-Nya adalah benar dan jalan-jalan-Nya adalah adil, dan yang sanggup merendahkan mereka yang berlaku congkak.' 

"Rencana Allah supaya kerajaan terbesar di dunia harus menunjukkan pujian kepada-Nya kini telah terlaksana. Penyataan secara umum ini, di mana Nebukadnezar mengakui kemurahan dan kebaikan serta kekuasaan Allah, adalah tindakan yang terakhir dalam kehidupannya yang tercatat dalam sejarah yang suci.”
~ Ellen G. White, Alfa dan Omega, jld. 4, hlm. 129. 

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan untuk Didiskusikan: 

1. “Kesombongan menuntun ke setiap sifat buruk lainnya: itu adalah kondisi pikiran yang sepenuhnya anti-Allah. Apakah ini menurut Anda berlebihan? Jika demikian, pikirkan lagi ...  Semakin sombong seseorang, maka ia akan semakin tidak suka pada kesombongan orang lain. Jika Anda ingin mengetahui seberapa sombong Anda, cara termudah adalah bertanya pada diri sendiri, 'Seberapa tidak sukakah saya ketika orang lain menghina saya, atau menolak untuk memperhatikan saya, atau menggurui saya, atau pamer kepada saya?' Intinya adalah bahwa kesombongan setiap orang bersaing dengan kesombongan orang lain. Ini disebabkan karena saya ingin menjadi suara besar di kumpulan itu sehingga saya sangat kesal pada orang lain yang menjadi suara besar. ”
~ C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity [New York: Touchstone, 1996], hlm. 110. 
Apakah yang dikatakan Lewis di sini yang mungkin dapat membantu Anda melihat kesombongan dalam hidup Anda sendiri? 

2. Tema yang terlihat dalam pasal ini, serta dalam beberapa pasal sebelumnya, adalah kedaulatan Allah. Mengapakah topik ini begitu penting untuk dipahami? Apakah peran yang dimainkan oleh hari Sabat dalam membantu kita memahami kebenaran penting ini?


Tuhan yang memberkati  πŸ™

An Appeal To The Youth: Grass River, N. Y. Aug., 1861

My Dear Children,

We, your father and mother, feel a deep interest for you. You may sometimes think that your parents are too strict, that they watch you too closely; but, dear boys, our love for you is great. We have dedicated you to God. You are his, and we must keep you separate from the world, that you may be the Lord's. We want your lives to be right and pleasing in his sight. Don't feel discouraged, my children. Satan is ready to lead your young minds; but go to God, seek him for strength, pray much, give your hearts’ best affections to him.

The ruler's possessions were entrusted to him that he might prove himself a faithful steward; he was to dispense these goods for the blessing of those in need. So God now entrusts men with means, with talents and opportunities, that they may be His agents in helping the poor and the suffering. He who uses his entrusted gifts as God designs becomes a co-worker with the Saviour. He wins souls to Christ, because he is a representative of His character.
We want you saved. We want you to be just right, and to live for God, and be an honor to his cause. Watch, Edson, against your besetments. Be sober, be watchful, and God will enable you to overcome. My dear little Willie, may the Lord bless you. We shall pray for you. Pray for yourselves.

Your affectionate Mother.

Christ Triumphant: Bitterness Leads to Disloyalty, January 31

And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. Genesis 4:5.

I beseech of all who engage in the work of murmuring and pitying themselves because something has been said or done that does not suit them, and that does not, as they think, give them due consideration, to remember that they are carrying on the very work Satan began in heaven. They are following in his track, sowing unbelief, discord, and disloyalty, for no one can entertain feelings of disaffection and keep it secret. They must tell others that they are not treated as they should be. Thus others are led to murmur and complain. This is the root of bitterness springing up, whereby many are defiled....

Thus Satan works today through his evil angels. He confederates with people who claim to be in the faith, and those who are trying to carry forward the work of God with fidelity ... will have just as severe trials brought against them as Satan can bring through those who claim to know the truth. Satan's success is proportionate to the light and knowledge these opposers have. The root of bitterness strikes down deep, and is communicated to others. Thus many are defiled....

Satan must deceive in order to lead away.... Underhand work must be done, a deceiving influence must be exerted; false pretenses must be set forth as truth; suspicion must be lulled to sleep. Satan will clothe temptation and sin with the garments of righteousness, and by this deception he will win many to his side. Christ pronounced Satan a liar and a murderer. Oh, that unwary souls would learn wisdom from God....

Test and trial will come to every soul that loves God. The Lord does not work a miracle to prevent this ordeal of trial, to shield His people from the temptations of Satan. If they are tempted severely, it is because circumstances have been so shaped by the apostasy of Satan that temptations are permitted in order that characters may be developed that will decide the fitness of the human family for the home in heaven, characters that will stand through all the pressure of unfavorable circumstances in private and public life.—Manuscript 57, 1896 (Manuscript Releases 18:363-365).

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_Kita tdk perlu takut akan masa depan, kecuali ketika kita melupakan bagaimana Tuhan telah memimpin kita_
⏸ *πŸ„΄πŸ„»πŸ„»πŸ„΄πŸ„½  πŸ„Ά  πŸ…†πŸ„·πŸ„ΈπŸ…ƒπŸ„΄* ⏸

πŸŒ– J A N U A R I πŸŒ”

Tanggal 31, Hari Jumat

πŸ“– Ayat Inti: Yohanes 7 : 17
_"Barangsiapa mau melakukan kehendak-Nya. la akan tahu entah ajaran-Ku ini berasal dari Allah, entah Aku berkata-kata dari diri-Ku sendiri._

Adalah tugas utama dan tertinggi setiap makhluk yang rasional yang mempelajari dari Alkitab apa itu kebenaran, lalu berjalan di dalam terangnya, dan mendorong orang-orang lain untuk mengikuti teladannya. Kita harus mempelajari Alkitab itu dengan tekun setiap hari, menimbang setiap pemikiran, dan membandingkan ayat dengan ayat lain. Dengan pertolongan Ilahi, kita membentuk sendiri pendapat kita untuk kita sendiri, sebagaimana kita harus menjawab untuk kita sendiri di hadirat Allah. 

Kebenaran yang jelas sekali dinyatakan di dalam Alkitab, telah ditanggapi dengan keragu-raguan dan ketidakjelasan oleh kaum terpelajar, yang dengan berpura-pura memiliki hikmat yang besar, mengajarkan bahwa Alkitab itu mempunyai arti rohani yang penuh mistik dan rahasia yang tidak kelihatan dalam bahasa yang digunakan. Orang-orang ini adalah guru-guru palsu. Kepada golongan seperti inilah Yesus menyatakan _“Kamu sesat, justru karena kamu tidak mengerti Kitab Suci maupun kuasa Allah.”_ (Markus 12: 24). Bahasa Alkitab harus dijelaskan sesuai dengan artinya yang sebenarnya, kecuali menggunakan lambang atau gambar. Kristus telah berjanji, _"Barangsiapa mau melakukan kehendak-Nya, ia akan tahu entah ajaran-Ku ini berasal dari Allah, entah Aku berkata-kata dari diri-Ku sendiri”_ (Yohanes 7: l7). Jikalau manusia menerima Alkitab sebagaimana ia dibaca, jikalau tidak ada guru-guru palsu yang menyesatkan dan membingungkan pikiran mereka, pekerjaan akan tercapai yang membuat malaikat-malaikat senang, dan yang akan membawa ke pihak Kristus ribuan orang yang sekarang sedang mengembara dalam kesalahan. 

Kita harus menggunakan seluruh kuasa pikiran untuk mempelajari Alkitab, dan mengerahkan pengertian kita untuk mengerti. sejauh yang dapat dipahami manusia fana, perkara-perkara yang dalam mengenai Allah. Namun kita tidak boleh lupa bahwa penurutan dan kepatuhan seorang anak adalah roh yang benar seorang pelajar. Hal-hal sulit di dalam Alkitab tidak pernah dapat diatasi dengan metode yang sama yang digunakan menangani masalah-masalah falsafah. Kita tidak boleh mempelajari Alkitab dengan bergantung kepada diri sendiri sebagaimana yang dilakukan banyak orang dalam bidang-bidang ilmu pengetahuan. Tetapi dengan bergantung kepada Allah di dalam doa, dan dengan kerinduan yang sungguh-sungguh untuk mengetahui kehendak-Nya.

✅ Kita harus datang dengan roh kerendahan hati dan dapat diajar untuk memperoleh pengetahuan dari YANG AKU ADA yang agung itu.* Jika tidak, malaikat-malaikat jahat akan membutakan pikiran kita sedemikian rupa dan mengeraskan hati kita sehingga kita tidak akan dipengaruhi oleh kebenaran.

