24 Jul 2020

Sabbath School for Adults: Making Friends for God: The Joy of Sharing in God’s Mission: Lesson 4: Prayer Power: Interceding for Others

July 24

Further Thought: Read Ellen G. White, “The Privilege of Prayer,” pp. 93–104, in Steps to Christ; “Work for Church Members,” pp. 19–24, in Testimonies for the Church, vol. 7.

When we pray for others, God honors our commitment to Him and our dependence on His power by employing all of the resources of heaven to transform human lives. As our prayers ascend to His throne, angelic beings spring into action at His command. “Ministering angels are waiting about the throne to instantly obey the mandate of Jesus Christ to answer every prayer offered in earnest, living faith.”—Ellen G. White, Selected Messages, book 2, p. 377. We have the assurance that not one prayer is lost, not one is forgotten by God. They are stored up in heaven to be answered at the time and place that He knows best. “The prayer of faith is never lost; but to claim that it will be always answered in the very way and for the particular thing we have expected, is presumption.”—Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol.1, p. 231. What encouragement this gives us as we intercede for our spouses, our sons and daughters, relatives, friends, and work associates who do not know Christ. Not one sincere prayer is ever lost. We may
not always see immediate answers in those we pray for, but God is moving upon their hearts in ways we will know only in eternity.

Discussion Questions:

 Read Philippians 1:19; Colossians 4:2, 3; and 2 Thessalonians 3:1, 2. During his imprisonment, what assurance did Paul have because of the Philippians’ prayers? What did he ask the Colossians and Thessalonians to pray for in his behalf? What relationship do these intercessory prayer requests have to soul winning?

 Dwell on the reality of the great controversy and the fact that it forms the grand narrative behind the world that we live in. How does your knowledge of this controversy help you realize the importance of prayer? Yes, Jesus won the war, and we know that His side wins in the end. But in the meantime, why is it so important that we be praying and seeking to do all that we can to stay faithful to Him and to work for the salvation of others?

 What are some of the hindrances to a more effective life of intercessory prayer? What kind of excuses do you use (if you do) to get out of praying more for others who need it?

Inside Story 

Faithful Soldier in Poland

By Slawomir Pacek

When the Polish military phased out MiG-21s for newer jets, I had the opportunity to leave my job as a mechanic for a new career.
I chose to work as an air traffic controller and took intensive classes for six months. But when I graduated, an eye doctor disqualified me, saying my vision wasn’t good enough.
Sadness overwhelmed me, and I prayed, “Why, God?”
I ended up doing odd jobs around the military base. The work left me with plenty of downtime, and I spent hours reading the Bible. A desire to know God grew within me.
At home, my wife, Aneta, joined me in reading the Bible. We noticed that several passages didn’t agree with what we had learned in our church. We read that the dead sleep in the ground, not in heaven or hell, and that the seventh day is the Sabbath.
One Saturday, Aneta and I decided to visit an Adventist church. We resolved to walk out immediately if we heard anything that disagreed with the Bible. We have never left.
A pastor gave us Bible studies, and I knew it was only a matter of time until I left the military. I could not keep the Sabbath and serve at the same time. But no Sabbath trouble arose. It was easy to trade Sabbath work shifts with other soldiers.
After several years, an opportunity came to be promoted to the position of leader of a mobile radar unit. I spoke openly with my commander about my faith and how I had been keeping the Sabbath.
The commander was surprised. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were trading shifts with your friends?” he asked. “As long as I’m in charge, you will be free every Saturday.”
Word about my faith spread, and soldiers came to me with spiritual questions.
But the impact of my faith only became clear when I prepared to retire after 29 years in the military.
A commander called me to his office for a private talk.
“I’ve started to read the Bible,” he said. “I have some questions for you.”
Looking back, I understand why God shut the door to the job of air traffic controller. If I had taken it, I would not have had time to study the Bible. I would not have been able to trade shifts to take off the Sabbath. I would not have been able to share my faith with so many soldiers.
Not everything went according to my plans, but God’s plans are the best.

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