12 Oct 2020

Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White: Labors In Massachusetts

 A few weeks after this, on our way to Boston, we took the steamer at Portland. A violent storm came up, and we were in great peril. But through the mercy of God we were all landed safe.

Of our labors in Massachusetts during February and the first week in March, my husband wrote from Gorham, Maine, March 14, 1847, shortly after our return home:

“While we have been from our friends here near seven weeks, God has been merciful to us. He has been our strength on the sea and land. Ellen has enjoyed the best state of health for six weeks past that she has for so long a time for six years. We are both enjoying good health....

“Since we left Topsham, we have had some trying times. We have also had many glorious, heavenly, refreshing seasons. On the whole, it has been one of the best visits we ever had to Massachusetts. Our brethren at New Bedford and Fairhaven were mightily strengthened and confirmed in the truth and power of God. Brethren in other places were also much blessed.”

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