Tuesday June 9
Identifying the Little Horn
For centuries, the Protestant reformers identified the little-horn power of Daniel 7 and in Daniel 8 as the Roman church. Why?
Read Daniel 7:1–25 and Daniel 8:1–13. What are the common characteristics of the little horn in both chapters? How can we identify it?
There are seven common characteristics between the little horns of Daniel 7 and Daniel 8: (1) both are described as a horn; (2) both are persecuting powers (Dan. 7:21, 25; Dan. 8:10, 24); (3) both are self-exalting and blasphemous (Dan. 7:8, 20, 25; Dan. 8:10, 11, 25); (4) both target God’s people (Dan. 7:25, Dan. 8:24); (5) both have aspects of their activity delineated by prophetic time (Dan. 7:25; Dan. 8:13, 14); (6) both extend until the end of time (Dan. 7:25, 26; Dan. 8:17, 19); and (7) both are to be supernaturally destroyed (Dan. 7:11, 26; Dan. 8:25).
History identifies the first kingdom as Babylon (Dan. 2:38), the second as Media-Persia (Daniel 8:20), and the third as Greece (Dan. 8:21). History is unequivocal that after these world empires comes Rome.
In Daniel 2, the iron representing Rome continues into the feet of iron mixed with clay; that is, until the end of time. The little horn of Daniel 7 comes forth from the fourth beast but remains part of this fourth beast.
What power came out of Rome and continues its politico-religious influence for at least 1,260 years (see Dan. 7:25)? Only one power fits history and prophecy—the papacy. The papacy came into power among the 10 barbarian tribes of Europe and uprooted three of them (Dan. 7:24). The papacy was “ ‘ “different from the previous ones” ’ ” (Dan. 7:24, NASB), indicating its uniqueness compared to the other tribes. The papacy spoke “ ‘ “pompous words against the Most High” ’ ” (Dan. 7:25, NKJV) and “exalted himself as high as the Prince of the host” (Dan. 8:11, NKJV) by usurping the role of Jesus and replacing it with the pope. The papacy fulfilled the prediction of persecuting “ ‘ “the saints of the Most High” ’ ” (Dan. 7:25, NKJV) and casting down “some of the host” (Dan 8:10, NKJV) during the Counter-Reformation, when Protestants were slaughtered. The papacy sought “ ‘ “to change times and law” ’ ” (Dan. 7:25, NKJV) by removing the second commandment and changing the Sabbath to Sunday.
In Daniel 2, Daniel 7, and Daniel 8, after Greece, one power arises that exists to the end of time. What power could that be other than Rome, now in its papal stage? No matter how politically incorrect, why is this a crucial teaching of the three angels’ messages, and hence, a crucial component of present truth?
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