Banyak bagian dari Alkitab yang dikatakan kaum terpelajar sebagai misteri atau dilewatkan sebagai yang tidak penting, adalah bagian-bagian yang penuh dengan penghiburan dan petunjuk kepada dia yang telah diajar di sekolah Kristus. _--Alfa dan Omega, jld. 8. hlm. 630, 631._

π•‹π•Œβ„π”Έβ„• π•„π”Όπ•„π”Ήπ”Όβ„π•‚π”Έπ•‹π•€πŸ™πŸ»

30 Jan 2020

An Appeal To The Youth: Rochester, N. Y., July, 1861

My Dear Children, Henry and Edson,

I will now write some things which are the opposite of slovenly and careless habits, copied from the same book from which the extract in my former letter was taken:

“The neat, orderly and careful boy has an invariable rule; ‘A place for every thing, and every thing in its place.’ Go into his room at any hour, you will find everything in order. He can go in the dark and lay his hands upon anything that he wants, so that he never runs the risk of setting the house on fire by carrying a light into his bed-room. He never leaves a thing at random where he happens to be using it, but always puts it where it belongs. When he undresses, every article of his clothing is folded and laid together in the order that it will be wanted in the morning, so that he loses no time in hunting for it. He is equally careful of his person. He never considers himself dressed, till he has washed his hands and face, cleaned his teeth, and combed his hair; and he never thinks of setting down to the table with dirty hands. He learns to keep his clothes neat and clean. He never forgets to use the scraper at the door, to remove the mud from his feet, and he makes it an invariable rule never to pass a mat without wiping his shoes. He never says, like the sloven, ‘I didn't think,’ to excuse himself. He would consider it unpardonable in him not to think; for what is the ability of thinking worth, if it never comes when it is wanted. The neat, orderly boy makes himself agreeable to his mother, or guardian, and friends, who are always glad to see him coming home. And home is a delightful place to him, because he meets with smiles and pleasant words. But the sloven exposes himself to sour looks and chiding, by his dirty habits; and he finds home a disagreeable place, because he makes it so.”

We want you, dear boys, to be patterns of neatness and order. Willie looks to you for example. He has great confidence that you do everything about right. Any wrong, careless habits in you, would be learning your youngest brother lessons which would make him unhappy, and cause us much inconvenience and grief. We are absent from you much, and you should feel that a responsibility rests upon you, my dear boys, to strictly guard yourselves from falling into wrong habits, and also save your brother Willie from doing wrong. A noble example before him, will do much to influence him to preserve correct habits. We commit you to God, earnestly praying that his angels may guard you all three, and incline your hearts to love him.

Your affectionate Mother.

Christ Triumphant: Abel's Offering Represented Christ's Sacrifice, January 30

Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. Genesis 4:6, 7.

In the working of God's people there are always times of test and trial, and God does not design that we shall shield men and women and youth from the liabilities that test the character. God will reveal His workings and will supply His attributes to the humble people who are seeking Him. Satan also will reveal his workings and will supply every soul he tempts with his attributes, his evil surmisings, his evil speaking and accusing of the brethren.

From this condition of things, the Lord cannot possibly shield those who place themselves on the enemy's side, for God does not compel the human mind. He gives His bright beams of light as a lamp to lead and guide all who will walk in the rays reflected from Him. That lamp, His Word, is a light unto our feet. But if people disregard the path lighted by the heavenly beams and choose a path suited to their own natural hearts, they will stumble on in darkness, not knowing where they stumble or why. They will accuse and hate the very ones who make straight paths for their feet.

The history of Cain and Abel will be repeated. Cain insisted on carrying out his own plans in his offering to the Lord. Abel was steadfast in carrying out the directions of the Lord. He would not be converted in Cain's way. Although the offering of Cain was a very acceptable one, that which made the offering required at all—the blood of the slain lamb—was left out. There could be no harmony between the two brothers, and contention must come. Abel could not concede to Cain without being guilty of disobedience to the special commands of God....

The Lord preferred the offering of Abel because it was correct. His offering was of value because it prefigured the redemption plan of God in the costly offering of His only begotten Son as the hope and salvation of the fallen race.

Cain was very angry when God accepted the offering of Abel and gave no sign that He recognized the offering of Cain, because it left out the true figure, the representation of the world's Redeemer. But the Lord did not give up His way and will to conciliate Cain. He reasoned with him: “Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door.”—Letter 16, 1897.

Sekolah Sabat Dewasa: Buku Daniel

πŸ“– Pelajaran ✝ Alkitab πŸ“–

πŸ“œ D A N I E L πŸ”‘
Oleh: Elias Brazil de Souza , PhD.

Pelajaran ke-5 :
Dari Kesombongan Kepada Kerendahan Hati
Kamis, 30 Jan. 2020 

Rendah Hati dan Bersyukur 

Raja yang bertobat menyatakan, “Semua penduduk bumi dianggap remeh” (Dan. 4: 35). Mengingat konteksnya, poin penting apakah yang dia buat? 

Bagaimanakah kita tahu bahwa Nebukadnezar benar-benar menerima Allah yang benar? Kita menemukan bukti besar dalam fakta bahwa Nebukadnezar sendiri adalah penulis Daniel 4. Memang, sebagian besar pasal ini tampaknya merupakan transkripsi surat yang didistribusikan raja ke kerajaannya yang luas. Dalam surat ini, raja menceritakan tentang kesombongan dan kegilaannya, dan dengan rendah hati mengakui campur tangan Tuhan dalam hidupnya. Raja-raja kuno jarang menulis sesuatu yang merendahkan diri mereka sendiri. Hampir semua dokumen kerajaan kuno yang kita tahu memuliakan raja. Oleh karena itu, dokumen seperti ini, di mana raja mengakui harga dirinya dan perilakunya yang keji, menunjukkan pertobatan sejati. Selain itu, dengan menulis surat yang menceritakan pengalamannya dan dengan rendah hati mengakui kedaulatan Tuhan, raja bertindak sebagai misionaris. Dia tidak bisa lagi menjaga dirinya sendiri apa yang telah dia alami dan pelajari dari Tuhan yang benar. Apa yang telah kita lihat di sini, kemudian, dalam doa dan pujian raja (Dan. 4: 34-3 7), mengungkapkan kenyataan dari pengalaman-Nya. 

Raja sekarang memiliki nilai-nilai luhur yang berbeda dan dapat mengenali keterbatasan kekuatan manusia. Dalam doa ucapan syukur yang mendalam, raja memuji kekuatan Allah Daniel dan mengakui bahwa “Semua penduduk bumi dianggap remeh” (Dan. 4: 35 ). Dengan kata lain, manusia tidak memiliki apa pun yang bisa dimegahkan. Demikianlah: pandangan terakhir Nebukadnezar dalam kitab Daniel ini menunjukkan seorang raja yang rendah hati dan bersyukur, menyanyikan pujian bagi Tuhan dan memperingatkan kita terhadap kesombongan. 

Tentu saja, pada saat ini Allah terus mengubah hidup. Tidak peduli seberapa sombong atau berdosa orang itu, di dalam Allah ada kemurahan dan kuasa untuk mengubah orang berdosa yang durhaka menjadi anak-anak Allah surgawi. 

Baca Filipi 2: 1-11. Apakah yang kita temukan di sini yang seharusnya menghilangkan kesombongan dalam hidup kita?


Tuhan yang memberkati  πŸ™


Bagaimana Cara Memperkuat Intelek?

Buku apa yang harus kita jadikan pedoman untuk memperkuat intelek kita?

Dari semua buku yang membanjiri dunia, betapa pun berharganya, Alkitab adalah buku dari segala buku, yang paling pantas dipelajari dan dikagumi. Alkitab tidak hanya memaparkan sejarah dunia ini tetapi juga gambaran dunia akan datang. Mengandung petunjuk mengenai keajaiban-keajaiban alam semesta; menyatakan pada pengertian kita, karakter Pencipta surga dan bumi. (FH 30.5)

Benarkah demikian?
_“Karena TUHANlah yang memberikan hikmat, dari mulut-Nya datang pengetahuan dan kepandaian.”_ (Amsal  2:6)

Jika kita membaca Firman Tuhan dengan sungguh-sungguh, maka Tuhan yang akan memberikan kita hikmat, pengetahuan, dan kepandaian yang membuat intelek kita lebih kuat.

Tidak ada pembelajaran yang lebih baik dalam memberikan energi pada pikiran, memperkuat intelek, daripada mempelajari Firman Tuhan.

Tidak ada buku lain yang lebih ampuh dalam mengangkat pikiran, memberikan kekuatan terhadap kecakapan, sebagaimana Alkitab, yang mengandung kebenaran yang paling mengagungkan. Jika Firman Allah dipelajari sebagaimana seharusnya, kita akan melihat luasnya pikiran, kestabilan tujuan, kemuliaan karakter, yang jarang terlihat di zaman ini. (FH 30.4)

Bagaimana cara mempelajari Alkitab? Besok kita akan membahasnya.

