18 Oct 2020

Last Day Events: Chapter 16—The Close of Probation (Part 3)

 Human Activity After Probation's Close

The righteous and the wicked will still be living upon the earth in their mortal state—men will be planting and building, eating and drinking, all unconscious that the final, irrevocable decision has been pronounced in the sanctuary above.—The Great Controversy, 491 (1911).

When the irrevocable decision of the sanctuary has been pronounced, and the destiny of the world has been forever fixed, the inhabitants of the earth will know it not. The forms of religion will be continued by a people from whom the Spirit of God has been finally withdrawn, and the Satanic zeal with which the prince of evil will inspire them for the accomplishment of his malignant designs, will bear the semblance of zeal for God.—The Great Controversy, 615 (1911).

The wheat and tares “grow together until the harvest.” In the discharge of life's duties the righteous will to the last be brought in contact with the ungodly. The children of light are scattered among the children of darkness, that the contrast may be seen by all.—Testimonies for the Church 5:100 (1882).

Christ declared that when He comes some of His waiting people will be engaged in business transactions. Some will be sowing in the field, others reaping and gathering in the harvest, and others grinding at the mill.—Manuscript 26, 1901.

Unbelief and Forbidden Pleasures Continue

Skepticism and that which is called science has to a large degree undermined the faith of the Christian world in their Bibles. Error and fables are gladly accepted, that they may pursue the path of self-indulgence and not be alarmed, for they are striving not to retain God in their knowledge. They say, “Tomorrow will be as this day and much more abundant.” But in the midst of their unbelief and Godless pleasure the shout of the archangel and the trump of God is heard....

When everything in our world is busy activity, immersed in selfish ambition for gain, Jesus comes as a thief.—Manuscript 15b, 1886.

When the professed people of God are uniting with the world, living as they live, and joining with them in forbidden pleasure; when the luxury of the world becomes the luxury of the church; when the marriage bells are chiming, and all are looking forward to many years of worldly prosperity—then, suddenly as the lightning flashes from the heavens, will come the end of their bright visions and delusive hopes.—The Great Controversy, 338, 339 (1911).

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