25 Nov 2020

Beginning of the End: God’s Purpose in Changing Their Language


Up to this time, everyone had been speaking the same language. Now those who could understand one another’s speech united in groups. Some went one way and some another. “The Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth.” This spread people all over the earth; and so the Lord’s plan was accomplished through the very means by which some had tried to prevent its fulfillment.

But at what a loss! It was God’s plan that as people would go out to different parts of the earth they would carry with them the light of truth. Noah, the faithful preacher of righteousness, lived for three hundred fifty years after the Flood, and Shem for five hundred years; as a result, their descendants had opportunities to learn the requirements of God and the history of His dealings with the human race. But they had no desire to keep God in their knowledge; and by the confusion of languages they were largely shut out from communicating with those who might have given them light.

Satan was trying to bring contempt on the sacrificial offerings that pointed to the death of Christ. As the minds of the people were darkened by idolatry, he led them to counterfeit these offerings by sacrificing their own children on the altars of their gods. As people turned away from God, the divine traits of character—justice, purity, and love—were replaced by oppression, violence, and brutality.

The residents of Babel had determined to establish a government independent of God. Some among them, however, feared the Lord. For the sake of these faithful ones, the Lord delayed His judgments and gave the people time to reveal their true character. The followers of God tried to turn them from their plan, but the people were fully united in their Heaven-daring project. If they had gone on unhindered, they would have corrupted the world in its infancy. If this alliance had been permitted, a mighty power would have emerged to banish righteousness—and with it peace, happiness, and security—from the earth.

Those who feared the Lord cried out to Him to intervene. “But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built.” In mercy to the world He defeated the plans of the tower-builders, and in mercy He confused their speech, stopping their rebellion. God is patient with human wickedness, giving opportunity for repentance. From time to time His unseen hand is stretched out to restrain wickedness. The world receives unmistakable evidence that the Creator of the universe is the Supreme Ruler of heaven and earth. No one can defy His power without reaping the results!

There are tower builders in our time. Humanists dare to pass sentence on God’s moral government. They despise His law and boast of human reason. Then, “because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil” (Ecclesiastes 8:11).

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