2 Nov 2020

Last Day Events: Chapter 18—The Seven Last Plagues and the Righteous (The Great Time of Trouble, Part 2) (Part 2)

 Terrible Beyond Comprehension

The season of distress and anguish before us will require a faith that can endure weariness, delay, and hunger—a faith that will not faint, though severely tried....

The “time of trouble such as never was,” is soon to open upon us; and we shall need an experience which we do not now possess, and which many are too indolent to obtain. It is often the case that trouble is greater in anticipation than in reality; but this is not true of the crisis before us. The most vivid presentation cannot reach the magnitude of the ordeal.—The Great Controversy, 621, 622 (1911).

When Jesus leaves the most holy His restraining Spirit is withdrawn from rulers and people. They are left to the control of evil angels. Then such laws will be made by the counsel and direction of Satan that, unless time should be very short, no flesh could be saved.—Testimonies For The Church 1:204 (1859).

Many Laid to Rest Before Time of Trouble

It is not always safe to ask for unconditional healing.... He knows whether or not those for whom petitions are offered would be able to endure the trial and test that would come upon them if they lived. He knows the end from the beginning. Many will be laid away to sleep before the fiery ordeal of the time of trouble shall come upon our world.—Counsels on Health, 375 (1892).

The Lord has often instructed me that many little ones are to be laid away before the time of trouble. We shall see our children again. We shall meet them and know them in the heavenly courts.—Selected Messages 2:259 (1899).

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