19 Aug 2020

Sabbath School for Adults: Making Friends for God: The Joy of Sharing in God’s Mission: Lesson 8: Ministering Like Jesus

August 19

Jesus Healing Ministry: Part 2

Read Matthew 4:23-25 and Matthew 9:35. What threefold approach formed the basis for Christ’s ministry? How did He meet people’s needs, and what impact did it have on their lives?

Jesus combined the threefold ministry of teaching, preaching, and healing. He shared eternal principles so that all of us could live lives of meaning and purpose. He said, “ ‘I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly’ ” (John 10:10, NKJV). His ministry revealed a superabundance of grace. And Jesus came to enable us to live lives of “superabundance” now and forever.

Read Mark 1:32-39. Jesus spent all day healing the sick and casting out demons. After spending time in prayer the next morning when multitudes more were seeking even more healing, He left for another city. Why didn’t He heal them? Notice His own reason in Mark 1:38, 39.

This story is insightful. After healing multitudes the day before, the next day Jesus leaves the crowds, who are seeking Him and who are still in need of healing. His explanation is that the purpose for which He came into the world was to preach the gospel. Jesus was not merely some spectacular miracle worker. He was the divine Son of God who came on a redemptive mission. He was not content merely to heal physical diseases. He longed for people to receive the gift of eternal life that He had to offer. He clearly stated the purpose for His coming to earth in these words: “ ‘For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost’ ” (Luke 19:10, NKJV). Thus, each act of healing was an opportunity to reveal God’s character, relieve suffering, and provide an opportunity for eternal life.

Is it possible to live the abundant life Jesus offers if you are poverty- stricken or sick? Did Jesus offer people something deeper than physical healing? In what practical ways can we lead people to spiritual truths when we minister to their physical and emotional needs?

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