27 Jan 2020

An Appeal To The Youth: Dartmouth, Mass., Sept. 15, 1859

My Dear Children,

You should feel grateful to God for his care over you. Morning and evening you should have an interest in, and respect for, the hour of prayer, and from your hearts offer to God true gratitude. Shut out from your thoughts everything which would divert the mind from God, and while others are praying, fix your thoughts upward. When you pray, tell the dear Saviour just what you want in order to be kept from sin, and that you may have a heart to glorify him. Jesus deserves your gratitude and love. If you lack these things you cannot be children of God. Jesus can give you strength to overcome every fault. He can strengthen you in your purposes to do right. Keep from bad company. If you are annoyed or threatened in the streets by quarrelsome boys, do not retaliate. It is truly noble to forgive and pass over a wrong; but it is mean and cowardly to revenge an injury. Let me entreat you to be above everything like engaging in a dispute, or speaking disrespectfully or sneeringly of those who annoy you, and do not respect themselves enough to behave properly. Such boys are to be pitied. They have but little happiness.

Seek to set a noble example to others, and make them happy. Do not repeat things which you have heard to the injury of another. Ever seek to make peace. Jesus says, “Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God.” If you, my dear children, strive to make peace with one another, and ever love as brothers should, you will be blessed. Reflect, dear boys, if one of you should die and be laid in the silent grave, how bitterly would the living feel over every unkind word that had been spoken, every act which had grieved—all would be revived. Every little unkindness would prove a thorn to wound your heart.

Your affectionate Mother.

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