Biarlah hari ini kita belajar bahwa untuk menguatkan intelek kita, jangan pernah melupakan TUHAN yang adalah SUMBER HIKMAT “sebab di dalam Dialah tersembunyi segala harta hikmat dan pengetahuan.” (Kolose  2:3) dan jangan meminta hikmat dari yang lain, mintalah hikmat hanya dari TUHAN saja.

Selamat pagi dan Tuhan memberkati.

ⓇⒺⓃⓊⓃⒼⒶⓃ πŸ’–ⓅⒶⒼⒾ 2⃣0⃣2⃣0⃣πŸ…ΏπŸ†„πŸ…»πŸ…°πŸ…½πŸ…Ά πŸ…ΊπŸ…΄ πŸ†πŸ†„πŸ…ΌπŸ…°πŸ…·

_Kita tdk perlu takut akan masa depan, kecuali ketika kita melupakan bagaimana Tuhan telah memimpin kita_
πŸ„΄πŸ„»πŸ„»πŸ„΄πŸ„½  πŸ„Ά  πŸ…†πŸ„·πŸ„ΈπŸ…ƒπŸ„΄* ⏸

πŸŒ– J A N U A R I πŸŒ”

Tanggal 30, Hari Kamis

πŸ“– Ayat Inti: Yesaya 8 : 20
_"Carilah pengajaran dan kesaksian!" Siapa yang tidak berbicara sesuai dengan perkataan itu, maka baginya tldak terbit fajar._

Umat Allah dituntun kepada Alkitab sebagai perlindungan mereka terhadap pengaruh guru-guru palsu dan kuasa yang menipu dari roh-toh kegelapan. Setan menggunakan setiap sarana yang mungkin untuk mencegah manusia memperoleh pengetahuan mengenai Alkitab, karena kata-kata Alkitab yang jelas mengungkapkan penipuannya. Pada setiap kali pekerjaan Allah dibangunkan, raja kejahatan bangkit dengan lebih giat lagi. Sekarang ia menggunakan usahanya yang paling keras dalam perjuangannya yang terakhir melawan Kristus dan pengikut-pengikutNya. Penipuan besar terakhir akan segera digelar di hadapan kita. Antikristus akan melakukan pekerjaan-pekerjaannya yang mengherankan di depan mata kita. Begitu miripnya pemalsuan itu dengan aslinya, sehingga mustahil untuk membedakannya kecuali oleh AIkitab. Setiap pernyataan dan setiap mukjizat harus diuji oleh kesaksian Alkitab.

Mereka yang berusaha untuk menuruti semua perintah Allah akan ditentang dan dicemoohkan. Mereka bisa berdiri hanya di dalam dan oleh pertolongan Allah. Agar dapat menanggung pencobaan yang datang, mereka harus mengerti kehendak Allah sebagaimana yang dinyatakan di dalam Firman-Nya. Mereka bisa menghormati-Nya hanya apabila mereka
πŸ‘‰mempunyai pengertian yang benar mengenai tabiat-Nya,
πŸ‘‰pemerintahan-Nya dan maksud-maksud-Nya, dan
πŸ‘‰bertindak sesuai dengan itu.
Hanya mereka yang telah membentengi pikirannya dengan kebenaran-kebenaran Alkitab yang akan bertahan melewati pertentangan besar terakhir itu. Akan datang ujian penelitian yang mendalam kepada setiap jiwa: Akankah saya lebih menurut kepada Allah daripada kepada manusia? Bahkan saat yang menentukan sekarang sudah datang. Apakah kaki kita berpijak kukuh di atas batu karang Firman Allah yang tak berubah itu? Apakah kita bersedia untuk berdiri teguh mempertahankan perintah-perintah Allah dan iman kepada Yesus? ... 

Kebenaran dan kemuliaan Allah tidak bisa dipisahkan; mustahil bagi kita, menghormati Allah oleh pendapat-pendapat kita yang salah, sementara Alkitab ada dalam jangkauan kita. Banyak yang berpendapat bahwa tidak menjadi soal apa yang seseorang percayai, asal kehidupannya benar. Tetapi hidup itu dibentuk oleh kepercayaan atau iman. Jlka terang dan kebenaran berada dalam jangkauan kita, dan kita melalaikan kesempatan untuk mendengar dan melihatnya, sesungguhnya kita menolaknya. Kita memilih kegelapan lebih dari terang 

✅ Allah telah memberikan kepada kita Firman-Nya supaya kita menjadi terbiasa dengan ajaran-ajaran-Nya, dan mengetahui apa yang IA tuntut dari kita sendiri. Pada waktu ahli hukum itu datang kepada Yesus dengan pertanyaan, _“Guru, perbuatan baik apakah yang harus kuperbuat untuk memperoleh hidup yang kekal?”_ Juruselamat menunjuk kepada Alkitab dengan berkata, _“Apakah yang tertulis di dalam hukum itu? Bagaimanakah kamu baca?”_ (Lukas 10: 25, 26). _--Alfa dan Omega, jld 8 hlm. 624, 625, 629._

π•‹π•Œβ„π”Έβ„• π•„π”Όπ•„π”Ήπ”Όβ„π•‚π”Έπ•‹π•€πŸ™πŸ»

29 Jan 2020

An Appeal To The Youth: Eagle Harbor, N. Y., July 26, 1861

My Dear Children, Henry and Edson,

We have not forgotten you, dear boys; but we often think of you, and pray that blessing of God may be with you. We are anxious that you should form correct habits. We are from you so much, and you are left so much to yourselves, that you may be in danger of falling into careless habits, which will not increase your happiness, and which may make those around you unhappy. I have just been reading in a book entitled, “How to be a Man.” I will copy a few lines, and you can apply as your case is met. “Slovenliness. A slovenly boy makes himself a deal of needless trouble, and greatly tires the patience of his mother. If you go into his room you find it always in confusion. His things are scattered about, here and there, some on the bed, some on the chairs, and some on the floor, but none in their places. He either has no particular place for anything, or else he takes no pains to put things in their places. He leaves a thing where he uses it. Hence if he wants anything he never knows where to look for it, unless he happens to remember where he used it last. He must waste his time in hunting for it. Hence you will often hear him impatiently inquiring if any one has seen his things, when he ought himself to know where they are. If he goes into another person's room, whatever article he lays his hand upon is misplaced. And so it is if he uses any of his father's tools. He never thinks of putting anything where he found it. He throws it down carelessly wherever he happens to be, or else puts it in the wrong place. With these untidy habits, is associated carelessness. He never seems to be thinking what he is about. He lays his hat on a chair, or throws it upon the floor. Thus he tries the patience of his mother, and makes himself unwelcome at his own home.”

Dear children, I do not write merely for your amusement, but for your improvement. Learn where you fail, and then commence the work of reform in earnest. You must learn order. Have set hours to work in the garden, set hours in the heat of the day to arrange your garden seeds, set hours to read and improve your minds. Spend no precious moments in bickerings and finding fault with each other. This disturbs your own happiness, and pleases the enemy. Remember the eye of God is ever upon you. Endeavor to please him in all your acts. Make your peace with him while you are in health. Your parents have a deep interest for you. Our greatest desire is that you may be subjects of grace. You will never be saved against your will. You must prize salvation, and submit to be saved in the Lord's appointed way. Humble repentance of sin, and faith in Jesus as your Saviour, will be required on your part, and He is faithful that hath promised. He will accept you, and give you of his salvation. If you deny yourselves in many things, and refrain from sin for a season only, this will not be sufficient. It is a life of obedience which will please God and be acceptable to him. Delay not to make an entire consecration to God, that your names may be recorded in the Lamb's book of life.

Your affectionate Mother.


My Dear Willie,

I have just finished a letter to your brothers, and will now write you a few lines. I was glad to hear that you loved to visit grandpa and grandma White. Tell them that we have not forgotten them. We wish them to have a special care for their health. We hope they are well and happy. You must do your part to make them happy. They love you, Willie, very much, because you are not mischievous, and do not make them trouble by disarranging grandfather's tools. You should never grieve them by being noisy, for this often annoys aged people.

Be mild and gentle. You know that you dislike very much to play with rough, noisy boys. You feel annoyed with their ways. When you notice their failures, never do what you dislike in them. You have been a great comfort to us, because you have always been so anxious to do as we wished you to. This is right. You will be happy as long as you possess this spirit, and are so obedient. Visit your grandparents often, and study to make them happy, and they will always love you. Don't forget to pray, Willie. You love to go aside with your mother and spend a few moments in prayer. You can do the same although I am not with you. Jesus, the dear Saviour, will hear you just the same when alone. Don't neglect these seasons of prayer, my dear boy.

Your affectionate Mother.

Sekolah Sabat Dewasa: Buku Daniel

πŸ“– Pelajaran ✝ Alkitab πŸ“–

πŸ“œ D A N I E L πŸ”‘
Oleh: Elias Brazil de Souza , PhD.

