29 Aug 2020

Sabbath School for Adults: Making Friends for God: The Joy of Sharing in God’s Mission: Lesson 10: An Exciting Way to Get Involved

 Lesson 10 *August 29–September 4

An Exciting Way to Get Involved

Sabbath Afternoon

Read for This Week’s Study: Gen. 1:1, 2, 26; Exod. 18:21–25; 1 Cor. 12:12–25; Acts 16:11–15, 40; Acts 4:31; Acts 12:12.

Memory Text: “Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest’ ” (Matthew 9:37, 38, NKJV).

Someone has said, “There is strength in numbers.” In a sense, that is true. Have you ever noticed that you are far more motivated to exercise if you are doing it with a group of people than if you have to exercise alone each day? Many people join health clubs, gyms, and exercise facilities because they believe that they will exercise more and enjoy it better if they are exercising with other people. In a similar way, God has created us for fellowship. We are social beings, and as with exercise it is true with many things in life: we do better if we have a social support system. This is especially true in spiritual matters.

Throughout the Bible, small groups are highlighted as one of God’s methods of strengthening our faith, increasing our knowledge of His Word, deepening our prayer life, and equipping us to witness. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit participated in a small group ministry. Jesus established His small group of disciples, and the apostle Paul traveled the Roman world with his small group of evangelistic companions.

During this week’s study, we will focus on the biblical basis for small groups, and you will discover an exciting way to get involved.

* Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, September 5.

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