18 Dec 2020

Christian Service: Strengthen the Hands of the Workers

 God would be pleased to see far more accomplished by His people in the presentation of the truth for this time to the foreigners of America, than has been done in the past. Let us strengthen the hands of Elder Olsen [Elder O. A. Olsen was then general secretary for the North American Foreign Department of the General Conference.] and his associates in labor. Let us not permit them to struggle on alone, with only a meager allowance for the prosecution of their great work.—The Review and Herald, October 29, 1914.

Elder Olsen told us also of the encouraging beginnings among the Italians, Serbians, Rumanians, Russians, and several other nationalities. We rejoice with him in all that has been done, and yet our hearts were made sad by the knowledge that much that might have been done has been left undone because of lack of means. We hope that the special collection ... taken in all our churches in America, will enable our brethren having this department in charge to do more aggressive work in the great cities of the land. Thus many may be won to our ranks, and from among these may be developed laborers who can proclaim the message to those of their own nationality in our own land and in the other nations of earth.—The Review and Herald, October 29, 1914.

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