Pelajaran ke-5 :
Dari Kesombongan Kepada Kerendahan Hati
Rabu, 29 Jan. 2020 

Menengadah ke Surga 

Baca Daniel 4: 34-37. Bagaimanakah, dan mengapakah, berbagai hal berubah untuk raja? 

Tuhan membiarkan Nebukadnezar terserang penyakit aneh, tetapi akhirnya Dia dengan mudah mengembalikannya ke kondisi mental yang sehat. Yang menarik, semuanya berubah ketika, pada akhir tujuh tahun yang diprediksi oleh nabi, raja yang sakit menengadah ke langit (Dan. 4: 34). 

“Selama tujuh tahun Nebukadnezar menjadi suatu keheranan bagi rakyatnya; karena tujuh tahun lamanya ia direndahkan di hadapan seluruh dunia. Kemudian akalnya dipulihkan dan dengan kerendahan hati memandang kepada Allah yang di surga, ia mengetahui dalam tangan Ilahi pukulan yang menimpa dirinya. Dalam pernyataan secara umum ia mengakui kesalahannya dan rahmat Allah yang besar dalam pemulihan dirinya.”
~ Ellen G. White, Alfa dan Omega,jld. 4, hlm. 128. 

Tidak diragukan, perubahan besar dapat terjadi ketika kita mengangkat mata kita ke surga. Segera setelah pemahamannya kembali, raja memberikan bukti bahwa dia telah mempelajari pelajaran ini. 

Tetapi kisah ini tidak sekadar berbicara tentang Nebukadnezar, namun mengenai belas kasihan Allah. Raja telah kehilangan tiga kesempatan sebelumnya untuk menerima Allah Israel sebagai Tuhan atas hidupnya. Kesempatan-kesempatan seperti itu tersedia baginya ketika dia mengakui
πŸ‘‰ kebijaksanaan luar biasa dari empat tawanan muda Yehuda (Dan. 1 ),
πŸ‘‰ ketika Daniel menafsirkan mimpinya (Dan. 2), dan
πŸ‘‰ ketika ketiga orang Ibrani diselamatkan dari tungku api (Dan. 3). 
Lagipula, jika penyelamatan itu tidak membuatnya rendah hati, apakah yang akan terjadi? Terlepas dari sikap keras kepala penguasa, Tuhan memberinya kesempatan keempat, akhirnya memenangkan hati raja, dan mengembalikannya ke kerajaannya (Dan. 4). Seperti yang digambarkan oleh kasus Nebukadnezar, Tuhan memberikan Satu kesempatan sesudah yang lain untuk mengembalikan kita ke hubungan yang benar dengan-Nya. Seperti yang ditulis Paulus berabad-abad kemudian, Tuhan “menghendaki supaya semua orang diselamatkan dan memperoleh pengetahuan akan kebenaran” (1 Tim. 2: 4). Kita melihat dalam kisah ini contoh kuat dari kebenaran itu. 

Apakah Anda pernah merasakan pengalaman direndahkan oleh Allah? Apakah yang Anda pelajari dari pengalaman itu? Perubahan apakah yang mungkin perlu Anda lakukan untuk menghindari keharusan mendapatkan pelajaran itu lagi?


Tuhan yang memberkati  πŸ™

Christ Triumphant: Faithfulness to God Excites Fury of Wicked, January 29

And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering: but unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. Genesis 4:4, 5.

The Lord gave Cain and Abel directions regarding the sacrifice they were to bring Him. Abel, a keeper of sheep, obeyed the Lord's command and brought a lamb as his offering. This lamb, as it was slain, represented the Lamb of God, who was to be slain for the sins of the world. Cain brought as an offering the fruit of the ground, his own produce. He was not willing to be dependent on Abel for an offering. He would not go to him for a lamb. He thought his own works perfect, and these he presented to God....

Cain talked with Abel about their sacrifices and charged God with partiality. Abel interceded with his brother, repeating to him the very words of God's command to them both regarding the offerings He required. Cain was provoked because his younger brother should presume to teach him. He allowed envy and jealousy to fill his heart. He hated his brother because he was preferred before him.

As Cain pondered over the matter, he grew still more angry. He saw his mistake in offering only his own substance before the Lord, without the fitting sacrifice of a lamb, but he determined to vindicate himself and condemn Abel. Satan worked through him, inspiring him with a desire to slay his brother....

By this history the Lord would teach everybody that His Word is to be implicitly obeyed. Cain and Abel represent two classes—the wicked and the righteous, those who follow their own way and those who conscientiously keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment....

Abel did not try to force Cain to obey God's command. It was Cain, inspired by Satan and filled with wrath, who used force. Furious because he could not compel Abel to disobey God and because God had accepted Abel's offering and refused his, which did not recognize the Saviour, Cain killed his brother.

The two parties represented by Cain and Abel will exist till the close of this earth's history. The well-doer, the obedient, does not war against the transgressor of God's holy law. But those who do not respect the law of God oppress and persecute other people. They follow their leader, who is an accuser of God and of those who are made perfect through obedience.... The spirit that leads people to accuse, condemn, imprison, and put to death other people has waxed strong in our world. It is this spirit that always works in the children of disobedience.—Manuscript 136, 1899.


Kepemimpinan Kristen part 35 - Pemimpin yang Lebih Baik

Apa yang seharusnya  dilakukan pemimpin?

"Mengikis habis roh yang kasar dan suka mencela ini. Engkau memerlukan kasih ibu yang lemah-lembut. Engkau memerlukan kasih Kristus. Maka engkau tidak akan mencari-cari salah; engkau akan memiliki sesuatu berupa kesabaran..." (SM 49.1)

Mari kita refleksikan diri kita sendiri:
# Apakah saya suka berkata dan berlaku kasar?

# Apakah saya suka mencela?

# Apakah saya suka mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain?

# Apakah saya sudah sabar?

Jadilah pemimpin yang serupa dengan Kristus dalam perkataan dan perbuatan karena Dialah teladan kita dalam segala hal.

"Barangsiapa mengatakan, bahwa ia ada di dalam Dia, ia wajib hidup sama seperti Kristus telah hidup." (1 Yohanes 2:6)

Selamat pagi dan Tuhan memberkati.

ⓇⒺⓃⓊⓃⒼⒶⓃ πŸ’–ⓅⒶⒼⒾ 2⃣0⃣2⃣0⃣πŸ…ΏπŸ†„πŸ…»πŸ…°πŸ…½πŸ…Ά πŸ…ΊπŸ…΄ πŸ†πŸ†„πŸ…ΌπŸ…°πŸ…·

_Kita tdk perlu takut akan masa depan, kecuali ketika kita melupakan bagaimana Tuhan telah memimpin kita_
⏸ *πŸ„΄πŸ„»πŸ„»πŸ„΄πŸ„½  πŸ„Ά  πŸ…†πŸ„·πŸ„ΈπŸ…ƒπŸ„΄* ⏸

πŸŒ– J A N U A R I πŸŒ”

Tanggal 29, Hari Rabu

πŸ“– Ayat Inti: Wahyu 3 : 8
"Kekuatanmu tidak seberapa, namun engkau menuruti Firman-Ku dan engkau tidak menyangkal nama-Ku "

Kebangunan-kebangunan rohani populer sering dihasilkan
πŸ‘‰oleh penarikan kepada imajinasi,
πŸ‘‰oleh membangkitkan emosi,
πŸ‘‰oleh memuaskan keinginan terhadap sesuatu yang baru dan mengagumkan.
Dengan demikian orang-orang yang bertobat dengan cara seperti itu tidak begitu tertarik untuk mendengarkan kebenaran Alkitab, tidak begitu tertarik kepada kesaksian para nabi dan para rasul. *Kecuali upacara keagamaan mempunyai sesuatu yang bersifat sensasi, maka hal itu tidak menarik bagi mereka.* Suatu pekabaran yang tidak menarik kepada logika tidak akan mendapat sambutan. Amaran sederhana yang jelas dari Firman Allah, yang berhubungan langsung dengan kepentingan hidup kekal mereka, tidak dihiraukan. 

Bagi setiap jiwa yang benar-benar bertobat, hubungan dengan Allah dan dengan perkara-perkara kekal adalah merupakan pokok utama dalam kehidupan. Tetapi dalam gereja-gereja popular sekarang ini, di manakah roh penyerahan kepada Allah? 

Dalam banyak kebangunan rohani yang terjadi selama setengah abad terakhir ini, pengaruh yang seperti itu sedikit banyaknya telah bekerja, yang akan dinyatakan dalam gerakan yang lebih luas lagi pada masa yang akan datang. Ada suatu luapan emosi, suatu pembauran antara yang benar dan yang salah, yang begitu baik dipadukan untuk menyesatkan. Namun tak seorang pun harus tertipu. Dalam terang Firman Allah tidak sulit untuk menentukan sifat gerakan-gerakan ini. Di mana saja manusia melalaikan kesaksian Alkitab, dan berpaling dari kebenaran yang jelas dan sederhana serta yang menguji jiwa, yang memerlukan penyangkalan diri dan meninggalkan hal-hal duniawi, kita boleh merasa pasti bahwa berkat-berkat Allah tidak diberikan di sana. Dan dengan peraturan yang telah diberikan Kristus sendiri, _“Dari buahnyalah kamu mengenal mereka"_ (Matius 7 : 16), sudah jelas bahwa gerakan-gerakan itu bukan pekerjaan Roh Allah. 

