19 Aug 2020

Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White: Preface

 In this little volume there is gathered for busy readers a choice selection of short articles from the writings of Mrs. E. G. White.

Mrs. White was engaged in evangelical work for more than seventy years. Her public ministry began in Maine, and closed in California. She addressed congregations, large and small, on religious and temperance themes, in nearly every state in the union. She also spent two years of very active service in England, France, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden; and eight years in Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania.

The story of her early life and her experiences from very childhood in winning souls to Christ, as told in this volume in her own simple language presents to the reader a most interesting narrative of Christian ministry.

Whether traveling by horse and carriage in the New England states of America, by canal boat in central New York, with a train of emigrant teams in Texas and Oklahoma, by tourist railroad trains to California, or by the great ocean steamers crossing the Atlantic or the Pacific Ocean, or wherever she might be, she sought to improve every opportunity to speak to the people “all the words of this life.”

In addition to her labors as an evangelist, Mrs. White contributed regularly to several religious journals. She also wrote many books. Foremost among these are five volumes describing the conflict carried on throughout the ages, between Christ and Satan. The first volume of this series, “The Story of Patriarchs and Prophets,” and the last of the series, “The Great Controversy,” have been translated and published in many languages. Her little book “Steps to Christ” has been printed in more than forty languages. All her writings breathe the purest devotion, and teach the highest morality. They reveal the devices of Satan, and warn us against his snares. They lead to Christ, and exalt the teachings of the Bible.

It was the cherished plan of Mrs. White to prepare for publication several small volumes, containing in the fewest pages, the mighty, soul-saving truth she loved to repeat to the people by voice and pen. And the initial steps in the compilation of these volumes were taken a short time before her death. The beginning of the compilation of this volume was a great joy to her. But she did not live to see its completion.

This little book is not the reproduction of any one of the author's works. It is a selection from her writings as found in many books and periodicals. Its presentation of the privileges and duties of the faithful Christian is clear and inspiring. Its pictures of the Christian's reward are beautiful and thrilling.

That it may be an encouragement to many readers, and become to them a help in the Christian life, is the hope and prayer of the Publishers.

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