6 Oct 2020

Christian Service: The Definite Call

 Many will be called into the field to labor from house to house, giving Bible readings, and praying with those who are interested.—Testimonies for the Church 9:172.

Many workers are to act their part, doing house-to-house work, and giving Bible readings in families.—Testimonies for the Church 9:141.

Consecrated women should engage in Bible work from house to house.—Testimonies for the Church 9:120, 121.

If we follow in Christ's footsteps, we must come close to those who need our ministry. We must open the Bible to the understanding, present the claims of God's law, read the promises to the hesitating, arouse the careless, strengthen the weak.—Gospel Workers, 336.

In the experience of Philip and the Ethiopian is presented the work to which the Lord calls His people. The Ethiopian represents a large class who need missionaries like Philip, missionaries who will hear the voice of God, and go where He sends them. There are those in the world who are reading the Scriptures, but who cannot understand their import. The men and women who have a knowledge of God are needed to explain the word to these souls.—Testimonies for the Church 8:58, 59.

Among the members of our churches there should be more house-to-house labor, in giving Bible readings.—Testimonies for the Church 9:127.

Let the workers go from house to house, opening the Bible to the people.—Testimonies for the Church 9:123.

In many States there are settlements of industrious, well-to-do farmers, who have never had the truth for this time. Such places should be worked. Let our lay members take up this line of service. By lending or selling books, by distributing papers, and by holding Bible readings, our lay members could do much in their own neighborhoods. Filled with love for souls, they could proclaim the message with such power that many would be converted.—Testimonies for the Church 9:35.

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