✅ Di dalam kebenaran Firman-Nya, Allah telah memberikan kepada manusia penyataan diri-Nya; dan bagi mereka yang menerimanya. penyataan ini adalah perisai melawan penipuan setan. Kelalaian akan kebenaran inilah yang telah membukakan pintu kepada si jahat yang sekarang menjadi begitu tersebar luas di dunia keagamaan. Sifat dan pentingnya hukum Allah sebegitu jauh telah di abaikan: Konsepsi yang salah mengenai tabiat, kekekalan dan tuntutan hukuln Ilahi, telah menuntun kepada kesalahan-kesalahan dalam hubungannya dengan pertobatan dan penyucian, dan telah mengakibatkan menurunnya ukuran kesalehan di dalam gereja. Di sinilah akan ditemukan rahasia kekurangan Roh kuasa Allah dalam kebangunan rohani pada zaman kita. _--Alfa dan Omega. jld, 8 hlm. 484-486._

π•‹π•Œβ„π”Έβ„• π•„π”Όπ•„π”Ήπ”Όβ„π•‚π”Έπ•‹π•€πŸ™πŸ»

28 Jan 2020


What shall I say about heaven?
All people have to long to go to heaven.  
Because there many eternal things in heaven. 
The people  of the world They wanted a good thing in this world 
But God's people wanted heaven more than anything.
Actually I am too longing for heaven too much, because I can live my Jesus there.
I really long for heaven because I don't want to live alone in this world anymore.  
Looking to the sky, makes me long for the coming of the Lord Jesus my Savior.
Every time I read his words, and the Spirit of Prophecy I feel peaceful in my heart. 
Every day in prayer always I said His will be done not my will. 
When Jesus come I believe I will will meet those I love who have rested in peace waiting for the day of the Savior's coming to wake them from their long sleep.
I will not be apart from my parents anymore and my mom will always with me never live apart from me anymore.
My mom will never struggle to work hard for me and her family anymore and I will see her happy because finally  she is with Jesus and her children there. 
Oh I'm longing for heaven if I think about how me and my family and friends will be there. 
Will you be with me there my friends? I longing you are there too and live with Jesus our Dear Savior.

An Appeal To The Youth: Plum River, Ills. March 25, 1861

My Dear Sons, Henry, Edson, and Willie,

I have been troubled in mind in regard, to you. The evening after the Sabbath I dreamed I was watching over Edson. He had been very sick, and was dying. Oh the anguish of my heart in that hour. I could not have the evidence that he loved God, and was prepared to die. I called Henry to me and told him that he and Willie were all that were left me. The three-fold cord was broken, and how lonely we all felt. I thought in my dream of the death-struggle of my dear babe, and next of Edson, and then of the unprepared state in which he died, and it seemed that my heart would break. I awoke myself weeping aloud.

Dear children, this dream has caused me to reflect, and has cast a sadness upon my spirits that I cannot immediately throw off. You are none of you too young to die. Do you understand the plan of salvation? Your righteousness cannot recommend you to God. I do not think that you are yet adopted into his family. Our sins caused Jesus to die a shameful death, that through his sufferings and death we might receive pardon. Can we receive the forgiveness of sins before we feel that we are sinners? and before we realize the sinfulness of sin? I think not. When we repent before God of our sins sincerely, we shall feel that without the pardoning blood of Christ we must perish. If we cast ourselves in our wretchedness wholly upon the mercy of Christ, and feel that unless he saves us we perish; when we yield our own will, our own way, and plead for Jesus to control our will and actions, then we come into a position where we can receive and appreciate pardon and the forgiveness of sin.

I am not writing to reprove you, children. You have been very kind, obedient children to us—sometimes wayward, but not stubborn. I hope you do not look at others who act wrong, and flatter yourselves that you are righteous, because you do better than they, but think seriously upon the good instruction you have had, and then inquire if you should not be far in advance of what you are. In short, have you not had sufficient light to yield your hearts to God, and love to follow Jesus, and be influenced by his sweet Spirit?

Your affectionate Mother.

Sekolah Sabat Dewasa: Buku Daniel

πŸ“– Pelajaran ✝ Alkitab πŸ“–

πŸ“œ D A N I E L πŸ”‘
Oleh: Elias Brazil de Souza , PhD.

Pelajaran ke-5 :
Dari Kesombongan Kepada Kerendahan Hati
Selasa, 28 Jan. 2020 

Yang Mahatinggi Berkuasa ...

Meskipun dia diperintahkan untuk bertobat dan mencari pengampunan Allah, kesombongan Nebukadnezar yang tanpa henti menyebabkan eksekusi dari ketetapan surgawi (Dan. 4: 28-33). Sementara raja berjalan di istananya dan memuji dirinya sendiri atas apa yang telah dia capai, dia menderita kondisi mental yang membuatnya terusir dari istana kerajaan. Dia mungkin pernah mengalami kondisi mental patologis yang disebut lychanthropy klinis atau zoanthropy. Kondisi seperti itu membuat pasien bertindak seperti binatang. Di zaman modern penyakit ini telah disebut “species dysphoria," perasaan bahwa tubuh seseorang adalah spesies yang salah dan, karenanya, berkeinginan untuk menjadi binatang. 

Baca 2 Raja-raja 20: 2-5; Yunus 3: 10; dan Yeremia 18: 7, 8. Apakah yang dikatakan ayat-ayat ini tentang kesempatan raja untuk menghindari hukuman? 

Sayangnya, Nebukadnezar harus belajar dengan cara yang sulit. Ketika diinvestasikan dengan kekuatan kerajaan, Nebukadnezar tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk merefleksikan hubungannya dengan Allah. Jadi, dengan mencabut dari raja otoritas kerajaan dan mengirimnya untuk hidup dengan binatang buas di ladang, Allah memberi raja kesempatan untuk mengakui ketergantungan total kepada-Nya. Sebenarnya, pelajaran utama yang Allah ingin ajarkan kepada raja yang sombong itu adalah bahwa “Surga berkuasa” (Dan. 4: 26, NKJV). Sungguh, penghakiman atas raja memiliki tujuan yang bahkan lebih besar dalam rancangan Allah, seperti yang dengan jelas dinyatakan dalam dekret makhluk-makhluk surgawi: “supaya orang-orang yang hidup tahu, bahwa Yang Mahatinggi berkuasa atas kerajaan manusia dan memberikannya kepada siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya, bahkan orang yang paling kecil sekalipun dapat diangkat-Nya untuk kedudukan itu” (Dan. 4: 17). 

Dengan kata lain, disiplin yang diterapkan pada Nebukadnezar harus menjadi pelajaran bagi kita semua juga. Karena kita termasuk dalam kelompok “yang hidup,” kita harus lebih memperhatikan pelajaran utama yang seharusnya kita pelajari bahwa “Yang Mahatinggi memerintah di kerajaan manusia.” 

Mengapakah mengetahui bahwa Yang Mahatinggi berkuasa merupakan pelajaran yang penting bagi kita untuk dipelajari? Bagaimanakah seharusnya pengetahuan ini berdampak pada bagaimana kita memperlakukan orang-orang yang di bawah kekuasaan kita?


Tuhan yang memberkati  πŸ™

Christ Triumphant: Hope Delayed But Not Terminated, January 28

When the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son ... to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as children. Galatians 4:4, 5, NRSV.

The Saviour's coming was foretold in Eden. When Adam and Eve first heard the promise, they looked for its speedy fulfillment. They joyfully welcomed their firstborn son, hoping that he might be the Deliverer. But the fulfillment of the promise tarried. Those who first received it died without the sight. From the days of Enoch the promise was repeated through patriarchs and prophets, keeping alive the hope of His appearing, and yet He came not. The prophecy of Daniel revealed the time of His advent, but not all rightly interpreted the message.... The hand of the oppressor was heavy upon Israel, and many were ready to exclaim, “The days are prolonged, and every vision faileth.”

But like the stars in the vast circuit of their appointed path, God's purposes know no haste and no delay. Through the symbols of the great darkness and the smoking furnace, God had revealed to Abraham the bondage of Israel in Egypt, and had declared that the time of their sojourning should be four hundred years. “Afterward,” He said, “shall they come out with great substance.” Against that word, all the power of Pharaoh's proud empire battled in vain. On “the selfsame day” appointed in the divine promise, “it came to pass, that all the hosts of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt.” So in heaven's council the hour for the coming of Christ had been determined.

When the great clock of time pointed to that hour, Jesus was born in Bethlehem. “When the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son.” Providence had directed the movements of nations, and the tide of human impulse and influence, until the world was ripe for the coming of the Deliverer. The nations were united under one government. One language was widely spoken and was everywhere recognized as the language of literature. From all lands the Jews of the dispersion gathered to Jerusalem to the annual feasts. As these returned to the places of their sojourn, they could spread throughout the world the tidings of the Messiah's coming....

While few understood the nature of Christ's mission, there was a widespread expectation of a mighty prince who should establish his kingdom in Israel, and who should come as a deliverer to the nations.—The Desire of Ages, 31-34.


Kepemimpinan Kristen part 34 - Kata Bersimpati

Apakah kalian memiliki talenta berbicara?

Jika anda nemiliki talenta berbicara, anda "harus selalu ingat bahwa talenta berbicara dipercayakan kepada mereka oleh Allah untuk menolong dan memberkati orang lain." (SM 47.1)

*"Ya alangkah besar berkat kata-kata yang menyenangkan dan bersimpati, - kata-kata yang mengangkat dan menguatkan!"* (SM 47.1)

"Ketika ditanya orang tidak boleh menjawab tergesa-gesa, tetapi dengan ramah. Hati orang yang mengajukan pertanyaan barangkali sakit dan pedih oleh suatu kesusahan tersembunyi, yang mungkin tak dapat diceritakan. Ini mungkin ia tidak tahu; itu sebabnya kata-katanya harus selalu ramah dan bersimpati. Dengan perkataan yang dipilih dengan sebaik-baiknya dan menolong, ia dapat menghilangkan beban berat dari pikiran seorang teman sekerja." (Review and Herald, 28 April 1903.)

Jadi penting kita menjaga lidah kita. Alkitabpun berkata, "Ada orang yang lancang mulutnya seperti tikaman pedang, tetapi lidah orang bijak mendatangkan kesembuhan." (Amsal 12:18)

Biarlah kata-kata kita bisa mendatangkan kesembuhan bagi banyak orang. Amin.

Selamat pagi dan Tuhan memberkati.

ⓇⒺⓃⓊⓃⒼⒶⓃ πŸ’–ⓅⒶⒼⒾ 2⃣0⃣2⃣0⃣πŸ…ΏπŸ†„πŸ…»πŸ…°πŸ…½πŸ…Ά πŸ…ΊπŸ…΄ πŸ†πŸ†„πŸ…ΌπŸ…°πŸ…·

_Kita tdk perlu takut akan masa depan, kecuali ketika kita melupakan bagaimana Tuhan telah memimpin kita_
⏸ *πŸ„΄πŸ„»πŸ„»πŸ„΄πŸ„½  πŸ„Ά  πŸ…†πŸ„·πŸ„ΈπŸ…ƒπŸ„΄* ⏸

πŸŒ– J A N U A R I πŸŒ”

Tanggal 28, Hari Selasa

πŸ“– Ayat Inti: Matius 13 : 17
"Sebab Aku berkata kepadamu: Sesungguhnya banyak nabi dan orang benar ingin melihat apa yang kamu lihat, tetapi tidak melihatnya."

Amaran-amaran dari sabda Allah mengenai bahaya-bahaya yang mengelilingi gereja Kristen menjadi bagian kita dewasa ini. Sebagaimana pada zaman rasul-rasul manusia mencoba oleh tradisi dan filsafat untuk merusakkan iman dalam Kitab Suci, demikian pula pada dewasa ini, oleh menyenangkan perasaan suka _“mengkritik yang lebih tinggi”,_ evolusi, spiritisme, teosofi, dan panteisme, musuh kebenaran sedang berusaha untuk memimpin jiwa-jiwa ke dalam jalan-jalan yang terlarang. Kepada banyak orang Alkitab adalah lampu tanpa minyak, sebab mereka telah membalikkan pikiran mereka ke dalam saluran kepercayaan secara untung-untungan yang membawa salah pengertian dan kekacauan. Pekerjaan kritik yang lebih tinggi, dalam menganalisis, menerka, memulihkan kembali, adalah memusnahkan iman dalam Kitab Suci sebagai kenyataan Ilahi. Hal itu adalah merampok sabda Allah dari kuasa untuk mengendalikan, untuk meninggikan, dan mengilhamkan kehidupan manusia. Oleh spiritisme, orang banyak diajar untuk percaya bahwa kemauan adalah hukum yang tertinggi, bahwa surat izin adalah kemerdekaan, dan bahwa manusia bertanggung jawab hanya kepada dirinya sendiri. 

Pengikut-pengikut Kristus akan bertemu dengan _“kata-kata yang indah”_ terhadap mana rasul mengamarkan orang-orang percaya di Kolose. Ia akan bertemu dengan tafsiran-tafsiran spiritualisme akan Kitab Suci, tetapi ia tidak menerimanya. Suaranya akan kedengaran dalam penegasan yang terang tentang kebenaran yang kekal dalam Kitab Suci. Menatap matanya tertuju kepada Kristus, ia harus bergerak dengan tetap pada jalan yang ditentukan, dengan tidak menghiraukan segala buah pikiran yang tidak sesuai dengan ajaran-Nya. Kebenaran Allah harus menjadi mata pelajaran untuk renungan dan meditasinya. Ia harus menganggap Kitab Suci sebagai suara Allah yang berbicara langsung kepadanya. Dengan demikian ia akan mendapati akal budi yang Ilahi. 

Pengetahuan Allah yang dinyatakan dalam Kristus adalah pengetahuan yang harus dimiliki oleh semua orang yang diselamatkan. Inilah pengetahuan yang mes ngerjakan perubahan tabiat. Diterima dalam kehidupan, itu akan menciptakan kembali jiwa dalam peta Kristus. Inilah pengetahuan yang Allah mengundang anak-anak-Nya untuk menerima, selain daripada itu semua perkara yang lain adalah kesia-siaan dan kekosongan.

Dalam setiap generasi dan dalam setiap negeri dasar yang benar untuk pembangunan tabiat adalah sama prinsip-prinsip yang termuat dalam Firman Allah. Satu-satunya peraturan yang aman dan pasti ialah untuk melakukan apa yang Allah katakan. _"Taurat Tuhan itu sempurna”_ dan _“siapa yang berlaku demikian, tidak akan goyah selama-lamanya.”_ (Mazmur 19: 8; 15: 5). Adalah dengan sabda Allah rasul berjumpa dengan teori palsu pada zamannya. _--Alfa dan Omega, jld. 7, hlm. 400, 401._

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27 Jan 2020

The Great Controversy Chapter 23—What is the Sanctuary?

he scripture which above all others had been both the foundation and the central pillar of the advent faith was the declaration: “Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” Daniel 8:14. These had been familiar words to all believers in the Lord's soon coming. By the lips of thousands was this prophecy repeated as the watchword of their faith. All felt that upon the events therein foretold depended their brightest expectations and most cherished hopes. These prophetic days had been shown to terminate in the autumn of 1844. In common with the rest of the Christian world, Adventists then held that the earth, or some portion of it, was the sanctuary. They understood that the cleansing of the sanctuary was the purification of the earth by the fires of the last great day, and that this would take place at the second advent. Hence the conclusion that Christ would return to the earth in 1844.
But the appointed time had passed, and the Lord had not appeared. The believers knew that God's word could not fail; their interpretation of the prophecy must be at fault; but where was the mistake? Many rashly cut the knot of difficulty by denying that the 2300 days ended in 1844. No reason could be given for this except that Christ had not come at the time they expected Him. They argued that if the prophetic days had ended in 1844, Christ would then have returned to cleanse the sanctuary by the purification of the earth by fire; and that since He had not come, the days could not have ended.
To accept this conclusion was to renounce the former reckoning of the prophetic periods. The 2300 days had been found to begin when the commandment of Artaxerxes for the restoration and building of Jerusalem went into effect, in the autumn of 457 B.C. Taking this as the starting point, there was perfect harmony in the application of all the events foretold in the explanation of that period in Daniel 9:25-27. Sixty-nine weeks, the first 483 of the 2300 years, were to reach to the Messiah, the Anointed One; and Christ's baptism and anointing by the Holy Spirit, A.D. 27, exactly fulfilled the specification. In the midst of the seventieth week, Messiah was to be cut off. Three and a half years after His baptism, Christ was crucified, in the spring of A.D. 31. The seventy weeks, or 490 years, were to pertain especially to the Jews. At the expiration of this period the nation sealed its rejection of Christ by the persecution of His disciples, and the apostles turned to the Gentiles, A.D. 34. The first 490 years of the 2300 having then ended, 1810 years would remain. From A.D. 34, 1810 years extend to 1844. “Then,” said the angel, “shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” All the preceding specifications of the prophecy had been unquestionably fulfilled at the time appointed.
With this reckoning, all was clear and harmonious, except that it was not seen that any event answering to the cleansing of the sanctuary had taken place in 1844. To deny that the days ended at that time was to involve the whole question in confusion, and to renounce positions which had been established by unmistakable fulfillments of prophecy.
But God had led His people in the great advent movement; His power and glory had attended the work, and He would not permit it to end in darkness and disappointment, to be reproached as a false and fanatical excitement. He would not leave His word involved in doubt and uncertainty. Though many abandoned their former reckoning of the prophetic periods and denied the correctness of the movement based thereon, others were unwilling to renounce points of faith and experience that were sustained by the Scriptures and by the witness of the Spirit of God. They believed that they had adopted sound principles of interpretation in their study of the prophecies, and that it was their duty to hold fast the truths already gained, and to continue the same course of Biblical research. With earnest prayer they reviewed their position and studied the Scriptures to discover their mistake. As they could see no error in their reckoning of the prophetic periods, they were led to examine more closely the subject of the sanctuary.
In their investigation they learned that there is no Scripture evidence sustaining the popular view that the earth is the sanctuary; but they found in the Bible a full explanation of the subject of the sanctuary, its nature, location, and services; the testimony of the sacred writers being so clear and ample as to place the matter beyond all question. The apostle Paul, in the Epistle to the Hebrews, says: “Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary. For there was a tabernacle made; the first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the shewbread; which is called the sanctuary. And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the holiest of all; which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant; and over it the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercy seat.” Hebrews 9:1-5.
The sanctuary to which Paul here refers was the tabernacle built by Moses at the command of God as the earthly dwelling place of the Most High. “Let them make Me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them” (Exodus 25:8), was the direction given to Moses while in the mount with God. The Israelites were journeying through the wilderness, and the tabernacle was so constructed that it could be removed from place to place; yet it was a structure of great magnificence. Its walls consisted of upright boards heavily plated with gold and set in sockets of silver, while the roof was formed of a series of curtains, or coverings, the outer of skins, the innermost of fine linen beautifully wrought with figures of cherubim. Besides the outer court, which contained the altar of burnt offering, the tabernacle itself consisted of two apartments called the holy and the most holy place, separated by a rich and beautiful curtain, or veil; a similar veil closed the entrance to the first apartment.
In the holy place was the candlestick, on the south, with its seven lamps giving light to the sanctuary both by day and by night; on the north stood the table of shewbread; and before the veil separating the holy from the most holy was the golden altar of incense, from which the cloud of fragrance, with the prayers of Israel, was daily ascending before God.
In the most holy place stood the ark, a chest of precious wood overlaid with gold, the depository of the two tables of stone upon which God had inscribed the law of Ten Commandments. Above the ark, and forming the cover to the sacred chest, was the mercy seat, a magnificent piece of workmanship, surmounted by two cherubim, one at each end, and all wrought of solid gold. In this apartment the divine presence was manifested in the cloud of glory between the cherubim.
After the settlement of the Hebrews in Canaan, the tabernacle was replaced by the temple of Solomon, which, though a permanent structure and upon a larger scale, observed the same proportions, and was similarly furnished. In this form the sanctuary existed—except while it lay in ruins in Daniel's time—until its destruction by the Romans, in A.D. 70.
This is the only sanctuary that ever existed on the earth, of which the Bible gives any information. This was declared by Paul to be the sanctuary of the first covenant. But has the new covenant no sanctuary?
Turning again to the book of Hebrews, the seekers for truth found that the existence of a second, or new-covenant sanctuary, was implied in the words of Paul already quoted: “Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary.” And the use of the word “also” intimates that Paul has before made mention of this sanctuary. Turning back to the beginning of the previous chapter, they read: “Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an High Priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens; a Minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man.” Hebrews 8:1, 2.
Here is revealed the sanctuary of the new covenant. The sanctuary of the first covenant was pitched by man, built by Moses; this is pitched by the Lord, not by man. In that sanctuary the earthly priests performed their service; in this, Christ, our great High Priest, ministers at God's right hand. One sanctuary was on earth, the other is in heaven.
Further, the tabernacle built by Moses was made after a pattern. The Lord directed him: “According to all that I show thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it.” And again the charge was given, “Look that thou make them after their pattern, which was showed thee in the mount.” Exodus 25:9, 40. And Paul says that the first tabernacle “was a figure for the time then present, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices;” that its holy places were “patterns of things in the heavens;” that the priests who offered gifts according to the law served “unto the example and shadow of heavenly things,” and that “Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us.” Hebrews 9:9, 23; 8:5; 9:24.
The sanctuary in heaven, in which Jesus ministers in our behalf, is the great original, of which the sanctuary built by Moses was a copy. God placed His Spirit upon the builders of the earthly sanctuary. The artistic skill displayed in its construction was a manifestation of divine wisdom. The walls had the appearance of massive gold, reflecting in every direction the light of the seven lamps of the golden candlestick. The table of shewbread and the altar of incense glittered like burnished gold. The gorgeous curtain which formed the ceiling, inwrought with figures of angels in blue and purple and scarlet, added to the beauty of the scene. And beyond the second veil was the holy Shekinah, the visible manifestation of God's glory, before which none but the high priest could enter and live.
The matchless splendor of the earthly tabernacle reflected to human vision the glories of that heavenly temple where Christ our forerunner ministers for us before the throne of God. The abiding place of the King of kings, where thousand thousands minister unto Him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stand before Him (Daniel 7:10); that temple, filled with the glory of the eternal throne, where seraphim, its shining guardians, veil their faces in adoration, could find, in the most magnificent structure ever reared by human hands, but a faint reflection of its vastness and glory. Yet important truths concerning the heavenly sanctuary and the great work there carried forward for man's redemption were taught by the earthly sanctuary and its services.
The holy places of the sanctuary in heaven are represented by the two apartments in the sanctuary on earth. As in vision the apostle John was granted a view of the temple of God in heaven, he beheld there “seven lamps of fire burning before the throne.” Revelation 4:5. He saw an angel “having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.” Revelation 8:3. Here the prophet was permitted to behold the first apartment of the sanctuary in heaven; and he saw there the “seven lamps of fire” and “the golden altar,” represented by the golden candlestick and the altar of incense in the sanctuary on earth. Again, “the temple of God was opened” (Revelation 11:19), and he looked within the inner veil, upon the holy of holies. Here he beheld “the ark of His testament,” represented by the sacred chest constructed by Moses to contain the law of God.
Thus those who were studying the subject found indisputable proof of the existence of a sanctuary in heaven. Moses made the earthly sanctuary after a pattern which was shown him. Paul teaches that that pattern was the true sanctuary which is in heaven. And John testifies that he saw it in heaven.
In the temple in heaven, the dwelling place of God, His throne is established in righteousness and judgment. In the most holy place is His law, the great rule of right by which all mankind are tested. The ark that enshrines the tables of the law is covered with the mercy seat, before which Christ pleads His blood in the sinner's behalf. Thus is represented the union of justice and mercy in the plan of human redemption. This union infinite wisdom alone could devise and infinite power accomplish; it is a union that fills all heaven with wonder and adoration. The cherubim of the earthly sanctuary, looking reverently down upon the mercy seat, represent the interest with which the heavenly host contemplate the work of redemption. This is the mystery of mercy into which angels desire to look—that God can be just while He justifies the repenting sinner and renews His intercourse with the fallen race; that Christ could stoop to raise unnumbered multitudes from the abyss of ruin and clothe them with the spotless garments of His own righteousness to unite with angels who have never fallen and to dwell forever in the presence of God.
The work of Christ as man's intercessor is presented in that beautiful prophecy of Zechariah concerning Him “whose name is the Branch.” Says the prophet: “He shall build the temple of the Lord; and He shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon His [the Father's] throne; and He shall be a priest upon His throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between Them both.” Zechariah 6:12, 13.
“He shall build the temple of the Lord.” By His sacrifice and mediation Christ is both the foundation and the builder of the church of God. The apostle Paul points to Him as “the chief Cornerstone; in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth into an holy temple in the Lord: in whom ye also,” he says, “are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.” Ephesians 2:20-22.
“He shall bear the glory.” To Christ belongs the glory of redemption for the fallen race. Through the eternal ages, the song of the ransomed ones will be: “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood, ... to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever.” Revelation 1:5, 6.
He “shall sit and rule upon His throne; and He shall be a priest upon His throne.” Not now “upon the throne of His glory;” the kingdom of glory has not yet been ushered in. Not until His work as a mediator shall be ended will God “give unto Him the throne of His father David,” a kingdom of which “there shall be no end.” Luke 1:32, 33. As a priest, Christ is now set down with the Father in His throne. Revelation 3:21. Upon the throne with the eternal, self-existent One is He who “hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows,” who “was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin,” that He might be “able to succor them that are tempted.” “If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father.” Isaiah 53:4; Hebrews 4:15; 2:18; 1 John 2:1. His intercession is that of a pierced and broken body, of a spotless life. The wounded hands, the pierced side, the marred feet, plead for fallen man, whose redemption was purchased at such infinite cost.
“And the counsel of peace shall be between Them both.” The love of the Father, no less than of the Son, is the fountain of salvation for the lost race. Said Jesus to His disciples before He went away: “I say not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you: for the Father Himself loveth you.” John 16:26, 27. God was “in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself.” 2 Corinthians 5:19. And in the ministration in the sanctuary above, “the counsel of peace shall be between Them both.” “God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
The question, What is the sanctuary? is clearly answered in the Scriptures. The term “sanctuary,” as used in the Bible, refers, first, to the tabernacle built by Moses, as a pattern of heavenly things; and, secondly, to the “true tabernacle” in heaven, to which the earthly sanctuary pointed. At the death of Christ the typical service ended. The “true tabernacle” in heaven is the sanctuary of the new covenant. And as the prophecy of Daniel 8:14 is fulfilled in this dispensation, the sanctuary to which it refers must be the sanctuary of the new covenant. At the termination of the 2300 days, in 1844, there had been no sanctuary on earth for many centuries. Thus the prophecy, “Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed,” unquestionably points to the sanctuary in heaven.
But the most important question remains to be answered: What is the cleansing of the sanctuary? That there was such a service in connection with the earthly sanctuary is stated in the Old Testament Scriptures. But can there be anything in heaven to be cleansed? In Hebrews 9 the cleansing of both the earthly and the heavenly sanctuary is plainly taught. “Almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these [the blood of animals]; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these” (Hebrews 9:22, 23), even the precious blood of Christ.
The cleansing, both in the typical and in the real service, must be accomplished with blood: in the former, with the blood of animals; in the latter, with the blood of Christ. Paul states, as the reason why this cleansing must be performed with blood, that without shedding of blood is no remission. Remission, or putting away of sin, is the work to be accomplished. But how could there be sin connected with the sanctuary, either in heaven or upon the earth? This may be learned by reference to the symbolic service; for the priests who officiated on earth, served “unto the example and shadow of heavenly things.” Hebrews 8:5.
The ministration of the earthly sanctuary consisted of two divisions; the priests ministered daily in the holy place, while once a year the high priest performed a special work of atonement in the most holy, for the cleansing of the sanctuary. Day by day the repentant sinner brought his offering to the door of the tabernacle and, placing his hand upon the victim's head, confessed his sins, thus in figure transferring them from himself to the innocent sacrifice. The animal was then slain. “Without shedding of blood,” says the apostle, there is no remission of sin. “The life of the flesh is in the blood.” Leviticus 17:11. The broken law of God demanded the life of the transgressor. The blood, representing the forfeited life of the sinner, whose guilt the victim bore, was carried by the priest into the holy place and sprinkled before the veil, behind which was the ark containing the law that the sinner had transgressed. By this ceremony the sin was, through the blood, transferred in figure to the sanctuary. In some cases the blood was not taken into the holy place; but the flesh was then to be eaten by the priest, as Moses directed the sons of Aaron, saying: “God hath given it you to bear the iniquity of the congregation.” Leviticus 10:17. Both ceremonies alike symbolized the transfer of the sin from the penitent to the sanctuary.
Such was the work that went on, day by day, throughout the year. The sins of Israel were thus transferred to the sanctuary, and a special work became necessary for their removal. God commanded that an atonement be made for each of the sacred apartments. “He shall make an atonement for the holy place, because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel, and because of their transgressions in all their sins: and so shall he do for the tabernacle of the congregation, that remaineth among them in the midst of their uncleanness.” An atonement was also to be made for the altar, to “cleanse it, and hallow it from the uncleanness of the children of Israel.” Leviticus 16:16, 19.
Once a year, on the great Day of Atonement, the priest entered the most holy place for the cleansing of the sanctuary. The work there performed completed the yearly round of ministration. On the Day of Atonement two kids of the goats were brought to the door of the tabernacle, and lots were cast upon them, “one lot for the Lord, and the other lot for the scapegoat.” Verse 8. The goat upon which fell the lot for the Lord was to be slain as a sin offering for the people. And the priest was to bring his blood within the veil and sprinkle it upon the mercy seat and before the mercy seat. The blood was also to be sprinkled upon the altar of incense that was before the veil.
“And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat, and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon the head of the goat, and shall send him away by the hand of a fit man into the wilderness: and the goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a land not inhabited.” Verses 21, 22. The scapegoat came no more into the camp of Israel, and the man who led him away was required to wash himself and his clothing with water before returning to the camp.
The whole ceremony was designed to impress the Israelites with the holiness of God and His abhorrence of sin; and, further, to show them that they could not come in contact with sin without becoming polluted. Every man was required to afflict his soul while this work of atonement was going forward. All business was to be laid aside, and the whole congregation of Israel were to spend the day in solemn humiliation before God, with prayer, fasting, and deep searching of heart.
Important truths concerning the atonement are taught by the typical service. A substitute was accepted in the sinner's stead; but the sin was not canceled by the blood of the victim. A means was thus provided by which it was transferred to the sanctuary. By the offering of blood the sinner acknowledged the authority of the law, confessed his guilt in transgression, and expressed his desire for pardon through faith in a Redeemer to come; but he was not yet entirely released from the condemnation of the law. On the Day of Atonement the high priest, having taken an offering from the congregation, went into the most holy place with the blood of this offering, and sprinkled it upon the mercy seat, directly over the law, to make satisfaction for its claims. Then, in his character of mediator, he took the sins upon himself and bore them from the sanctuary. Placing his hands upon the head of the scapegoat, he confessed over him all these sins, thus in figure transferring them from himself to the goat. The goat then bore them away, and they were regarded as forever separated from the people.
Such was the service performed “unto the example and shadow of heavenly things.” And what was done in type in the ministration of the earthly sanctuary is done in reality in the ministration of the heavenly sanctuary. After His ascension our Saviour began His work as our high priest. Says Paul: “Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us.” Hebrews 9:24.
The ministration of the priest throughout the year in the first apartment of the sanctuary, “within the veil” which formed the door and separated the holy place from the outer court, represents the work of ministration upon which Christ entered at His ascension. It was the work of the priest in the daily ministration to present before God the blood of the sin offering, also the incense which ascended with the prayers of Israel. So did Christ plead His blood before the Father in behalf of sinners, and present before Him also, with the precious fragrance of His own righteousness, the prayers of penitent believers. Such was the work of ministration in the first apartment of the sanctuary in heaven.
Thither the faith of Christ's disciples followed Him as He ascended from their sight. Here their hopes centered, “which hope we have,” said Paul, “as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil; whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest forever.” “Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood He entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.” Hebrews 6:19, 20; 9:12.
For eighteen centuries this work of ministration continued in the first apartment of the sanctuary. The blood of Christ, pleaded in behalf of penitent believers, secured their pardon and acceptance with the Father, yet their sins still remained upon the books of record. As in the typical service there was a work of atonement at the close of the year, so before Christ's work for the redemption of men is completed there is a work of atonement for the removal of sin from the sanctuary. This is the service which began when the 2300 days ended. At that time, as foretold by Daniel the prophet, our High Priest entered the most holy, to perform the last division of His solemn work—to cleanse the sanctuary.
As anciently the sins of the people were by faith placed upon the sin offering and through its blood transferred, in figure, to the earthly sanctuary, so in the new covenant the sins of the repentant are by faith placed upon Christ and transferred, in fact, to the heavenly sanctuary. And as the typical cleansing of the earthly was accomplished by the removal of the sins by which it had been polluted, so the actual cleansing of the heavenly is to be accomplished by the removal, or blotting out, of the sins which are there recorded. But before this can be accomplished, there must be an examination of the books of record to determine who, through repentance of sin and faith in Christ, are entitled to the benefits of His atonement. The cleansing of the sanctuary therefore involves a work of investigation—a work of judgment. This work must be performed prior to the coming of Christ to redeem His people; for when He comes, His reward is with Him to give to every man according to his works. Revelation 22:12.
Thus those who followed in the light of the prophetic word saw that, instead of coming to the earth at the termination of the 2300 days in 1844, Christ then entered the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary to perform the closing work of atonement preparatory to His coming.
It was seen, also, that while the sin offering pointed to Christ as a sacrifice, and the high priest represented Christ as a mediator, the scapegoat typified Satan, the author of sin, upon whom the sins of the truly penitent will finally be placed. When the high priest, by virtue of the blood of the sin offering, removed the sins from the sanctuary, he placed them upon the scapegoat. When Christ, by virtue of His own blood, removes the sins of His people from the heavenly sanctuary at the close of His ministration, He will place them upon Satan, who, in the execution of the judgment, must bear the final penalty. The scapegoat was sent away into a land not inhabited, never to come again into the congregation of Israel. So will Satan be forever banished from the presence of God and His people, and he will be blotted from existence in the final destruction of sin and sinners.

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